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Everything posted by the_engineer

  1. the_engineer

    The 5th death of 2017

    Bruce Forsyth. I just can't wait for the puns and jokes on here when he dies.
  2. the_engineer

    Ian Brady

    Has to be one of the most evil people to have ever lived. He wasn't just another killer or someone with schizophrenia etc that made him the way he was . He killed for fun and knew exactly what he was doing , his victims were the most vulnerable in our society and he enjoyed it. But killing them wasn't enough he tortured them and took every opportunity to torture the families of those he killed. He even let the mother of one of his victims die without having the chance to bury her son. I think he even recorded himself torturing those children there is not many humans who have ever done these types of inhumane actions. He has shown no remorse either. Hope he suffers an eternity of hell.
  3. the_engineer

    Ian Brady

    28th may I'll go for . Think they will try to keep him alive as much as possible knowing how bad he wants to die. But gravely ill usually does mean close to death.
  4. the_engineer

    Leah Bracknell

    She looks like a chewer to me. I can see her chewing away on a wad of the green stuff.
  5. the_engineer

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2018

    This year feels like a bit of a transition/ build up to another flood of deaths next year. Nearly half way through and honestly its been a very slow. Even dead certs like the king of Romania and Leah bracknell look like they have a good chance of surviving until next year. I never chose Leah though as I just thought less than 14 months from diagnosis to death was too soon. Especially with her determined attitude. Apart from Tara Palmer Tompkinson has there really be a surprising or shocking death?
  6. the_engineer

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2018

    Daniella Westbrook is a realistic possibility despite still being fairly young . Apparently she's not taking her schizophrenia medication. She's telling people she is returning to EastEnders one day, then she isn't the day after. Then claiming she will always be an addict etc, defo back on the stuff again I think. I wonder if the drugs made her schizophrenic or she had it before she got addicted? Eric pickles is another good one extremely fat individual and not standing in June in a pretty safe seat . Usually to avoid by-elections if a party thinks a person won't see out the 5 years or is in ill health they will be deselected or in this case ask the MP to make a statement that they aren't running again to avoid the shame of being deselected.
  7. the_engineer

    Political Discussions And Ranting Thread

    Neither is religion but more than 2000 years after Christ and 1300 years after Mohammed we still have religion.
  8. the_engineer

    Political Discussions And Ranting Thread

    Well theresa may tried to have kids didn't she but either her husband was firing blanks or she is barren. Kind of taking the SNP as a whole rather than individual. Could also be why the tories are having a revival in scotland as conservative fertility tends to be higher than liberals. But that is me just guessing .
  9. the_engineer

    Political Discussions And Ranting Thread

    Its probably the vegan diet . She looks like she hasn't had a proper meal in a long time.
  10. the_engineer

    Seen Any Good Films Lately?

    That's the one were the person you think is a woman isn't and turns out she has a penis . Great ending!!
  11. the_engineer

    Interesting Ways To Die...

    she'd give you the arm off her body that woman.
  12. the_engineer

    Political Discussions And Ranting Thread

    Love to see Tim Farron and angus robertson lose their seats both very smug individuals . One thing i've noticed is very few SNP MP's have kids only 13 of the currently elected 54 have kids. 5 are gay , 8 are under 30 and one has a ponytail . Take from that what you will but most of them obviously don't have a stake in Scotlands future.
  13. the_engineer

    Val Kilmer

    He hasn't got a bat in hells chance.
  14. the_engineer


    By the way guys, if you are gay, please remember… rubber up.
  15. the_engineer


    Feel so upset for JR . Honestly its quite clear they were soul mates. His update about his wife being there by his side and not complaining and helping him through tough times etc really resonated with me and I felt so sad reading it . Unfortunately I have a bad feeling this may shorten JR's life considerably.
  16. the_engineer

    Time Added

    If it is due to his liver failing the last thing he needs is a stint in Scotland .
  17. the_engineer

    Leonid Stadnyk (And Other Tall People)

    I think the discrepancy comes from whether being very tall is caused by a disorder (gigantism or acromegaly ) or purely genetics. There are some people who are over 7 foot and are in proportion . Those with those disorders their heart was built for a much smaller body , but those who are genetically tall then their heart was built for their frame. With Bao xishun it doesn't mention anything about any disorders so he may just be genetically that tall . Mongolians are usually tall people as are northern chinese. I think sultan kosen could go before Bao he is using crutches already at 34 and his height is due to pituitary gland. BTW According to Neil fingleton his dad was only 5.10
  18. the_engineer

    Leah Bracknell

    There's also the close to death around November/December time and fighting on for one last Christmas and new year etc . If she is going to die this year then She will go before September.
  19. the_engineer

    Time Added

    http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/39106689 Mario gotze has been ruled out 'for the time being' with metabolic disturbances . "He [Gotze] has continually suffered with muscular problems in the past few months, prompting a comprehensive internal investigation into the possible causes "Those investigations revealed the player has metabolic disturbances, rendering it absolutely necessary to withdraw him from team training for the time being." Could it be sign of something more serious ? Metabolic disturbances is usually associated with failing liver or pancreas. Its weird that he is been withdrawn with no timetable for return .
  20. the_engineer

    By-Election Bingo

    Seems like we picked a great time to start this . Is it just me or has there been more by-elections than usual during this 2015 - 2020 cycle.
  21. the_engineer

    Leonid Stadnyk (And Other Tall People)

    Well Paul Sturgess ( who is now Britain's tallest man) is virtually the same height as Neil was . He is 29 years old maybe one to keep an eye on. Then again Chris greener lived until he was 72 and he was 7 foot 6.
  22. the_engineer

    Leah Bracknell

    She will make it until next year IMO . The medication she is on now is working , with the opportunity for more medical treatment after that stops working to extend her life. 5 months on she is a little more skinny but she doesn't look like someone on deaths door maybe more like in deaths garden .
  23. the_engineer

    Who on the 2017 list would you like to meet?

    The queen . I've always wanted to me a reptilian. Other than that Bob Barker
  24. the_engineer

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2018

    Maybe he is taking a break to be with his family. 'It's about family init bruv'.
  25. the_engineer

    Rolf Harris

    Rolf got 5 years and 7 months does that mean he will be out in march this year having served 2 years 9 months if he is not found guilty of new charges? Or does he serve the full sentence ?

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