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Lady Die

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Everything posted by Lady Die

  1. Lady Die

    Michael Barrymore

    He's on suicide watch. I'd like to watch as well .... and maybe help him out if he needs some razor blades for a shave or a belt for his trousers (he's probably lost weight eating prison food).
  2. Lady Die

    Kurt Waldheim

    At last! Death #2!!
  3. Certainly! But then you'd have to pay taxes on it. No probs. At least it would be more use to me alive than dead.
  4. I'm worth $4725. I wonder if I could have the money in advance?
  5. Discuss roads zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  6. Lady Die

    Pope Benedict XVI

    Even though "The Pope Wears Prada"? That's not very humble of him, is it? Isn't there something in the bible about camels & eyes of needles? To be sure of a place in heaven the Pope should wear Primark or Matalan.
  7. Lady Die

    Princess Diana

    The gore levels were too much for me. At one point they showed a photo of Mohammed Al Fayed! Well, yes, seeing the phoney pharoah was a bit of a shocker, but the Diana pix were very disappointing.
  8. Lady Die

    Princess Diana

    I watched the Channel 4 documentary & felt completely cheated. I was looking forward to some juicy crash photos & all they showed was some grainy pic of a woman with a grey rectangle for a face.
  9. Lady Die

    London 2012 Olympics

    Someone on the BBC's "Have your say" likened it to Lisa Simpson giving Bart a blowjob.
  10. Lady Die

    Animal Antics

    Another animal story... Boy killed by komodo dragon When I was a kid I thought they were called kimono dragons & had this weird vision of a giant lizard in a silk dressing gown.
  11. Lady Die

    Animal Antics

    Absolutely priceless, what do you suppose panda 'commando school' is like? Probably very similar to SAS training.
  12. Lady Die

    Animal Antics

    Xiang Xiang, a panda who was released into the wild after being born in captivity, has been found dead
  13. Lady Die

    Comedy & Death - Great Combination

    A great selection of emusic
  14. Happy Birthday scsibear and Star Crossed!
  15. Lady Die

    Room 101

    After watching Jeremy Kyle I think the time limit for abortions should be increased to 21 years. And I think Catholic priests should mind their own sanctimonious business (I am an atheist too)
  16. Lady Die

    Read Any Good Books Lately?

    Make that three. I grew up there too. Did you know the Wests?
  17. Lady Die

    Read Any Good Books Lately?

    I've just read The Life of Pi & I can recommend it. Now I've just started Happy Like Murderers (about Fred & Rose West). How lovely that two such kindred spirits were both living in Gloucester at the same time.
  18. I guess Bou is the first DL moderator to give birth "in office" ?
  19. Lady Die

    Jacques Brel's Imitation Jelly Jewellery

    I just bought a double CD set of the music of Laurel & Hardy .... great stuff.
  20. Well done Bou & Mr Bou !!
  21. Lady Die

    Animal Antics

    Man trampled by cows....
  22. Lady Die

    I Destroy the Royal Family

    Oh, you surely haven't fallen for that idiotic rumour, have you? When was the last(before Harry) royal ginga Entropy? Is Harry's hair hue hereditary? The Spencers had the ginger gene. Or so Diana's brother said. And Henry VIII and Elizabeth I were both gingers. I guess Harry is ginger because Diana had a bit of ginger in her....
  23. Belated congrats from me too, Lady G. We definitely needed another female mod!
  24. Lady Die

    The Dead - 2007

    This poor man died after running into a lamppost. I must be a bad person because I think it's funny.

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