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Everything posted by the_engineer

  1. the_engineer

    Name Shame?

    you know the strapline if you change it do is just remain that until you request it to be changed again or does it change when you you hit a certain number of posts?
  2. the_engineer

    Golf: The 19th Hole

    It says Bernard hunt 1930 -1913 . he was -17 when he died . I know old people regress into childhood when they get old but that is ridiculous.
  3. the_engineer

    Stuart Hall

    http://news.sky.com/...nd-a-half-years so this average teacher (non-celeb ,or rich) who committed a bad act no doubt gets 5 and a half years and Stuart hall a man who raped numerous young children some as young as 9 and 10 gets a 17 month sentence . Hmmm British justice? Surely these sentences are mixed up. Or they both deserve 5 to 10 years.
  4. the_engineer

    Derby Dead Pool 2013

    Rotten.com Deadpool entrant CappMan72 had him in a list (dated back to 25th March) that contains such as Betty White. rotten .com a different deadpool ?
  5. the_engineer

    Derby Dead Pool 2013

    I wonder if anyone had james gandolfini on their list ?
  6. the_engineer

    Hollywood Possibilities

    Well it was here anyway. I've only caught a couple of moments and it was usually at dead o'clock in the morning on Channel 4. But the media reaction to it was out of proportion to it's audience. It was a niche show. Now that isn't to suggest that 'The X-Factor' is better because it had more viewers. far from it. But the thing that put me off watching it (and other supposedly greatest shows ever like 'The West Wing') was this constant carping about how great it was, how it was "as good as Shakespeare" and this general sense of the media elite thinking they know what's good for us and forcing down our throats with the bare implication that if you didn't tune in, you were some sort of potato-headed philistine. So I never watched it. Nor have I watched 'Arrested Development' or '24' or 'Homeland'. I saw the first series of 'Mad Men', which I thought was very good but I didn't watch the rest of it. And then there's the latest piece of box-set wankery, 'Justified'... I read a blog about it and the comments were all "oh why is it on a shitty channel, this should be watched by like, everyone" and the teeth-grinding "oh, I forced persuaded my poor sap girlfriend/boyfriend/partner to watch the entire series in one evening, she/he likes it now". Ugh! Makes me vomit... /rant over With you on most of that, but The West Wing was a ten out of ten show for me. Now I like to watch American tv and I've a strong interest in politics, but that show was not only well written but acted with aplomb. What made it even better than that was the realisation that Americans very rearly get a president that is so in command as Martin Sheen's Jeb Bartlett. Think Teddy Roosevelt, Jack Kennedy, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter rolled together with few foybals and only the best bits on show. The core team of actors were all top knotch and able to bring home the seriousness of the major issues and cap that with the light hearted times where friendships counted for more than passing interest. Please don't lump The West Wing in with these other shows. Hunt out "the big block of cheese day". Or find the double header when John Goodman guests, and... just kick back a bit. A chocolate box liberal fantasy. All that "he's a good man, but has to make make tough decisions" malarky. That kinda grinds when you had the likes of Bush Jnr and now Drone Alone Obama reading our emails. No President is ever going to be like Josiah Bartlett and we know it. But that's the thing with these TV shows, they're as much fantasy as any Transformers film, in their own way. Take 'The Wire' for example. Just poor porn for middle-class sofites. In Mexico, there are people out there taking part in the drug wars that would make the Baltimore lot piss in their lace panties. Here's Mr Lawson paying tribute and ticking every box! Yes TV can have a broad canvas and it seems the "talent" seems to be working there these days rather than in cinema. I'm not knocking them as well-made TV programmes, which they surely are. 'The West Wing' has good looking actors saying witty lines, as did Six Feet Under and Arrested Development etc etc etc. But it was always thus. 'Hill Street Blues', 'Lou Grant', 'Soap', you name it. Grass is always greener of the other side of the Atlantic, but they've got money and bags of writers so that's not a surprise that can produce programmes that can hit every button for your modern, sophisticated consumer aesthetes, which is why the likes of the Grauniad love them so much. I just wish they'd stop fucking going on about it. I've read the phrase "best TV programme ever" applied to 'The Sopranos' and 'The West Wing' when they were on at the bloody same time! Make up your fucking minds, you media whores. This has also been applied to 'The Wire', 'The Simpsons' and 'Arrested Development'. EDIT: See the comments on that St Paul's letter to the Romans tribute to understand what I'm talking about... I'm with you on The West Wing, wishy-washy liberalism. Though I should probably admit The Sopranos IS my favourite programme, with The Wire a close second, primarily because they credit the viewer with some intelligence, unlike the majority of tv programmes Just to clarify I don't hate all TV or anything. I liked the first two series of The Wire. Got rubbish and reeked of hollow pretentiousness after that. I also liked 24 at the time but it got really rubbish from series 6 onwards. I liked 24, for about the first 5 seasons it was fantastic entertainment, the last series was pretty shit tho. Curious what the revival will be like. A lot of people praised Homeland for not being like 24, but it seems as it goes on it becomes more and more like it, certainly just as implausible. The original Israeli series Prisoner of War is far better I love breaking bad I think its the best tv show ever. There is no pushing of stereotypes or trying to throw in political commentary or religious commentary (which hollywood and american tv seem obsessed with including in their shows) it just tells a great story with great characters believable ones too. Rarely is there a bad episode only two episodes i thought were below average the rest were great .
  7. the_engineer

    Conspiracy Theories

    Any links to back that one up (or should that be UkiP)? Haha well I heard this years ago before UKIP were around in the spotlight. http://the-elite-and...kidnapping.html http://alcuinbramert...ate-orders.html Well the mention of David Icke seems to suggest to me that we are well into Wackyland with this one. The first article seems to get a bit hysterical and doesn't produce much in the way of evidence. I will go back to my much less far fetched theory. Well david icke was right about jimmy savile and a couple of years ago if someone said jimmy savile was a necrophiliac you would think it was a crazy suggestion.I actually heard from david icke's forum that the US government was spying on everyone before the whistleblower came out and admitted it and it was his website that said since 1999 Microsoft has been putting a backdoor in windows operating system so the government can spy on us which also turned out to be true. I'm not saying david icke and everything he says is truth but more like a good chunk of the people who visit his website and forum tell the truth. It attracts alot of people who know the truth and want to share it. Of course it also attracts the fair share of crazy conspiracies too. To me manuel barroso having something to do with maddie mccann disappearance is one of the less wacky conspiracy theories i have heard. Madeleine McCann has never been found because of two reason's the people who abducted her were professional and were working for powerful people or her parents were in on it. After all talk is talk and something happened to that poor girl and at this point in time is could actually be anything . I don't know but sometimes i have a feeling about certain things and certain people and this strikes me as true. I had a similar feeling about max Clifford if you look at the jimmy savile thread I actually said Clifford is one of the ring leaders before he was even arrested turns out he is . I also feel my theory on jill dando is right too.
  8. the_engineer

    So... What Games Are You Playing?

    Microsoft realised the error of their money grubbing ways (saw no one was pre ordering their console) and decided to listen to their fans. http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2013/jun/19/xbox-one-drm-second-hand-restrictions-abandoned
  9. the_engineer

    Hollywood Possibilities

    wow I loved the soprano's , I didn't see that coming. Really sad news R.I.P he died in Italy on holiday apparently.
  10. the_engineer

    Conspiracy Theories

    Any links to back that one up (or should that be UkiP)? Haha well I heard this years ago before UKIP were around in the spotlight. http://the-elite-and-child-abduction.blogspot.co.uk/2009/10/jose-manuel-barroso-ordered-kidnapping.html http://alcuinbramerton.blogspot.co.uk/2008/09/madeleine-mccann-held-on-private-orders.html
  11. the_engineer

    Nelson Mandela

    Can't something be done about this tosser? He's back posting incessant bollocks every 5 minutes, just as bad as before he was banned, if only there was some sort of ASBO or restraining order the admins could impose who was he before he was banned ?
  12. the_engineer

    Dead Pop Stars

    He's walked on and off with a cane for ages, I don't think it means anything at all. I think he looks very well for a man of his age and history. definitely catching up with him though . 50 and walking with a cane , in this day and age 50 is middle age. Why does he walk with a cane anyway ? Did he have an accident or a side effect from the drugs?
  13. the_engineer

    Ian Brady

    Well at least, according to the court sketch, he can actually sit up. Somehow, when you hear about someone who's been force-fed via a tube for over a decade, you don't visualize them as being very upright. I hope the tribunal take all the factors into account and whether the following submission would have any influence: "Your honour, I have picked Mr Brady as my DDP joker and could really do with the points" Hey, for all you know the judge might turn out to be a regular contributor Or just want to see the bastard dead like all of us.
  14. the_engineer


    Kevin Nash's former tag team partner Al green has died at 57 http://www.prowrestling.net/artman/publish/miscnews/article10031865.shtml
  15. the_engineer


    We all know where this is leading . Celtic and rangers joining English league and Scottish league reduced to welsh and irish standard . It will be sometime maybe 20 years but looking at the success of Cardiff and swansea welsh, Scottish and northern irish teams may join the english league and it will be renamed the British league.
  16. the_engineer

    Quiz Time

    4/7 Not bad. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-magazine-monitor-22887374
  17. the_engineer

    Rupert Murdoch

    She probably had a couple of toyboy's on the side and he found out. Sorry but she wouldn't of married him if he was poor and he had to have known that when getting into the relationship.
  18. the_engineer

    Crashing Companies

    Wonder what they'll call themselves when they get busted to division 3? (Or the juniors) THE dunfermline , Real dunfermline , athletic dunfermline of fife .
  19. the_engineer

    Edward Snowden

    Didn't his girlfriend go missing for a bit? She was lost or more like kidnapped and waterboarded. Isn't it a disgrace you have snowden and assange political prisoners to USA . All they did was share information.
  20. the_engineer

    The Dead Of 2013

    Pretty much an historic day when you think of it the last man born in the 19th century dies . I'm sure there was a list on this site somewhere of the survivors but i can't find it.
  21. the_engineer

    The Hartlepool Deadlypool

    haha god my lead lasted less than 24 hours.
  22. the_engineer

    A Joke

    As of post #1417! Still funny tho!! oops sorry man. Now i know how females feel when they turn up to a party in the same dress. lol
  23. the_engineer

    Ian Brady

    Well I was thinking maybe he means 8 years on from the start of the thread but the thread is 9 years old. Maybe he is just not good at maths . His name is Tim maybe he's nice but dim .
  24. the_engineer

    Rupaul And Other Drag Queens

    I would rather talk about drag racing .
  25. the_engineer

    The 7th Death Of 2013

    The engineer might be related to Savile imo..... really news to me? Well i have no sandy hair or track suit. Though a couple of years ago i did for a period smoke cigars .

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