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Everything posted by time

  1. time

    Things To Do While Waiting For Death

    My real complaint is that too many posts (not just the one you refer too) bear little resemblance to how English should be written. Some of the posts by contributors for whom English is not their first language use better English than some of those for whom it is. It's either representative of the decline in educational standards in this country or its lazy bastards who couldn't give a shit not even attempting to write coherently. Yes, I'm in snotty Guardian reader mode too.
  2. time

    Things To Do While Waiting For Death

    Mourn. Mourn for those contributors who used to use decent English. Mourn for those contributors who, even if they didn't always succeed, tried.
  3. time

    Curse Of The Eurovision

    Ok, so if you don't like the BBC wasting time and money making a huge deal out of a campy contest, it's because you're a seething racist or whatever. What's the crude and transparent emotional blackmail/smear you use to put down someone who complains about BBC wasting literally tens of millions buying the rights to a terrible, faded, horrible little racing series which only became available because not even ITV considered it good enough any more, while their educative/factual output languishes in a sea of repeats, and the few new commissions there are descend further and further into small-scale esoterica and/poor, muddled narration/pacing? An annoying-tinny-engined-robot-cars-go-round-and-round-a-painfully-dull-and-angular-track-that-looks-like-a-twisted-coat-hanger-from-above-while-an-annoying-Scot-who-probably-couldn't-even-get-hired-as-a-presenter-on-QVC-witters-on-about-some-unfathomable-"DRS"-nonsense-or-something-which-absolutely-no-one-who's-ever-even-got-to-1st-base-gives-a-shit-about-ophobe? What?
  4. time

    Scientists, Inventors And Techno Wizards

    Werner Lang, the 'Godfather' of the Trabant.
  5. time

    Dead Drummers

    Was he on this one?
  6. time

    The Dead Of 2013

    Actress Diane Clare, aged 74. She starred in Ice Cold in Alex and The reluctant Débutante.
  7. time

    Nelson Mandela

    Aren't we all aware that he is an old man about to die? Don't we all watch/listen to the news? Isn't it therefore unnecessary to quote and link to every utterance from every family member/public figure? (Rhetorical questions - just getting fed up of seeing lots of posts which say nothing new).
  8. time

    Been To Any Good Gigs Lately?

    What's the likely line-up? Chris Squire - only person in every Yes line up Steve Howe Alan White Geoff Downes and someone or other from a tribute band who isn't Jon Anderson Anderson - incidentally - is reportedly going deaf Saw Yes in 1980 at Birmingham Odeon; same line-up except Trevor Horn on vocals. This was just after Anderson & Wakeman had left. We weren't quite sure if it'd be any good without them but Horn managed to carry off the vocals admirably, and a thoroughly enjoyable evening was had.
  9. time

    Been To Any Good Gigs Lately?

    What's the likely line-up?
  10. time

    Jimmy Savile

    Or maybe its because he wasn't Mandy Smith's teacher.
  11. time

    Nelson Mandela

    Please fuck off That's a bit strong old chap. He said "please", whats yer problem?
  12. time

    Hans And Lotte Hass

    Deathlist has a Red Flag
  13. time

    Political Frailty

    Lord (Peter) Fraser Scottish Lord Advocate responsible for the investigation into the Lockerbie bombing.
  14. time

    Dead Pop Stars

    Roger La Vern, keyboard player of the Tornados, has died age 74. It's his playing you can hear on Telstar.
  15. time


    Old school cricket (plus squash & badminton) journalist Dicky Rutnagur, aged 82.
  16. time

    US Ensemble Dramas/HBO Box Set Shows

    Admin/Mods/Someone/Anyone - Please fix the capitalisation on this thread title before my head explodes (or change to 'Our Ensemble Dramas/hobnob box set shows') Thanks.
  17. time

    Death List Convention

    Checking my diary, it would appear that I'm unavailable until the last weekend in September, by which time the flouncing season will be over . I could possibly make the weekend of 17-18 august (as its the weekend nearest my birthday).
  18. time

    Ideas And Possibilities For 2014

    If you bothered to look just one post above yours, you'll notice that the same link was posted a good 18 hours before. Sigh. Will we ever be rid of this irritating idiot and his inane compositions? Perhaps if people took no notice of him and didn't respond to every post?
  19. time

    Sir Harold Wilson

    Is the gag so old that its likely to pop its clogs anytime soon? possible;e for next year? What's the likelihood of a qualifying obit for any pools?
  20. time

    Crashing Companies

    Wonder what they'll call themselves when they get busted to division 3? (Or the juniors) Done-fermline
  21. time

    The Fringes Of Fame/family Of The Famous

    World record holder marathon walker Tom Benson, aged 80. He held at least 6 endurance records during the 70s & 80s, one of which will never (officially) be beaten,as Guinness ruled it too dangerous - walking 234 miles without even a toilet break. They don't make 'em like that any more.
  22. time

    The Dead Of 2013

    Harry Lewis in the news?
  23. time

    Nobel Prize In Death

    1993 Economics laureate Robert Fogel dead at 86.

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