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Lady Die

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Everything posted by Lady Die

  1. Lady Die

    Queen Elizabeth II

    Can I have your autograph?
  2. Lady Die

    Ideas and possibilities for 2007

    Along the same lines - Graham Kerr, The Galloping Gourmet. Seems like he's discovered healthy living now but all those "slurps" must have taken their toll.
  3. Lady Die

    Near misses 2006

    Is that pre-twitch as well?
  4. Lady Die

    Titanic Survivors

    I feel as if I know her - she is mentioned so often here. wait, didn't someone just say that? say what?
  5. Lady Die

    Titanic Survivors

    I feel as if I know her - she is mentioned so often here.
  6. Lady Die

    Till Death Us Do Part

    I look like a rabbit in the headlights in my wedding video! However I have now been married for 13 happy years. My husband finds the DL thing a bit weird but he did help me pick my DDP team.
  7. Lady Die

    Near misses 2006

    Peter Law MP has died.
  8. I don't think Miss Piggy is a bimbo - aren't they supposed to be attractive?
  9. Lady Die

    Not Exactly Famous...

    Funeral directors forgot to put body in coffin.
  10. Lady Die

    Titanic Survivors

    Yes, Milvina dean is still alive Is it just me or is anyone else getting deja vu here? You know, it's uncanny. I had a feeling you were going to send that post about ten minutes ago. This is really spooky.
  11. Lady Die

    Titanic Survivors

    Yes, Milvina dean is still alive Is it just me or is anyone else getting deja vu here?
  12. Lady Die

    World War I Veteran(s)

    I think it's a shame that they're suggesting a state funeral for the last one. Just think how you'd feel if you were the family of the 2nd to last one to die. It's a nice idea though. That's really the last link to an age when men were men and people who understood that we could use a man like herbert hoover again. Problem is they might organise a state funeral for the "last" one & then another one might turn up!
  13. Lady Die

    Jane Tomlinson Killer Ride

    I just Googled London marathon fatalities and numbers reported (since the marathon started) vary from 5 to 8. Just goes to show that sport can be bad for your health. I will watch it from the safety of my settee. The ridiculous costumes can't help much - trying to run 26 miles dressed as a chicken could cause one to overheat.
  14. It was my DL anniversary yesterday (1 year) and I forgot!
  15. Lady Die

    Queen Elizabeth II

    Does that mean you watch daytime TV?
  16. Happy Birthday to The Queen (just in case she reads this website)
  17. Lady Die

    Jane Tomlinson Killer Ride

    Saw Jane on TV last night (talking to some people who are going to run the London Marathon) & she looks very well. Not sure if her hair is real though.
  18. Lady Die

    Queen Elizabeth II

    We can always rely on Windsor for Royal trivia. I've got the Queen pencilled in for my DDP team for 2026.
  19. Lady Die

    Ariel Sharon

    I wouldn't call them errors if they made him ill.
  20. It's Adolf Hitler's 117th birthday today. I know he's not a DL member but I bet he would have been if DL had been around in the 30s & 40s.
  21. Lady Die

    Michael Barrymore

    The police are going to review the case of that guy who drowned in Barrymore's pool Link here
  22. Lady Die

    Near misses 2006

    Former West Ham & Ipswich manager John Lyall has died.
  23. I am "The Everyday German" Achtung! You are 46% brainwashworthy, 36% antitolerant, and 33% blindly patriotic And I scored 81% for "Darkness" in the humour test.

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