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Everything posted by time

  1. time

    The Dead Of 2011

    Film producer Laura Ziskin (Spiderman) has died after a 7 year battle with breast cancer, aged 61.
  2. time

    Curse Of The Eurovision

    Sven Olof Walldoff has died at the age of 82. He was the conductor when Abba won in 1974, just around the corner from me.
  3. time

    Hooroo, Mate.

    I clicked on this and it rang a bell. Only thing is I'm from Birmingham UK, not Sydney Australia. Apart from the title, the only thing I remember distinctly is that it was of no interest to me so I changed channels whenever it started. Can anyone verify that it was shown in Britain during the late 60's, early 70's? Or am I thinking of something else altogether?
  4. time


    Shes just pining for the fjords trees! But, she's not a Norwegian Blue! That's why I crossed through fjords and added trees! (Though I could have put Kindles instead).
  5. time


    Shes just pining for the fjords trees!
  6. time

    Coleman Falls?

    BBC Comentator Idwal Robling has died aged 84. He was the chap who got his break by winning the competition to find a new commentator for the 1970 World Cup.
  7. time

    The Dead Of 2011

    As no-one else appears to have posted it, here's Roy Skelton's 'naughty' Rainbow.
  8. time

    Dead Pop Stars

    Former Showaddywaddy singer Bill 'Buddy' Gask, has died aged 64 following a long illness. Showaddywaddy website tribute.
  9. time

    Fort William Football Club

    Former Fort player Simon Shields has died from lung cancer aged 23. He'd signed for local team Clachnacuddin last summer after 2 1/2 years with Fort William.
  10. time

    Catch-all Thread For Dead Libyans

    Really? That would explain all that news coverage then...
  11. time


    Wayne Rooney loses all credibility.
  12. time

    Notaguest Appreciation Thread

    From the João Havelange thread: From the Nelson Mandela thread: From the Zsa Zsa Gabor thread: So, in summary, that's a 95 year-old dying within three years, a 92 year-old dying 'soon', an 85 year-old in poor health dying within 3 years and a 94 year-old with numerous well-documented health problems dying within 'a lot less than 3 years'.
  13. time

    Doris Day

    Doris Day to release new album. The tracks were recorded in 1985 and produced by her son (prior to his death, the BBC helpfully notes).

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