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Everything posted by the_engineer

  1. the_engineer

    Scottish Independence

    haha . So you think he voted yes or no?
  2. the_engineer

    Scottish Independence

    Its looking like a clear NO. I'm glad its over to be honest !!
  3. the_engineer

    Scottish Independence

    I think it will be a No . As a Englishman I hope to continue to share these islands and nationality with the scots. But good luck either way!!
  4. the_engineer

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2015

    http://www.dailymail...-treatment.html How about Jonas Gutierrez. I don't know if this has already been posted or not but could be an outside shot for DDP 2015.
  5. the_engineer


    How awful...that he survived Yeah, apparently he was able to walk from the venue. Seems like all those layers of flab can actually be useful. I guess he would have enjoyed it since rappers getting shot is so 90s. That's kickin it old school! What did they shoot him with doughnuts ?
  6. the_engineer

    Scottish Independence

    They say always follow the money and according to the bookies its going to be a No. http://www.theweek.co.uk/uk-news/scots-independence/60436/scottish-independence-odds-bookmakers-ignore-close-polls I say giving the yes camp the lead a week before peaks it too soon and kills its momentum by having all the polls showing no leading running up to the vote and swings the momentum back to the No camp. Very crafty tactics but used many times before!!
  7. the_engineer

    Crashing Companies

    5500 that is a hell of alot of jobs. I never thought phones4u would close before HMV. Going to be honest though i buy all my mobile phones /smartphones since 2007 online.
  8. the_engineer

    Scottish Independence

    England Plus 2 BTW i want the Scots to get independence so we can have this as a flag. Very Modern and i like it alot . There are also 2 others with green in it which aren't to bad but Wales is a principality hence the reason it was never represented on the union Jack. If Wales was to be represented would rather a dragon on the flag than the green to be honest. <---- Love it . The second two look like the wrapping of a loaf of Hovis, or Waitrose low-fat margarine. They should just have a plain flag of whatever colour, with a central crest that consists of a silhouette of a man with a bottle in one hand bending over next to a cash machine to throw up. Exactly any green in the flag just doesn't go. As to what the UK would be called I think south Britain and northern ireland will probably be the most obvious and likely option .That is what it was called before the Scottish union (minus the northern Ireland part) and is the most sensible choice, only having to change one letter from G to S . I think they will get rid of the UK name all together . Wait, didn't you yourself say it was gonna be rigged like the Quebec one? You seem to be getting a bit excited about something you said isn't gonna happen. I can't see it happening myself anyway, which is good since those flags would be an even bigger eyesore than David Cameron's stupid fucking moon face. Of course but even the Scots have me believing now . haha Infact the tightening of the polls point even more towards a Quebec situation. But its fun to speculate . http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/tightening-polls-on-scotland-secession-echo-days-before-quebecs-1995-vote/article20531252/ cmon now the last two I agree but the first one combining the st George's cross and st patricks cross is simple with history behind it yet its also a modern great design , I'm surprised at how good it looks. I guess what i'm really trying to say is if that flag was a woman I would totally do her.
  9. the_engineer

    Scottish Independence

    England Plus 2 BTW i want the Scots to get independence so we can have this as a flag. Very Modern and i like it alot . There are also 2 others with green in it which aren't to bad but Wales is a principality hence the reason it was never represented on the union Jack. If Wales was to be represented would rather a dragon on the flag than the green to be honest. <---- Love it . The second two look like the wrapping of a loaf of Hovis, or Waitrose low-fat margarine. They should just have a plain flag of whatever colour, with a central crest that consists of a silhouette of a man with a bottle in one hand bending over next to a cash machine to throw up. Exactly any green in the flag just doesn't go. As to what the UK would be called I think south Britain and northern ireland will probably be the most obvious and likely option .That is what it was called before the Scottish union (minus the northern Ireland part) and is the most sensible choice, only having to change one letter from G to S . I think they will get rid of the UK name all together .
  10. the_engineer

    Scottish Independence

    England Plus 2 BTW i want the Scots to get independence so we can have this as a flag. Very Modern and i like it alot . There are also 2 others with green in it which aren't to bad but Wales is a principality hence the reason it was never represented on the union Jack. If Wales was to be represented would rather a dragon on the flag than the green to be honest. <---- Love it .
  11. the_engineer

    Who Will Be The 8th Hit Of 2014?

    sam simon .
  12. the_engineer

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2015

    I'm thinking of including Gazza in my 2015 list , seems for the most part heavy smokers / drinkers tend to die in their late 50s that's when it catches up with them . But lately Gazza by the looks of him seems like he has had enough and wants out. I think Gazza should easily get a place on the top 50 .
  13. the_engineer

    Quiz Time

    http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/row-zed/quiz-most-horrendous-player-likenesses-4201447 I got 3/10 haha To think people got paid to make these games.
  14. the_engineer

    Dead Pop Stars

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woah dude ( said in keanu reeves voice ) that comment is off the page !!
  15. the_engineer


    me too . One of the best entrance themes ever. Could of been a big star!! https://www.youtube....h?v=4J33DkwGM3g I have this on my iPod. So do I now ! They also done Christian's entrance back in 2006 i think which i do have on my MP3 , waterproof blonde they are called the band who does both songs.
  16. the_engineer


    me too . One of the best entrance themes ever. Could of been a big star!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4J33DkwGM3g
  17. the_engineer

    Life In Prison

    Oscar will find out his fate on September the 11th I have a feeling we are going to see another OJ Simpson type moment. Why? Just a feeling the judge does seem to be sympathetic and bought his whole crocodile tears. Also I think the judge will go on lack of concrete evidence.
  18. the_engineer


    He has cancer below the knee or muscle cancer . I didn't even know that was a cancer. Don't know if its serious or not but maybe the pneumonia he developed was connected to his cancer getting worse. Though they found a growth on his brain maybe that was cancerous . http://www.wisegeekhealth.com/what-is-the-connection-between-cancer-and-pneumonia.htm I hope he pulls thought though seems like a decent guy .
  19. the_engineer

    Life In Prison

    Oscar will find out his fate on September the 11th I have a feeling we are going to see another OJ Simpson type moment.
  20. the_engineer

    Deathlist Under 45

    Seems like the other girl might be in a Michael schumacher situation (rise) and the other one is seriously disfigured (sojung) what a waste . This is on a forum though but the leaked medical sheet seems legit and none of the korean posters seem to think its fake. Also some of the news released by the poster has been backed up on live reddit links. http://onehallyu.com...ore-background/ http://www.reddit.co...ve/tiacm1x4ztbd The second girl also died. http://www.allkpop.c...ise-passes-away Sad her injuries were horrific , I said like a Michael schumacher situation but in fact is was much worst. Michael never stopped breathing and she was not breathing when the emergency services arrived, she stopped breathing a further two more times aswell.The South Korean entertainment industry is infamous for suicides I wouldn't be surprised if one of the surviving girls tops herself survivors guilt and all that.Probably sojung since she has facial injuries.
  21. the_engineer

    Scottish Independence

    see Quebec Independence for how Scottish Independence will go. I can't stand David Cameron why do us English have to be stuck with him , he is part Scottish so can't you take part of him with you if you get Independence. preferably a part of him that would render him unable to continue as prime minister .
  22. the_engineer

    Ebola and Other Viruses

    bill gates and george soros funds depopulation efforts by funding bioweapons labs in west africa..glen thomas, leading expert in AIDS and Ebola, was involved in the investigation of these labs. Mr. Thomas refused to go along with the cover up and was therefore murdered on malaysian flight MH17. What Bill Gates was doing, which sparked the investigation, was engineering the ebola virus to be less lethal at first but rather have a longer incubation period ..therefore..allowing it to spread...the way it was before ..the incubation period wasn't long enough..so the infected would die before they could spread it..UN AGENDA 21 Depopulation. These vids answer alot of questions.
  23. the_engineer

    Joan Rivers, Please Lord

    A bit like this entire site. Come to think of it, Joan would have loved it here. Haha your 100% right with that , I bet if she knew about this site she would of become a regular poster. If she could use the internet that is.
  24. the_engineer

    Deathlist Under 45

    Seems like the other girl might be in a Michael schumacher situation (rise) and the other one is seriously disfigured (sojung) what a waste . This is on a forum though but the leaked medical sheet seems legit and none of the korean posters seem to think its fake. Also some of the news released by the poster has been backed up on live reddit links. http://onehallyu.com/index.php?/topic/98825-ladies-code-accident-a-little-more-background/ http://www.reddit.com/live/tiacm1x4ztbd
  25. the_engineer

    The Dead Of 2014

    Well there goes my joker for 2015 .

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