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Lady Die

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Everything posted by Lady Die

  1. Lady Die

    Long Life

    Laughing can fend off heart attacks.
  2. Lady Die

    Derby Dead Pool 2006

    Oldest inmate on death row has been executed
  3. Lady Die

    Windsor Davies

    Wasn't he in "Judge John Deed" last week?
  4. Invite someone round for dinner
  5. Lady Die

    Two Earls of Shaftesbury

    I see that the 11th Earl of Shaftesbury has died - only a month after his father the 10th Earl. As Lady Bracknell might have said "To lose one Earl is unfortunate, to lose two is carelessness"
  6. Lady Die

    Richard O'Sullivan

    Oooh Mike Holoway. I remember him ... very nice. Here he is in 2004 and before
  7. Lady Die

    Richard O'Sullivan

    You're very welcome. I have that one already.
  8. Lady Die

    Richard O'Sullivan

    Look at this! A bargain at 99p.
  9. Lady Die

    Most Obsessive Deathlisters

    You should change your name to "Windser" to match
  10. Lady Die

    Near misses 2006

    Changed the spelling of his name to "Bryan" just before he died...
  11. Lady Die

    Paul Hunter

    He's a snooker player who spent his youth in dingy pool halls when he could have been walking the hills, breathing fresh air. He leans over tables and knocks little balls in to holes with sticks, a skill at which he excels and has earned him and his family a lot of money. He's not Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu for heavens's sake. He's not among the millions of Africans who will die this year simply because they were born in the wrong place. I hope he lives a long and happy life. The same goes for John Spencer, even if he is among my Hartlepool Deadlypool selection which means I will be unable to suppress a slight frisson of satisfaction if he clears the table this year. In the meantime I'll save most of my respect for people who go out in lifeboats, the fire fighters, the miners, the poor sods in the Mumbai slums and the homeless in Sri Lanka. Don't talk to the people here about respect until you learn the meaning of the word. And while you're looking it up, flick back a few pages and look up another - cretin. I've scraped better stuff than your comment off the sole of my shoe. Have a nice day. That should win the "Put-down of the Year" award!
  12. Lady Die

    Ariel Sharon

    Too many I'm afraid. I'm still hopeful though .... there are another 355 days for him to have a relapse or another stroke. Some encouraging stuff here.
  13. Listen to Death List, a Christian rock band.
  14. Lady Die

    37. Dick Cheney

    He's been taken to hospital
  15. Lady Die

    George Cole

    I saw him in a play a few years ago called "Lock up your daughters". It was the biggest pile of crap I've ever seen & I left at 1/2 time. Hope he dies soon to spare everyone more rubbish like that.
  16. Lady Die

    Near misses 2006

    Iain, please don't leave the forum!
  17. Lady Die

    Lou Rawls

    Is January 6th the earliest ever date for a first DL success of the year?
  18. Lady Die

    Have You Or Haven't You??

    So what was being dead actually like?
  19. Lady Die

    Lou Rawls

    What an excellent start to the year!
  20. Lady Die

    Ariel Sharon

  21. Lady Die

    Ariel Sharon

    His op is finished. No news yet on his condition.
  22. Lady Die

    Widens Immortals

    I like this thread. It has a certain je ne sais quoi.
  23. Lady Die

    Not Exactly Famous...

    And this man called a radio station & died on air. Another incident, same DJ

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