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Everything posted by time

  1. time

    Googie Withers

    Googie, Withers.
  2. time

    World's Oldest

    Botswana's oldest woman dies aged 130. Presumably, the Guinness Book of Records reach doesn't extend to Botswana.
  3. time

    Irate Visitors Rage Here, If You Must.

    Or at least an argument. On the subject of (completely) different versions, and completely off topic, I was watching a few Python clips on YouTube last night. I'd always known 'The Lumberjack Song' to finish with Palin wishing he'd been a girlie just like ' ', but as can clearly be heard in the original its just like ' '. Though in the German version, its ' '! I don't know about any variations in the 'Argument Clinic' sketch though.
  4. time

    The 6th Death Of 2011

    Erich Priebke. He's not in my DDP team, which must give him a chance.
  5. time

    Rupert Murdoch

    Cynical marketing ploy and desperate attempt to combine the appearance of being in charge (by the Murdochs) with the generation of some sympathy (for those losing jobs), and thereby deflect criticism of the phone hacking, or summat. I'm not sure how the company is structured financially but if NOTW is a separate financial entity and they suddenly stop the income stream, there'll be some chance of deflecting damages claims because there won't be anyone to sue. I thought as much How long do you think it'll be before the launch of 'The Sunday Sun', or summat similar?
  6. time

    Oliver Postgate

    Peter Firmin is to become a Freeman of the City of Canterbury tonight. From the interview just broadcast on the local news, I'd give him a good few years yet (though given my performances on this years deadpools, don't be surprised if he were to keel over during the ceremony).
  7. time

    Things To Do While Waiting For Death

    If you want to know the time, ask Eccles.
  8. time

    The Dead Of 2011

    Otto Von Habsburg, eldest son of the last emperor of Austria, has died in Germany aged 98. Of interest to a handful of DDP teams, but not any of the front runners.
  9. Does the News of the World know about this?
  10. time

    Political Frailty

    It would appear the BBC have been monitoring your input. If I wore a hat, I'd take it off to you.
  11. time

    The Dead Of 2011

    10 hours earlier... http://www.deathlist.net/forums/index.php?...st&p=161409
  12. time

    The Cardinals Of The Roman Catholic Church

    Not sounding good for him: February 8 On the occasion of his 75th birthday of Cardinal Georg Sterzinsky, archbishop of Berlin, Germany, on February 9, 2011, the archdiocese issued the following bulletin. "On 9 February 2011 Cardinal Sterzinsky will celebrate his 75th birthday. No celebrations are possible, as Cardinal Sterzinsky still is in the hospital. His health has not improved. "It's a good habit, to wish a good health on the occasion of a birthday" said Vicar General Monsignor Ronald Rother. "But it's not possible to deliver this wishes personally. I therefore have my prayers and our desires in prayer before God, and I invite you all together with the whole archdiocese to pray for the Cardinal. We especially thank God that Cardinal Sterzinsky has headed our archdiocese now for more than 20 years." Latest update and things are sounding worse and worse: ***** February 9 According to a kreuz.net katholische nachrichten statement from Berlin, since January 24, 2011, the cardinal has been operated on four times and is in serious condition, kept in an artificial coma in intensive care in the hospital of the Sisters of St. Francis, in Budapest street, in Mitte district, Berlin. At the end of January, he was diagnosed with stomach cancer. Source: http://www2.fiu.edu/~mirandas/additions-11.htm ***** Any one want to punt on how many days he has left? * February 24 Pope Benedict XVI accepted the resignation from the pastoral government of the archdiocese of Berlin, Germany, presented by Cardinal Georg Maximilian Sterzinsky in conformity to canon 401 § 1 of the Code of Canon Law. The archdiocese of Berlin also issued a communique announcing the resignation. The cardinal's condition remains serious. In Crónica - 2011. Source: http://www2.fiu.edu/~mirandas/additions-11.htm The Sterzinsky saga goes on: "... Cardinal Georg Sterzinsky, archbishop of Berlin, Germany, was awaken from the induced coma on Tuesday April 5, 2011. His condition has improved but is not yet good, said the spokesman of the archdiocese,.." Also, "... Cardinal Kazimierz Świątek, archbishop emeritus of Minsk-Mohilev, apostolic administrator ad nutum Sanctae Sedis of Pinsk, Belarus, broke a leg on March 8, 2011 and was hospitalized. On April 7, 2011, an operation was necessary, and since then, the cardinal is unconscious and in a coma. At 96, he is the second oldest cardinal of the Church...." Source: http://www2.fiu.edu/~mirandas/additions-11.htm April 8 entries Sterzinsky saga comes to an end.
  13. time

    Scientists, Inventors And Techno Wizards

    George C Ballas Sr has died aged 85. He invented the 'Weed Eater', or as they're known this side of the pond, the strimmer.
  14. time

    The Dead Of 2011

    Former jockey and Rupert Grint's body double, Richard Fox has died after collapsing 2 months ago.
  15. time

    Time Added

    Of all the former Manchester City players who might have gone this year, I wouldn't have said Mike Doyle, who has died aged 64, from liver failure

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