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Everything posted by time

  1. time

    Dead Screenwriters Society

    Stewart Stern, writer of Rebel Without a Cause has died aged 92
  2. time

    Crashing Companies

    Radio Shack files for bankruptcy protection. Bought some screwdrivers from them in 1984.
  3. time

    Gary Glitter

    Stuart Hall also pleaded guilty, which is generally looked upon favourably when determining sentence.
  4. time

    Somewhere Over The Rainbow

    Most gay people I know are uber health freaks and kick up a real fuss if you light up a cigarette in their vicinity, and the only "drugs" they take are mineral and vitamin supplements. So I'm not sure what research Evan Davies has done to prove this statement, or where his definition of "drugs" begins. Most gay people I know smoke like chimneys and drink like fishes. Actually, that applies to the straight people I know as well.
  5. time

    Peaches Honeyblossom Geldof

    Tim Farriss -> Kevin Bacon -> Pharrell Williams -> Peaches Geldof.Orri Vigfússon -> Prince Charles -> Michelle Mone -> Peaches Geldof Adolf Hitler -> Mother Theresa -> Kevin Bacon -> Peaches Geldof -> Mornington Crescent I understand the need to get Kevin Bacon in, but I fail to see the link between him and the Witch of Calcutta.regards, Hein Does it matter? I played the Euston Square advantage. Anyway I got to Mornington Crescent, so I won No, she lived and died in Wrotham, Kent which is not on the underground system and she would have to use a surface line to connect to Euston Via Sevenoaks, change at Swanley for London Bridge... And from London Bridge, it's a short distance on the Northern Line to Mornington Crescent. I'm sorry I haven't a clue as to what you are all going on about. Don't get the Hump
  6. No this is important as many people will assume they are still registered as they have been previously. This is going to mostly affect Students and people who live in multi-occupancy units. This was a change brought in by Labour to move to individual rather than household registration but the argument goes that it has suited the Tories not to bring it to the attention of the above groups too blatently as those people probably wouldn't vote Tory. That argument might hold some weight if the letters didn't say on the envelope the way we register vote is changing. Assuming people saw the letters and didn't just chuck them out with all the other junk mail. There was a similar issue about the letters that went out about data sharing in the NHS. The programme had to be postponed because most people weren't aware of the issue. This should have been supported by a media campaign. This is a problem caused (or at least not helped) by the semi-privatisation of Royal Mail. Back in the 'good old days' you could be pretty sure that what the postie left on your doormat was actual post that needed at least some attention; now that the PO has to pay for itself they're obliged to take just about anything. Of course, if it was obvious that the junk mail on your doormat was junk, we'd just throw it away so in order to get us to look at said junk mail in amongst the pizza menus and window cleaners flyers, the canny marketeer dresses it up to look like its important by putting it in an envelope. Consequently, many assume that the anonymous looking envelope addressed 'to the occupier' (as my registration letter was) is another marketing letter from Virgin Media (other just as irritating mass-marketeers are available). That's my theory fwiw.
  7. time

    Jake "the Snake" Roberts

    A Jake the Snake story from ABC, concerning his 'resurrection'. Haven't read it all, Might be informative, might not.
  8. time

    Plane, Train And Automobile Crashes

    Both engines failed according to Taiwan's Aviation Safety Council. The crew 'tried to restart one... to no avail'.
  9. time

    Peaches Honeyblossom Geldof

    Tim Farriss -> Kevin Bacon -> Pharrell Williams -> Peaches Geldof.
  10. time

    Gary Glitter

    So, ONE count of attampted rape...
  11. time

    Time Added

    Confirmed. Ralf Little adds his two-penn'orth.
  12. time

    Harper Lee

  13. time

    Ice Hockey Players

    Close but no cigar - Gordie Howe's younger brother Vic has died aged 85.
  14. time

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2016

    He was a 'unique' on my 'Roger & Out' theme team last year, (and two years before that). I didn't re-enter this time. Two Rogers in three years is a poor return, though I might try again with a few different Rogers next year.
  15. time

    Will The Deathlist Have A Hit In January?

    I'll stick my neck out and vote no.
  16. time

    The Dead Of 2015

    no you're wrong .It was Julia Mckenzie who played the part It doesn't take a Miss Marple to deduce that you, sir, are a twat. that's Julia Mckenzie isn't it? as I was saying...
  17. time

    The Dead Of 2015

    no you're wrong .It was Julia Mckenzie who played the part It doesn't take a Miss Marple to deduce that you, sir, are a twat.
  18. time

    Dead Poets Society

    Poet & Songwriter Rod McKuen dies aged 81.
  19. time

    The Dutch

    If he's from a hackers collective, why didn't they just hack into the live feed?
  20. time

    Awful Anagrams

    Ian Watkins = I wank stain, (or for those that watch 8 out 10 cats does countdown, wank-stain.).
  21. time

    Awful Anagrams

    Cumbrian Blue, I see. Fine plumage, too. regards, Hein I'm a green eh?
  22. time

    Silly Sports

    We were made to play hockey (the proper sort, on grass) at school. I remember having a major disagreement with the referee (teacher) when he whistled me for turning, he gave me the whistle and told me to take over.
  23. time

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2016

    You could add John Noakes (Blue Peter) to that list. I didn't realize until just now that he turned 80 last May. You mean we could "Go With Noakes".

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