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Everything posted by sympathyforthedevil

  1. sympathyforthedevil

    Irate Visitors Rage Here, If You Must.

    Obvious attempt to be controversial is obvious.
  2. sympathyforthedevil

    Shane MacGowan

    Sounds about normal for him though. I wouldn't take that as a sign he's close to death.
  3. sympathyforthedevil

    Margaret Thatcher

    There's still New Years' Eve. Would be a great way to round off the year!
  4. sympathyforthedevil

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    He would be a good pick for the 2012 list but I don't want to see our Phil pop off just yet.
  5. sympathyforthedevil

    Kim Jong-Un

    Why would he be 'disappeared' if he's making no challenge to the succession and indeed lives his life outside the country (mainly in Macao if I remember correctly) ? Kim Jong-Un and the other potential power brokers have nothing to fear from him.
  6. sympathyforthedevil

    Derby Dead Pool 2012

    Interesting to note that none of the ten most popular DDP picks in 2011 have died this year! (unless they do so in the last week of the year...)
  7. sympathyforthedevil

    Quiz Time

    I think I got 2 or 3. And there is no "quite possibly" about it!
  8. sympathyforthedevil

    Abdelbaset Al-Megrahi

    Quite. He's certainly no Ronnie Biggs. He'll probably die on December 31st just to spite us.
  9. sympathyforthedevil


    My guess is that one is the "Any One Beatle" pick. Quite right. regards, Hein And is that also the "Other" in the gender category? If so, it should really be male as all the Beatles are/were men.
  10. sympathyforthedevil

    Kim Jong-Il

    He'll need to get a third season of that show approved first, which is something of an ask.
  11. sympathyforthedevil


    My attempt at an update. Any errors are regretted. Any one Beatle in 1987. Two are still alive. Should they not be on the list ? They probably should be. They were missed out by the person who first drew up the list for this thread, probably because they make the rankings problematic. If you were to add on two survivors for the remaining Beatles, does it mean there were actually 34 entries on the 1987 list? As the list is composed of those we think will die, I've always taken it that "any one Beatle" (i.e. George Harrison) has died since the 1987 list. However I understand the semantics of this particular entry, and why it could be argued the other way around.
  12. sympathyforthedevil

    The 8th Death Of 2011

    With only 13 days left in the year, I think we've had our fill. Therefore I have voted for "none of the above". Although I'd love it if Thatcher brought us an extra helping of festive cheer by dying.
  13. sympathyforthedevil

    Kim Jong-Il

    Bin Laden, Gaddafi and Kim all dead in one year. All we need now is to wake up on Xmas day and hear that Thatcher has snuffed it!
  14. sympathyforthedevil

    Who Should Be on the 2012 DeathList?

    I also believe Muhammad Ali will die next year. Now he has outlived Frazier, he has nothing to live for. Prince Philip, I don't think so. Although he is 90, I see him surviving a number of years yet. The Pope? Hopefully.
  15. sympathyforthedevil

    The Deathlist Kitchen

    Not so, dogs are one of the animals that should never be eaten, irrespective of whether they were your pet or not.
  16. sympathyforthedevil

    The Deathlist Kitchen

    An interesting statement, firstly who is to "allow" or "dis-allow" the eating of dog, or any other animal for that matter? surely it is a matter of personal and cultural choice what you consume, not something that is dictated from one society to another. Secondly, why? Eating an omnivore like a dog is a little more risky than a herbivore, but we eat pigs in this country. True you are more likely to get parasites from an omnivore, hence the proscription in certain religions and societies, but the risk is small if you cook it properly. I believe grey squirrel is quite tasty and while not common, it is quite often eaten in Portugal, and by a friend of mine, another Omnivore. Best regards Syd You have obviously never owned a dog.
  17. sympathyforthedevil

    The Deathlist Kitchen

    eating dogs should NOT be allowed.
  18. sympathyforthedevil

    Who Should Be on the 2012 DeathList?

    "Mr Chirac did not attend the trial because he suffers from memory lapses". A convenient excuse...
  19. sympathyforthedevil

    Who Should Be on the 2012 DeathList?

    and let's not forget Thatcher!
  20. sympathyforthedevil

    Who Should Be on the 2012 DeathList?

    Murray Walker could be a contender, didn't realise he was now 88!
  21. sympathyforthedevil

    Who Should Be on the 2012 DeathList?

    Stephen Hawking.
  22. sympathyforthedevil

    The Deathlist Kitchen

    What is the source of cheese? A cow?
  23. sympathyforthedevil

    Room 101

    You might have an excuse if he was impersonating someone attractive in your dream.
  24. sympathyforthedevil

    Who Should Be on the 2012 DeathList?

    Thatcher and Zsa Zsa have to be kept on until they die.
  25. sympathyforthedevil

    Fort William Football Club

    Two weekends in a row without defeat. Is that a record?

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