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Everything posted by the_engineer

  1. the_engineer

    The 8th death of 2017

    George bush sr .
  2. the_engineer

    By-Election Bingo 2017-22

    So Theresa may is running a minority govt with backing of DUP on a issue to issue basis. Honestly there will be another election within a year with Theresa out by Christmas. Minority govts don't last because nothing can ever get done and the manifesto can rarely be implemented. Its looks like a repeat of 1974 . I honestly think we could get a vote of no confidence against Theresa may corbyn is bold enough to try it.
  3. the_engineer


    Hart was trending on twitter and i thought it was about smith hart dying too. But it was about England's goalkeeper joe hart making mistakes and masquerading at a professional footballer.
  4. the_engineer

    Richard Hammond

    This guy is at this point a selfish c##t. If he wanted to do all this shit he shouldn't of had kids and got married.This is his 3rd accident , his wife and kids must be a mess constantly worrying. He doesn't need the money and he could I'm sure take a less dangerous job. Clarksons kids are grown up and he's divorced and James may doesn't have kids and isn't married.
  5. the_engineer

    Political Discussions And Ranting Thread

    They should of gone with an eccentric or a kind of outsider seems to be the flavour of the times with Trump & corbyn.Theresa May is very much establishment. Boris Johnson would of destroyed corbyn in this election if he was leader. Andrea leadsom I think would of done a lot better than may and was favourite to win if it went to Tory membership vote. In fact I think Ruth Davison could win a landslide similar to tony Blair. One of those would be a good choice now in 2020 things could change. A week is a long time in politics , so you can imagine the political climate in 3 years.
  6. the_engineer

    Political Discussions And Ranting Thread

    I always wondered about that . If independence happened who would challenge the SNP? Could UK parties still run? Would the SNP ban them? Could parties campaign to rejoin the UK? All that Scottish independence would achieve would be 1 party state in Scotland and 1 party state in the UK. Labour I don't think can win a majority without Scotland.
  7. the_engineer

    Political Discussions And Ranting Thread

    Well going to bed early and up early to vote before work. Apparently only 30 million out of 65 million are voting. Discount under 18s ,prisoners and those not capable of voting that still leaves millions of people not taking part.
  8. the_engineer

    Donald J Trump

    I don't buy this Russia hacked the election nonsense,I highly doubt the powers that be would allow voting machines to be used in their election that can be hacked. Truthfully what it is , is a 'political out' in case trump gets too out of bounds or power grabs.They can't assassinate Trump (like Kennedy) it would cause civil war He has probably been warned don't try anything radical or reduce our power ,otherwise we'll impeach you, arrest you and throw you and your family in jail for rigging election. It's their hold over trump.
  9. the_engineer

    Donald J Trump

    Just because someone is born after 2000 doesn't mean they're anti trump or won't vote for him. In fact there is evidence mounting up to the opposite. The new generation is rebelling against the previous liberal one. That's why you rarely get 3 terms in a row for one party in USA. The whole sjw liberalism is going to be pushed right back both demographically and ideologically. Liberals for the most part just aren't interested in having kids or a large family.Me and my wife are conservative we want 4 or 5 kids and already on our way but 4 liberal couples we know or work with some want none others want 1 or 2 max and only one couple has one child. Liberalism also just isn't cool nowadays I hear the young'uns talking about pepe and god emperor trump etc you dont hear them talking about mirco aggressions or checking their privilege. We saw the start of this with trumps election . Big rural conservative families coming out and voting for trump . It won him Pennsylvania ,Florida,Ohio etc and nearly won him Virginia and new Hampshire. Also let's not forget 30% of Latinos voted trump. Be interesting I love election nights there's one in the UK I'm staying up for tomorrow. http://www.cnsnews.com/commentary/eric-metaxas/next-generation-americans-gen-z-may-be-most-conservative-wwii http://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/2017/02/17/student-lefts-culture-intolereance-creating-new-generation-ofconservatives/ http://anepigone.blogspot.co.uk/2015/12/among-whites-conservative-liberal.html?m=1 BTW In the 90s it was right wingers and Christians that were very uncool saying how video games made you violent and Marilyn Mansons music was of the devil etc remember that? Now its the left wing saying video games are all about white male heroism or they make you sexist by abusing female avators etc or a certain singer says something out of turn and they have to come on twitter in that ' I didn't understand the sensitivities of dressing as a native American' or having my hair in dreads etc. A conservative would just tell them to fuck off . In 20 years we will be laughing at the liberals and the SJWs.
  10. the_engineer

    Donald J Trump

    red Unemployment rate at its lowest since may 2001 he is delivering on those jobs and if people are earning money, honestly alot of the other stuff will be forgotten . Look at the campaign he won on what he promised on the economy and immigration. Trump knows deliver on those two things and he will get elected again in 2020. Dow Jones is also at record highs which keeps the businesses and money men happy . http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business/markets/us/djse_indu http://www.politico.com/story/2017/05/05/economy-created-211-000-jobs-in-april-238028 Trump is delivering on the economy especially in swing states and I think in 2020 he will win all the states he won plus new Hampshire. Trump at 310 that's my early prediction . That's if he gets to 2020. The reason the media and dems are working overtime trying hard for that not to happen is they know he will win again and comfortably.
  11. the_engineer

    Political Frailty

    What is it with people called Gould getting cancer early? My father went to school with a Gould who was his friend he died around 30 of Cancer. Sam Gould has died of cancer at 33 and there was ed Gould as well died of leukemia at 23.
  12. the_engineer

    The 7th death of 2017

    Errol Christie as too many household British names have died recently and can't see it continuing. Brucie isn't going just yet.
  13. the_engineer

    Terrorists & Topical Terrorist Targets

    I would choose Al-Baghdadi for my 2018 list but what happens if it comes out he died in 2017 ? Do you still get points ?
  14. the_engineer

    Peter Sallis

    R.I.P Peter sallis very sad about this i love Wallace and gromit
  15. the_engineer

    FIFA World Cup Players

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYdbB87gBRQ R.I.P Tiote
  16. the_engineer

    By-Election Bingo 2017-22

    I'm in once the new govt is formed.
  17. the_engineer


    Vader is retiring from wrestling .Looking like a good pick for next year. http://www.ewrestlingnews.com/news/vader-announces-retirement-pro-wrestling And in other news randy savages mum has died http://www.ewrestlingnews.com/news/randy-savages-mother-passes-away
  18. the_engineer


    Have we just created a meme? 'Overly critical Bret'.
  19. the_engineer

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    Apparently there has be 5 attacks disrupted aswell as the ones that have happened. In 3 fucking months that's one every other week. Were are these failed attackers I haven't heard of 5 lots of places raided and people being arrested outside of the reaction to the Manchester bombing and this attack. Are these people in jail or on the watch list aswell ready to try again? All they need is a knife and a car.
  20. the_engineer


    'I thought the doctor was unsafe he never saved my dying brother, I've never let anyone's brother die . He was just very overrated as a doctor. You put a white coat on some people and they think their Mary nightingale. I always found the way he talked aswell as very average compared to me it wasn't going to bring in the patients he just wasn't a talker'
  21. the_engineer

    General Non School Massacre Thread

    I wonder if these guys were on the watch list aswell? Time those on watch lists had serious restrictions put on them.
  22. the_engineer

    Political Discussions And Ranting Thread

    Momentum claiming the Polls were rigged at 20 points does lend evidence to my theory they have found a way to influence the polls. I imagine them saying we can't win or get the core vote out unless we show the polls tightening etc and we should manipulate the polls back. New methods always have flaws in them and I imagine its be exploited. You've heard plenty of labour supporters saying I'm voting conservative for the first time but I've not heard it the other way around which is what's needed to even get close to the Tories in the polls. Surely labour would be doing commercials with these people or advertising them at events or saying hey look we're winning the conservative vote etc.
  23. the_engineer

    Political Discussions And Ranting Thread

    I do wonder if corbyns student cronies and momentum are manipulating the polls by finding a way to get involved and take part en masse. I just don't see a conservative switching votes to labour for corbyn which needs to happen a lot for corbyn to be within 3 points let alone to be ahead. These polls are a bit to manufactured for my liking showing corbyn slowly eating away mays lead. No swing or dip from terror attacks or labour gaffes? I definitely think it will come out that momentum/labour have found a loophole in the new way polls are being taken and are manipulating it for their own benefit. We had a by election in a safe labour seat in Copeland which conservatives won and the local elections. They're the only 'polls' so to speak we can take 100% for real.
  24. the_engineer

    Stefan Karl Stefansson

    Falls flat a bit like an IKEA furniture or the country itself Pewdiepie for prime minister ! MSGA

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