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Everything posted by time

  1. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Even if that were a rule, Elizabeth Sladen would be an exception. I personally switched most of my posts to marking 10th, 15th 20th etc more because I got fed up with doing it most years. Although some I might post in between more as a "bloody hell, time doesn't 'arf fly". But Elizabeth Sladen is an exception to any rule. I tried to just announce significant milestones (deathdays as opposed to birthdays) but found there were insufficient significant milestones to make it worthwhile, especially as I tried to not duplicate entries; hence, any anniversary, as long as the deceased is particularly significant, is fair game, even if it means duplication of someone who appeared in previous years. Today is the 97th anniversary of the death of Manfred von Richtofen, WW1 flying ace, The Red Baron.
  2. time

    Dead Pop Stars

    Is that Cher dead?
  3. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Four years ago today, Elisabeth Sladen died aged 65.
  4. time

    Political Frailty

    A report there from 'the sixth most visited newspaper website in Nigeria'. Is that the sound of barrel-scraping I can hear?
  5. time

    Derby Dead Pool 2015

    TMIB - you've got Ronnie Carroll down as Roy Carroll on the front page; as far as I know Roy Carroll (former NI goalkeeper) is very much still alive (and also not a Ron).
  6. time

    Animal Antics

    Works out to about 30000 bees per hive, which, according to google, falls within the typical hive population of 20,000 to 60,000, depending on the time of year.
  7. time

    Joni Mitchell

    Some folk music is protest music, some protest music is folk music, but the terms are not synonymous. Listen to this, traditional folk music - what's the protest angle on that? https://youtu.be/vQ9-uWXU4oU If you think folk music is just protest music I suggest you need to broaden your horizons.
  8. time

    Political Frailty

    I remember that the police did investigate some MPs back in the day. Greville Janner was caught up in a massive child abuse trial in Leicester when Frank Beck tried to implicate him in his trial. Janner was not charged with anything. Beck died shortly afterwards in prison at a relativly young age. I am not sure how widely this was reported outside of the East Midlands. Greville Janner will not be charged owing to the severity of his dementia.
  9. time

    The Dead Of 2015

    Thank you. Yup, his arse. 80% of statistics are made up.
  10. time

    World War II Veterans

    That's what I thought. This article from earlier in the year has him at 17 when he first was first sent abroad.
  11. time

    World War II Veterans

    Account here from John Darby, the tank driver who was the first into Bergen-Belsen after its liberation. Chances of an obit must be good purely for that alone; perhaps increased now that the BBC have featured him
  12. time

    British Science Fiction Series

    If he makes the list and dies, he should be replaced by Peter Davison the following year.
  13. time

    Curse Of The Eurovision

    and another Ron bites the dust.
  14. time

    Sir Ranulph Fiennes

    I suppose heatstroke will make a pleasant change from frostbite. Starts today...probably dead within the week. According to reports today he has been overtaking people who are almost 50 years younger than him. He's completed the run, despite 'heart problems caused by physical exertion' and 'back pain'. 159 miles in six days.
  15. time

    Cricket Thread. Only Mad Dogs And Englishmen

    Only right that Richie Benaud feature here. Liked this from Gary Naylor
  16. time

    The Dead Of 2015

    Ah, the man's a stiff, then!
  17. time

    BB King

    Sorry I didn't see the first one posting so I posted again sorry if it annoys youI'm getting to the point of just giving up on you!.You need to show some modicum of punctuation. Capital letters for names of people. Use a coma when needed. Be interesting and post with a level of incite-fulness. End with a full stop. If you can't do any of that, rearrange, and personally do, this well known phrase or saying: off, right, fuck! Use a coma - I second that. I agree heartily. Comas are always welcome in dead pooling. OK I'll try to be better with my grammer especially commas. Grammer? No. Kelsey Grammer is only 60 years old and has no health problems. he's not a good candidate for any Deathlists or deadpools. Apart from the heart problems, historical alcohol abuse, cocaine use, fondness for motorbikes, predisposition for wives to shoot at him...
  18. time

    Time Added

    England's 1966 World Cup doctor, Neil Phillips, has died aged 83 (yes, I know, not a footballer). The Daily Fail, in a report published today, helpfully informs us that a service of thanksgiving will take place on the 8th of April.
  19. time

    BB King

    Sorry I didn't see the first one posting so I posted again sorry if it annoys you I'm getting to the point of just giving up on you!. You need to show some modicum of punctuation. Capital letters for names of people. Use a coma when needed. Be interesting and post with a level of incite-fulness. End with a full stop. If you can't do any of that, rearrange, and personally do, this well known phrase or saying: off, right, fuck! Use a coma - I second that.
  20. time

    Alexander Litvinenko

    Why couldn't you put "accidentally" killed himself? It's a big difference. Afterall, who hasn't accidentally poured themselves a cup of polonium-210 tea? I was just trying to rescue the difference between time's intellectual aspirations and a shit-brained Chelsea season-ticket-holder who says "well if he 'andled it wrong then be basically killed 'imself dinnie?". Y'know since almost all people immediately associate the phrase "killed himself" with an intentional suicide. If you were to get your head out of your arse long enough, you'd see I was quoting the BBC. If you have a problem with the way its reported, its with them. End of story.
  21. time

    Alexander Litvinenko

    may have killed himself, suspect says.
  22. time

    Robert Mugabe

    I wonder how badly this will effect affect Robert Mugabe
  23. time


    There is a name that brings back unwelcome memories of Midlands Today Yes, we were an ATV Today household. Midlands Today seemed too 'establishment' for my tastes - mind you I was but a callow youth at the time.
  24. time

    The Cardinals Of The Roman Catholic Church

    Cardinal Turcotte has met his maker, aged 78.
  25. time

    Mollie Sugden et al

    The Vicar of Dibley?

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