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Going Underground

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Everything posted by Going Underground

  1. Going Underground

    Derby Dead Pool 2021

    I'm actually glad Julian Fiano is an ineligible pick That means I get Peter Gotti as my first sub (hopefully) Always like at least one bad-ass Wiseguy in my team.
  2. Going Underground

    Derby Dead Pool 2021

    Was trying to think of an Atkins diet pun but couldn't Well played
  3. Going Underground

    Derby Dead Pool 2021

    Cheers for clearing up the Atkins conundrum guys Phew!! Having said that, my Ronnie Atkins is releasing a new solo album so not overly confident anyway.
  4. Going Underground

    Derby Dead Pool 2021

    Are we sure Ronnie Atkins is dead? I cant find any reports on him dying?
  5. Going Underground

    Derby Dead Pool 2021

    Team "Going Underground": George Alagiah Ronnie Atkins Tim Bilton Rob Burrow Dai Davies Shannen Doherty Julian Fiano David Gulpilil Sarah Harding Lenny Johnrose Rush Limbaugh Barry Marshall (Dressage Rider and Judge) Linda Nolan Tom Parker Lars-Göran Petrov Yoo Sang-Chul Tom Smith Belinda Sykes Tom Weiskopf James Whale (JOKER)
  6. Going Underground

    Derby Dead Pool 2021

    Ok, which one of my Motley Crew is going to cark it tomorrow ala Claiborne Pell 2009 and fire me to the top of the scoreboard for a few hours? New years day 2009 my finest Deadpooling moment. If Amy Price is taken by the grim reaper next year l will be fuming. Decided to leave her out 2021 as although it isn't rocket science, the cynic in me tells me the extent of her illness could all be merely a ploy for Jordon to get her mug (and jugs) in more magazines and gossip columns, imagine that!! Her picture is staying as my Avatar though for old times sake.
  7. Going Underground

    Derby Dead Pool 2021

    Going Underground version #16 submitted on the shiny new excel form. Even though it was automated, cheers for the confirmation email GUN. I'm guessing at 1 unique at best. I do feel a bit more confident than this years lot though. Not a good 2020 DP'ing for me.
  8. Going Underground

    Peter Sutcliffe

    Yeah I did originally have Mackem written in my post but changed it to Geordie so we could try and pin the crimes on Gadget and unearth the biggest ever miscarriage of UK justice. I was at High School nr Manchester at the time and remember them playing us the Wearside Jack tapes. Scary stuff. Just reading about John Humble on Wiki Described as an unemployed labourer at the time of his arrest at home, Humble and his brother were so inebriated that the police were required to wait almost a day before he could be interviewed and was in shock when he revived needing to be told he was now in police custody What a guy
  9. Going Underground

    Peter Sutcliffe

    Surely the plod were looking for a Geordie in Yorkshire? Then again it is the Yorkshire Police we are talking about here. Totally inept is a compliment.
  10. Going Underground

    Peter Sutcliffe

    Love the way Peter manicured his facial hair way before the fancy trimmers that are now available today Kudos Pete
  11. Going Underground

    Peter Sutcliffe

    I'm not one for getting me pitchfork out when it comes to these lifers but I'll make an exception for Sidney Cooke How he's survived Prison I'll never know.
  12. Going Underground

    Peter Sutcliffe

    haha. Reminds me of Alan Partridge when he got arrested and spent the night in a cell. Through the hatch comes a tray of food. I paw at it listlessly until I notice it contains chicken nuggets. And what chicken nuggets! These boast all the smoky zing of McCain Southern coating with the tenderest cuts of white meat. The beans are lukewarm but not overcooked and a generous dollop of smash adds a buttery finish that sets the plate off beautifully. To drink, a mug of steaming tea. A really, really good meal.
  13. Going Underground

    29. Linda Nolan

    Fuck' mate. Funniest thing I've ever read on here
  14. Going Underground

    Derby Dead Pool 2020

    "You talk like Marlene Dietrich and you dance like Zizi Jeanmaire . Your clothes are all made by Balmain and there's diamonds and pearls in your hair" Get you money on Keith Richards or Mick next.
  15. Going Underground

    Derby Dead Pool 2020

    Great work getting the 2020 site up guys. Appreciated. Now here's to Peter Gotti getting shanked in jail
  16. Going Underground

    Derby Dead Pool 2020

    GOING UNDERGROUND Tim Bilton (J) Brett Sinclair (Actor brother of Sherrie Hewson) James Church Belinda Sykes John Lewis Tom Smith Peter Gotti Lee Kerslake Greg Gilbert Terry Jones Jill Gascoine George Alagiah Gemma Sisson Nikki Jenkins Slick Woods Alex Trebek Amy Price Michael Robinson Frankie Banali Dr Peter Scott Morgan
  17. Going Underground

    Derby Dead Pool 2020

    OK that's team 'Going Underground' in again 15th time lucky Off out on the pop. Happy New Year all.
  18. Going Underground

    Derby Dead Pool 2019

    Bloody Hell. 'Pity Da Foolz' so close to making DDP2019 a real grandstand finish if he'd only chosen a different 'Mental As Anything' band member.
  19. Going Underground

    Life In Prison

    Joseph McCann will be going away for a long time He's the next Richard Huckle. If McCann ends up in HMP Full Sutton get your money on him https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-50389744
  20. Going Underground

    Derby Dead Pool 2019

    Been good fun this year very competitive. I'm still stinging a bit over missing Richard Huckle. When I read the report and saw a picture of him i just knew he was doomed in prison. Would have had to have him my team for 3 years straight to reap the benefits... but still. And how I missed Fernando Ricksen is baffling. Keeping a top 10 spot will be a good year though and maybe top 5 with a bit of luck.
  21. Going Underground

    Life In Prison

    Just alluding to my earlier post. I am already reading that Huckle's (alleged) murderer is an inmate who has been indefinitely detained since the attempted rape of an elderly woman in 2009 when he was 18. If true then as i suspected the guy is still a nasty piece of work but infinitely more tolerated in the system than any prisoner convicted of crimes involving children. This rapist would also have been on the protective custody wing. Lets face it, they don't come much worse than this Huckle character do they. He was a walking dead man.
  22. Going Underground

    Life In Prison

    HMP Wakefield is a Cat A prison that is designed to house men who have committed serious crimes towards women and children. Huckle would basically have been doing his time with like-minded individuals. Of course nobody is ever safe in any prison, especially a Cat A, but he would have been infinitely better off In Wakefield as opposed to other Cat A prisons such as HMP Full Sutton and HMP Frankland (Durham) that house some absolute nutters and serious gangsters who would not think twice about killing someone like Huckle. Or having him killed by someone else. He would almost certainly of been on the protective custody wing at Full Sutton but even some of the grasses and rapists on there would despise Huckle for his crimes and wouldn't hesitate to do him over and get some serious respect within the prison system in the process for taking his scalp Ian Huntley was transferred from Wakefield to Frankland and was immediately stabbed by the same guy who went on to murder another notorious child killer Colin Hatch in none other than...HMP Full Sutton. Looks like the authorities were not prepared to let this particular little weasel do 'easy time' in "Monster Mansion" (Wakefield). As for giving the perpetrator of Huckle's demise a medal, I think we should hold that thought until we see who actually did it. Someone will almost certainly be charged as he more than likely wants the world to know it was he who offed Huckle. Wouldn't surprise me if it was all caught on CCTV. Its probably someone you wouldn't want to have round your house for tea and biscuits that's for sure
  23. Going Underground

    Life In Prison

    Making him do his time at Full Sutton was a death Sentence in itself Not sure why he didn't get shipped to Wakefield.
  24. Going Underground

    Life In Prison

    Hell i was only reading about Huckle a few days ago and thought to myself his life expectancy was low Came much sooner than i thought that one though.

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