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Everything posted by the_engineer

  1. the_engineer

    Conspiracy Theories

    Truth is stranger than fiction. People have the conspiracy wrong though. I'm not someone who believes it but I do believe the government and those higher ups never let a good tragedy go to waste. The arguement isn't 5G gives people the virus but it causes symptoms of the virus and the radiation weakens the immune system . They also point out to 5G first being rolled out in Wuhan. Months long exposure could weaken people's immune systems so they become exposed to disease or radiation. 5G first rolled out in Wuhan http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2019-02/13/c_137818404.htm http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2019-02/20/c_137837556.htm Why did the temporary hospitals have 5G? https://www.linkedin.com/posts/bessielee_huawei-builds-5g-in-wuhan-hospital-aims-activity-6629980196051218432-RVqK China and UK both ramped up 5G understructure during lockdown. Surely there's more pressing issues. https://tech.newstatesman.com/business/china-to-ramp-up-its-5g-network-construction-following-coronavirus-shutdown/amp 5G was rolled out nationally in china a month before coronavirus started https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-50258287 Radiation pneumonitis similar symptoms to coronavirus. Switzerland halts rollout over health concerns https://amp.ft.com/content/848c5b44-4d7a-11ea-95a0-43d18ec715f5?__twitter_impression=true Birds and animals dying This is alot of coincidences and circumstantial evidence but it isn't as easily dismissed as some people may think. They're in china and the UK throwing up these towers during lockdown so no opposition to 5G can happen they also sneaked legislation through during lockdown in UK . Is 5G roll out essential work? This is what I think the conspiracy is and what I believe. They want 5G up and running and can avoid opposition ( rightfully or wrongly) to 5G . This is what I mean by not letting a good tragedy go to waste .
  2. the_engineer

    Boris Johnson

    You don't go to ICU for nothing. I guarantee you they wouldn't give him preferential treatment just because he's prime minister.
  3. the_engineer

    Boris Johnson

    He's more serious than they're letting on? If they say he's at death's door that could create a power vacuum and instability.
  4. the_engineer

    Notable Coronavirus Victims

    Watch out Beale's about.
  5. the_engineer

    Boris Johnson

    This is absolutely terrible news, I'm someone who likes Boris. I feel he could go on to be one of the best prime ministers if he survives. He might come out of it with a new perspective one that alot on the left might like. Looks like gove or mogg could replace him or maybe even rishi Sunak if the worst should happen. Get well Boris for the unborn little one.
  6. the_engineer

    Notable Coronavirus Victims

    One for by election bingo.
  7. the_engineer

    Boris Johnson

    Actually I'm even moreso than that. I had it in my mind Spencer Perceval was the last to die in office.
  8. the_engineer

    Boris Johnson

    Bloody hell this escalated quickly. That's a bad sign.
  9. the_engineer

    Boris Johnson

    He looked very sick and before the news came out about losing weight my wife said he looks alot thinner. Spencer Perceval was the last PM to die in office.
  10. the_engineer

    Coronavirus death toll 2020

    Apparently it's devastating African American communities. Vast majority of deaths in alot of areas. https://m.metrotimes.com/news-hits/archives/2020/04/02/black-people-make-up-12-of-michigans-population-and-at-least-40-of-its-coronavirus-deaths https://www.propublica.org/article/early-data-shows-african-americans-have-contracted-and-died-of-coronavirus-at-an-alarming-rate/amp?__twitter_impression=true https://www.wbez.org/shows/wbez-news/in-chicago-70-of-covid19-deaths-are-black/dd3f295f-445e-4e38-b37f-a1503782b507/amp?__twitter_impression=true
  11. the_engineer

    Dead Pop Stars

    Sadly Bill Withers is no longer still with us
  12. the_engineer

    Notable Coronavirus Victims

    I thought it was a one off thing and would've liked to have joined in.
  13. the_engineer

    Sickest game in the world (parts 1&2)

    Friday England 609 Scotland 52 Wales 31 Northern Ireland 6
  14. the_engineer

    How many 2020 DDP picks will die of coronavirus?

    2. Have a feeling Nobby stiles and prunella scales might be the two.
  15. the_engineer

    Notable Coronavirus Victims

    The day I die is when my cock stops working.
  16. the_engineer

    Coronavirus death toll 2020

    I just hate bed blockers .
  17. the_engineer

    The 2020 Deathlist Cup

    A bit late to it but congrats man and best of luck in the next round.
  18. the_engineer

    Eddie Large

    I can see this claiming the life of one or two big names in the UK and handful of smaller names. Same in the USA but more numerous.
  19. the_engineer

    Notable Coronavirus Victims

    Eddie large the most recognisable UK death of covid19.Sadly it won't be the last.
  20. the_engineer

    Notable Coronavirus Victims

    Who is the most famous to die so far do you reckon?
  21. the_engineer

    Plants: The Other Life Form

    Oldest living trees the quaking Aspens are all connected through subterranean root systems.They're the largest organism on earth , the oldest living organism and the heaviest known organism. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Populus_tremuloides
  22. the_engineer

    Coronavirus death toll 2020

    Looks like 100k to 999k band will be about right. Probably kill around 250k before the deaths start to fall off and kill around 20/30 a day worldwide.
  23. the_engineer

    Notable Coronavirus Victims

    I'd expect better behaviour from an archbishop. Though I agree with the ones highlighted . One more death connected to love island would finish it off for good.
  24. the_engineer

    Notable Coronavirus Victims

    Very few return from critical condition. He only has one lung aswell. If he can survive this there's hope for alot of people.
  25. the_engineer

    Coronavirus death toll 2020

    Anyone have a tickle in the back of their nose that's making them cough (not throat)? I Have no other symptoms.

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