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Everything posted by time

  1. time


    The Sun wins (from behind a paywall).
  2. time

    The Dead Of 2014

    It wasn't exactly subtle!
  3. time

    Nancy Reagan Or Barbara Bush In 2014?

    Do your really understand the term gravely ill? That's Spaghetti Junction isn't it?
  4. time

    Carter Vs Bush

    definatately? Well, if you say so...!
  5. time

    Harper Lee

    The lawsuit has been settled.
  6. time

    The Dead Of 2014

    Actor Malcolm Tierney, aged 75. Appeared in Lovejoy and Brookside and Colin Baker's Dr Who story Trial of a Timelord, as well as a whole swathe of British TV programs from the 60's on.
  7. time


    Soyuz Cosmonaut Valery Kubasov dead aged 79. He was one of the Soviets on the Apollo-Soyuz joint test project.
  8. David Crosby cancels tour dates. Left anterior coronary artery 90% blocked.
  9. time

    British Science Fiction Series

    It would appear that Barry died as a result of a fall at a Banbury Shopping Centre.
  10. time

    Seen Any Good Films Lately?

    the one with Laurence Fishburne, right?
  11. time

    The Dead Of 2014

    as first mentioned by me 2 posts above yours Well done, you win.
  12. time

    Renowned Mountaineers, Feeling Peaky?

    Ian McNaught-Davis, mountaineer and BBC broadcaster, dies aged 84.
  13. time

    The 100 Club

    IMDB has her listed as having died on january 25 http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0556834/ but that's the only online indication I can find that she's dead.There's n o reason to disbelieve it though so she probably is dead .I'm sure some sort of obit will appear in the next few days/weeks Ham & High carries a report; I wonder what they mean by
  14. time

    Things To Do While Waiting For Death

    That's scarily ambiguous ..... I hope its the postman... he'll be useful for the delivery.
  15. time

    The Dead Of 2014

    Ralph Waite, 'Pa' Walton (of The Waltons) has died aged 85.
  16. Yeah, good luck with this one!
  17. time

    Time Added

    Straits Times reports.
  18. time

    Room 101

    Oh, you are such a cunt. Correction, you are a mega-cunt. Whoever removed it previously, go fuck yourself you self-righteous cunt. Have we met? Tempus has learnt a new word at school.
  19. time

    2nd Death Of 2014

    Billy Graham. New policy this year - stick with the same name. I'll be right sooner or later.
  20. time

    Room 101

    I wear headphones on buses becausei) I don't want to hear other passengers conversations/arguments; ii) I don't want to listen to someone's (half of a ) telephone conversation; iii) I don't want to hear anyone else's tinny hiss from their headphones; iv) Our local (almost monopoly) bus operator has decided that the best way to invest their revenue is in recorded announcements of what the next stop will be, which gets a tad irritating after the first couple of stops. Does that make me a twat?
  21. time

    Sid Caesar

    What a surprise.
  22. time

    Old Folkies Home

    Chieftains founder member Sean Potts hangs up his tin whistle aged 83.
  23. time

    World War II Veterans

    The last surviving RAF veteran imprisoned in Colditz, Francis 'Errol' Flinn, has died aged 97. He didn't escape but was freed im May 1944 after feigning insanity.
  24. time

    Shaw Taylor

    Saw him on 'New Police 5' tonight. He's looked better!
  25. time

    The Dead Of 2014

    ...and its goodnight from her.

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