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Lady Die

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Everything posted by Lady Die

  1. Lady Die

    Richard O'Sullivan

    I do hope so. I loved "Butterflies".
  2. Lady Die

    The Remakable Banshees Scream

    Shame on you, windsor, for stealing the Reaper's avatar. Hope he doesn't sue. Agree with you about the "problum" thread though. I was enjoying it.
  3. Lady Die

    Bird Flu

    Everything now tastes of chicken except for (factory farmed) chicken which tastes of nothing at all.
  4. Lady Die

    Who's up next to die this year?

    whats caps lock? are you serious? Not if I can help it.
  5. Lady Die

    Who's Next?

    And we're now getting into the winter months so the cold weather might see off a few more.
  6. Lady Die

    Bird Flu

    You could move house....? Thanks for the suggestion. I'll see an estate agent today.
  7. Lady Die

    John Peel

    So you're a fan then?
  8. Lady Die

    Pope John Paul

    Sex: none, Violence: none, Nudity: none, Bad Language: none, Superstitious twaddle: loads
  9. Lady Die


    Definitely a waste of space.
  10. Lady Die

    RFC 616

    He is probably working in I.T. I remember him mentioning something about programming in a previous thread. But he's obviously a person who writes lots of memos at work.
  11. Lady Die

    RFC 616

    Hein, this is excellent! Do you work in local government? (something about your post suggests that you might....)
  12. Lady Die

    Who's Next?

    Patrick Moore got my vote. Hope they fire his ashes into space when he's gone (just like Scotty's)
  13. Lady Die

    Jane Tomlinson Killer Ride

    Jane is going to run the New York marathon
  14. Lady Die

    George Best

    It is bound to catch up with him sometime. With so many close calls, if he is put on the list, George Best could become deathlist's new Clive Dunn. Under the heading "George's NOT Best"
  15. Lady Die

    George Best

    He's getting better .... until he goes on another bender. How much longer can his body take the abuse he gives it?
  16. Lady Die

    Deathlist Merch

    Some nice novelty candles including Dracula's coffin & The Grim Reaper.
  17. Lady Die

    Jane Tomlinson Killer Ride

    My sister-in-law had breast cancer (all clear now) & had a theory on why Jane runs all these marathons. It's to get away from everyone fussing around asking how she is.
  18. Congrats on your 300th post! (Love your avatar)
  19. Lady Die

    Margaret Thatcher

    Jonathan Aitken?! I don't know who to feel more sorry for.
  20. Lady Die

    Leave This Man Alone!

    Please could someone close this thread & put us all out of our misery.
  21. Lady Die

    Leave This Man Alone!

    I shall resign myself to that.
  22. Lady Die

    Leave This Man Alone!

    What the **** is this thread about? I just read the whole thing & now I've got a headache.
  23. Lady Die

    Bird Flu

    As a precaution, my cats are now banned from bringing birds into the house. I haven't quite worked out yet how I'll stop them though.
  24. Lady Die

    Celebrity Death Fakers

    I voted for both (as a joke)
  25. Lady Die

    Margaret Thatcher

    It'd be more fun if it was Mark. He'd probably get lost in the jungle. One the subject of Carol, is it true that she once dated Richard Whiteley?

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