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Lady Die

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Everything posted by Lady Die

  1. Lady Die

    We Need A Messenger

    Aaahh the lovely Yogi again. The thread where he posted his "problem" was deleted. I suggested that these might help!! I think I might sign my cats up as DL members!
  2. I think only the Mods can put things on the calendar.
  3. Lady Die

    George Best

    Marjorie Wallace (1973, USA)
  4. Lady Die

    Anna Wing

    Great way to avoid the rude word filter!
  5. Lady Die

    George Best

    Can someone tell me exactly how one "fights" for one's life? It might be useful if I ever have a serious illness.
  6. Lady Die

    George Best

    Bloody hell he must have been on the phone for hours. He won't care - the bill will arrive after he dies, so he won't have to pay it.
  7. Lady Die

    George Best

    According to The Sun he's sent farewell messages to all his friends.
  8. Lady Die

    Richard O'Sullivan

  9. Lady Die

    Gerald Ford

    You are thinking of Harry S Truman
  10. Lady Die

    Ronnie Biggs

    That's not something you can say very often. BTW I am a Post-Twunt now. I thought I would feel different somehow, but I don't.
  11. Star Crossed, are you & DLO one and the same?
  12. I hope if I am terminally ill I will manage to find time to post something on DL.
  13. Lady Die

    George Best

    I heard he's on life support. Maybe they could put some alcohol in his drip. Imagine the flames at the crematorium!
  14. Aaaahhhh, this brings a tear to my eye. Well done for being in the Top 10 posters of the day
  15. Lady Die

    Richard O'Sullivan

    It's really not worth the effort! Well don't do it then LD. Sorry I spoke!! Just trying to be helpful.
  16. Lady Die

    Richard O'Sullivan

    It's really not worth the effort!
  17. Lady Die

    Deathlist Memories

    Congratulations - uppercase W at last!! My life has not been the same since joining Deathlist I couldn't wish for a better distraction from working!
  18. Lady Die

    Anna Wing

    If you don’t like this website, click the left button of your mouse on the little green arrow at the top left hand corner of your screen. Good riddance!! Well said! Sadly I can't see a little green arrow on my screen so I'll just have to stay around.
  19. Lady Die

    George Clooney

    Did he ban himself or were outside forces at work?
  20. Lady Die

    George Best

    I heard on the radio news that he's had surgery which is what caused the internal bleeding. Things don't sound too good for him. I've got mixed feelings - one one hand it's his own fault for abusing his body, but part of me feels sorry for him because he couldn't help it. Whatever, he was a fantastic footballer in his day. I hope he hangs on till 2006 so I can have him in my DDP squad.
  21. Lady Die

    Most Obsessive Deathlisters

    Open the champagne!!!
  22. Lady Die

    Richard O'Sullivan

    Damn! My cover is blown. Alan & I have actually been married for 10 years. oh well, we tried to not to give it away
  23. Lady Die

    Richard O'Sullivan

    Can't be arsed..... More like you can't wind us fans up cause you don't have a high enough IQ(neither does Baldie) Why don't you piss off & join a Man About the House forum. I think you'd be much happier there.
  24. Lady Die

    George Clooney

    If he does have suicidal tendencies he might be a candidate for next year's list

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