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Lady Die

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Everything posted by Lady Die

  1. Try some of Rose West's recipes
  2. Lady Die

    Not Exactly Famous...

    That's very sad. I'm so sorry you've lost your friend. [Posts moved -- MH]
  3. Lady Die

    DL Members' Secrets

    Big Yellow Storage sells cardboard boxes in various sizes. Hope that helps.
  4. Lady Die

    Princess Diana

    I wonder if Chas & Camilla had a little party to celebrate? No, they generally wait until the end of August for that. With a bit of grave-dancing no doubt.
  5. Lady Die


    According to this.... Can butterflies bite or sting? They are not able to because they do not have the necessary mouthparts. In contrast to other insects, the butterfly is a model of innocence. I wonder what the "necessary mouthparts" are?
  6. Lady Die

    Interesting Ways To Die...

    This man fell asleep on top of a cliff & rolled over the edge.
  7. Lady Die

    Princess Diana

    I wonder if Chas & Camilla had a little party to celebrate?
  8. Lady Die

    Jimmy Savile

    I thought he looked dreadful. And that gold foil tracksuit didn't do him any favours.
  9. Lady Die

    Near misses 2006

    Brian Mills, Coronation Street director, has died.
  10. Happy Birthday Windsor! Hope you have a really fab day. xx
  11. Buy one of Hitler's watercolours
  12. Lady Die

    UK Heatwave

    People are dropping like flies in California too.
  13. Lady Die

    Saddam Hussein

    I hope his execution (by whatever method) is televised. That would be interesting though. I can just imagine how the event would take place. Commentator:- "And now we go live to the execution of Saddam Hussein. And Heeeeeeeere's Saddam!!" Voice-Over:- "Saddam Hussein's execution was brought to you by Addidas, McDonald's and Pantene official sponsors of The Execution" I can't wait to buy the DVD so I can relive it again and again.
  14. Lady Die

    UK Heatwave

    The heatwave has killed 64 people in France.
  15. Lady Die

    Saddam Hussein

    I hope his execution (by whatever method) is televised.
  16. Lady Die


    No need to panic. It's back now & sod all is happening there.
  17. Lady Die

    Deathlist Comedy

    My daughter found a huge onion on the beach at Southend. I once found a dead rabbit in the sea!
  18. Lady Die

    Deathlist Comedy

    I have never had sex with a dwarf but I did once get hit on the head by a potato as I was walking along the street.
  19. Lady Die

    Brooke Astor

    Article about Ms Astor in today's Torygraph, 'Living in squalor off peas and porridge'.
  20. Lady Die

    Saddam Hussein

    Wonder if he was still wearing his pyjamas when he got back to the courtroom.
  21. Lady Die

    Saddam Hussein

    Saddam wants to be executed by firing squad Far too swift. Burning at the stake would be better.
  22. I doesn't let you select whether you want that nice green or blue gravel on your grave.
  23. Lady Die

    Animal Antics

    First Zizou, now this guy. I hope we're not going to have a spate of headbutting stories.
  24. Ladies, take an inflatable friend out for a drive.
  25. Lady Die

    Are You A Post Whore?

    I think you mean smarm

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