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Everything posted by the_engineer

  1. the_engineer

    What Ever Happened To?????????

    I remember watching that show in the middle of the night in my college/uni days. Badly behaved kids and tearaway teens trisha's solution always seemed to be send them to boot camps , though it wasn't really a boot camp. More of a outdoor climbing adventure in the lake district with zip lines. So essentially she was rewarding them , what a fucking troll.
  2. the_engineer

    The Deathlist Howto

    Because he/you were banned. Can't make up he/your mind yet? I have it on good authority from a reputable news agency buzzfeed <--(hahaha) that the Russians hacked Dr zorders private info and forced him to have arguement with phantom . I'm going to present an A4 piece of paper with parts highlighted in colourful marker pen and call it a dossier . This should be all the evidence Paul Bearer will need.
  3. the_engineer

    Biggest Misses By The Committee 2017

    I could be wrong but I'm sure someone said on the forums years ago the deathlist committee limit the amount of people over a 100 on the list.
  4. the_engineer

    Political Discussions And Ranting Thread

    Jeremy Corbyn just called the system rigged and tried his best Donald Trump impersonation. So I guess momentum's master plan is true to turn corbyn into the left wing Trump. This will be hilarious and as cringe worthy as Jeb! Trying to be a tough guy. Just waiting for corbyn to dye his hair blonde and start getting spray tans. I'm joking but in today's political climate would you rule anything out?
  5. the_engineer

    By-Election Bingo

    Paul Nuttall should stand and lead by example. This is make or break for UKIP IMO they don't win this they might be in trouble its an open goal for UKIP.
  6. the_engineer

    By-Election Bingo

    I remember reading somewhere last year that one of the potential plans by the blairite MPs to get rid of Corbyn was for them to constantly trigger by elections and put pressure on corbyn . Labour will lose Copeland and think there is a good chance they will lose Hunt's seat too. After that will Corbyns position become untenable? In 2015 election stoke central (Hunt's seat) 45% voted either UKIP or Conservative 39% labour but the corbyn effect will mean labour losing a good chunk of that to ukip and lib dems. UKIP got 23% percent they take 5 to 7% off labour and hold their votes from 2015 UKIP have a serious chance of winning this!
  7. the_engineer

    Queen Elizabeth II

    So if the queen dies what happens to these new polymer bank notes and new pound coins with her image on them will they be withdrawn and replaced with ones with pictures of Charles on ? Same with stamps ? It will certainly be weird seeing the queens face which we have all gotten used to being replaced with prince Charles face. The queens image on miney and stamps has almost become iconic in many ways . Who here thinks the queen will make it onto the polymer £20 note in 2020? I have a feeling that it could be the first currency in nearly 70 years without her image on it.
  8. the_engineer

    Time Added

    Didn't see that coming I mean I know he wasn't young but no rumours of being ill as far as I remember. I'll always remember him for the skits about him in spitting image rather than football management.
  9. the_engineer

    Who'll Be Last One Standing?

    Went for Fats domino. He is 10 years younger than the nearest living person on the poll.
  10. the_engineer

    Political Discussions And Ranting Thread

    Could do but who? Philip Hammond? Boris Johnson? I doubt anyone wants the job! Boris would be PM now if he never dropped out so he clearly doesn't want it. No appetite with the Conservatives to rock the boat they're 10 to 14 points ahead in most polls over Labour. Labour don't want an election now (which is why they're delaying the Copeland by-election) as it will likely lead to 100 seats or more majority with the Tories. So Theresa is in power for a long time at least until 2025. I can't see there being anything other than a tory govt for a generation or longer. Something similar happened in Japan were conservative parties ruled and won elections from 1954 to 2009.
  11. the_engineer

    Donald J Trump

    Trump is not my emperor. Could you highlight the part in my post were I stated Donald Trump was Joeyruss' emperor?
  12. the_engineer

    Gerry Adams & Martin McGuinness

    pancreatic cancer strikes again maybe?
  13. the_engineer

    Donald J Trump

    God emperor trumps Teflon armour will never be breached .Am I the only one who thinks this golden showers report sounds like a rib or Obama's team getting him back for the whole birth certificate saga?
  14. the_engineer

    Time Added

    I do wonder if these rehabs help? It never helped amy winehouse or Paul Gascoigne and when you think about it ,it isn't in the rehabs interest for you to get better and never use them again.
  15. the_engineer

    Ask A Deathlister

    I know what happens if you don't pay it. You get elected president.
  16. the_engineer

    Donald J Trump

    I maybe in the minority here but i just think he is a god emperor . The status Quo is not working you need someone to come in and turn the apple cart over . Did any of you see north korea's press release recently they went from we will destroy you in a sea of fire to "Anyone who wants to deal with (North Korea) would be well advised to secure a new way of thinking after having clear understanding of it ". That's the trump effect! He said people would respect America again and people saw obama is weak especially after the whole red line bulls##t. My prediction north korea won't be around in 8 years chinese and south korean forces will be jointly controlling it (with troops on the ground) leading to unification . Their is a reason Kim jong un is racing to get nukes he knows the chinese are making plans to overthrow the regime . South korea's fertility rate is in the toilet and could do with cheap north korea labour , china wants stability and economic success in that region and USA wants to stop threats of nuclear attack, time is almost up for kim jong fatty. I truly believe aswell North Korea would use nukes as soon as they got them working they're mad enough.
  17. the_engineer

    What Ever Happened To?????????

    She's enjoying her retirement ravenously demolishing pack after pack of ryvita
  18. the_engineer

    What Ever Happened To?????????

    Doesn't Rowland Rivron do occasional features for The One Show? Yeah, and shows like Holiday - not exactly high profile, mind. Some hereabouts might consider it a sign of good taste if you haven't seen him on telly in the last few years i've never watched the one show but nice to know he is getting work .
  19. the_engineer

    The B B C

    I think its the threatening letters and subtle intimidation that if you don't forcefully fund us we'll be around to your door looking to catch you out. It's all very stasique. The model is outdated and the BBC is or was known to throw about the licence fee money very extravagantly . Well you know what they say about being generous with other people's money. Then you have the whole bias which some people complain about. Firstly many people claimed the BBC was anti-Scottish independence (probably because it wouldn't be able to collect the licence fee anymore) and second pro EU. The BBC has received funding from the EU breaking the whole TV licence fee agreement anyway and how can it be unbiased in covering Brexit when it received funds from the EU. Then there is the whole paedophile culture that existed there many children were lured to BBC studios to meet their heroes or take part in shows etc and had their lives destroyed and innocence taken. Rolf Harris has started a new trial a few days ago some of the victims were abused at the BBC. But other than that it's a national institution and it's TOTALLY worth the 145 pounds a year a bit like the royal family too
  20. the_engineer

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    November the 10th 2017
  21. the_engineer

    Operation Yewtree(Including Alleged) Death Predictor

    After a pedo genocide of all the names on the poll. Even the alleged ones, as there is no smoke without fire or something. so every time someone is accused of a crime they must be guilty because no one ever suspects people for no reason? This is an idiotic and naive way of thinking. If you think my statement is meant to be taken seriously then your the one that's naive.
  22. the_engineer

    Betty Driver Memorial Soapstar Superstar Thread

    I'll go for Barbara Knox (Rita corrie)
  23. the_engineer

    Gord Downie

    He was named Canadian newsmaker of the year, and that article refers to a public appearance in early December. But yeah, slowing down considerably, given he was out campaigning etc in October. He was at an event being honoured by some indigenous Canadian`s for advocating for their rights.He looked very thin and couldn`t stop crying.I know it was a emotionally charged ceremony but it looked like uncontrollable crying. Well I'd be crying uncontrollably for a group if they were conquered by Canadians.
  24. the_engineer

    Operation Yewtree(Including Alleged) Death Predictor

    The title says alleged. Read.What part of being found not guilty by a jury do you not understand you bell end.They are no longer 'alleged' thus rendering your piss poor thread a bit null and void. Once alleged. ReadAre you sure your not he who should not be named? I assure you Robert Mugabe is not Lord Voldermort . He the wrong colour for a start and a fictional character .
  25. the_engineer

    Operation Yewtree(Including Alleged) Death Predictor

    After a pedo genocide of all the names on the poll. Even the alleged ones, as there is no smoke without fire or something.

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