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Everything posted by time

  1. time

    The Dead Of 2014

    Went by the name of Theodore 'Dutch' Van Kirk. (That should stop all those posts beginning "Couldn't find it posted anywhere else...")
  2. time

    Sam Simon

    As birthdays have been mentioned, I'll go for mine - August 21st.
  3. time

    Winter Olympic Deaths

    Howard Siler, fomer Olympic bobsledder dies aged 69. He was also the coach of the Jamaican team from Calgary 88 portrayed as a bumbling idiot by John Candy in Cool Runnings.
  4. time

    The Hartlepool Deadlypool

    How/why did I miss her from my team??
  5. time

    James Garner

    I thought something was up when I tried phoning him and kept getting his answering machine.
  6. time


    Commander of Space Shuttle Discovery's first mission, Henry "Hank" Hartsfield Jr, has died aged 80.
  7. time

    Conspiracy Theories

    That didn't take long! MH17 conspiracy theories.
  8. time

    Voice Actors

    Typing "Gay Soper age" into Google (other search engines are available) reveals that she was born 6 February 1941, making her 71 now.
  9. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    5 years ago today, Henry Allingham, aged 113.
  10. time

    Hooroo, Mate.

    Aussie soap star John Walton (The Young Doctors) has died aged 62.
  11. time

    Cartoonists And Animators

    It was one of the more bizarre twists in the Marvel world, is he/she going to have a sex change or is it going to be a "someone broke his hammer" kind of thing? It will be revealed as a case of mistranslating the Old Norse. It should have been "The Whore".
  12. time

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2015

    Not starting a thread for her not starting a thread for her not starting a thread for her Too ill to attend her own birthday. Which, considering even a month ago she was turning up to fucking dog fashion shows, probably indicates we're on the clock. Update via, of course, the personal facebook page of Vicki Michelle from Allo Allo/70s softcore porn. So, will Lord Archer do the decent thing and show up for the funeral? Dunno, did he make it to Monica Coghlan's? Surely he was too grand for that.
  13. time

    Cricket Thread. Only Mad Dogs And Englishmen

    The BBC has a report. Here's a link.
  14. time

    The Dead Of 2014

    When you say 'Californian desert', you mean Death Valley,right?
  15. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    25 years ago today
  16. time

    The Dead Of 2014

    Rosemary Murphy, who played Maudie in the film of Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird has died aged 89.
  17. time


    Mike Hawker, who wrote I Only Want to be With You and Walking back to Happiness died back in May aged 77.
  18. time

    Derby Dead Pool 2014

    I'll just add my 'Thanks' too - you've done a great job - Has it really been five years?
  19. time

    Irwin Allen's Hacks

    Don Matheson has died, aged 84.
  20. time

    Rolf Harris

    Have a read of the link I posted up the page a bit, and then tell me you feel sorry for the bearded Stylophone-fiddling cunt - I really didn't want to believe it was true of wholesome Rolf, but it is, so I hope he gets bummed to death by Big Ron on A Wing. Big Ron was paroled last week; he's at home on a tag now. Who the fuck is Big Ron?
  21. time


    Yes! Alive and kicking. Who did he play for? Wasn't he the one who sat on the ball at Wembley in 1967? That was his brother Jim. I do like their soup.
  22. time

    The Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Thread

    Dead at 97. I assume the changing face of online journalism and the movie they've made of him in the past five years will safely see him get the Daily Mail obit. Mail? Independent!
  23. time


    Yes! Alive and kicking. Who did he play for?
  24. time

    Golf: The 19th Hole

    Errie Ball, the last surviving player from the first Masters tournament has missed the cut at 103.
  25. time


    I suddenly feel old. My memories go back to Mexico 1970. My first World Cup was W. Germany in 74, despite England's failure to qualify. Holland v W Germany final with Wolverhampton butcher Jack Taylor refereeing. Also memorable for Zaire's emergence as a footballing nation.

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