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Everything posted by time

  1. time

    Ariel Sharon

    They're never going to "switch him off"...and people on life-support in vegetative states can last many many many years. Well there could be a power faliure or some clumbsy person tripping over the cord Battery backups. Batteries Run Out After Time Is that a newspaper headline?
  2. time

    The Dead Of 2009

    Damn you. I was about to post that link as part of my New Year's Resolution to try and post much more deep, meaningful and informative posts on DL. I don't know why I bother..... Sorry but then again, its not new year yet.
  3. time

    Hilary Lister & other sailing nutjobs

    Knut Magne Haugland, the last surving Kon-Tiki expedition member, has died in hospital in Oslo. He was 92.
  4. time

    The Dead Of 2009

    The BBC's first TV weather presenter George Cowling died Christmas eve, aged 89.
  5. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Former Yankees manager Billy Martin Christmas day, 1989. I had a drink with the man about a week previous. Very nice bloke.
  6. time

    Pope Benedict XVI

    Sorry "how" and whores, sorry for the spelling mistakes, we all mistakes at times!One thing is for sure i don't go round insulting other peoples religions! You got that right!
  7. time

    Pope Benedict XVI

    Vatican sources reported that the woman involved was 'mentally unstable'. As opposed to the rest of the audience who spend much of thier time on their knees speaking to an 'invisible man'. and here we are again windsor!A year or 2 on and your still insulting people!the main reason i stayed away was because of your nasty references to your (mind you countryman) who was my fiancee who is deceased!And now , you attack the pope!In all honesty, do you belong yo some religion that opposes the christian religion, and women in general?I notice you refferred to the princess of wales as a whore?show your hand windsor!seriously!You do not act like a scotsman at all!Except for your argumentive personality! 1.[o] The post states that the members of DeathList.net are sick. 2.[1] The post states that a relative or friend of the writer died recently. 3.[0] The post states that a living relative or friend of the writer suffers from cancer or some other terminal disease. 4.[1] If the post is written in a topic about a person, living or dead, the post states or infers that the subject is above criticism. 5.[0] The post states or infers that the poster is morally or intellectually superior to the members of DeathList.net. 6.[0] The post contains one or more obscenities. 7.[0] The post states or infers a wish of a painful or imminent death on the members of DeathList.net. 8.[0] The post states or infers a wish that the members of DeathList.net to go to hell. 9.[0] The post contains five or more misspelt words. Obvious typos do not count as spelling mistakes, nor do accepted spelling variants. 10.[1] The post contains two or more grammatical errors. 11.[0] The post contains one or more instances of misuse of "there / their / they're / there're". 12.[1] The post contains one or more instances of misuse of "your/ you're". 13.[0] The post contains one or more instances of "alot" instead of "a lot". 14.[1] The post contains one or more instances of the pronoun "I" in lower case. 15.[1] The post contains five or more instances of bad interpunction and capitalisation. 16.[0] The post contains three or more instances of a multisyllabic word written in ALL CAPS. 17.[1] The post is written in one case only (lower case or capital). 18.[0] The post contains one or more instances of consecutive question marks (??) or exclamation marks (!!). 19.[0] The post contains l33t5PE@K or AOLese. 20.[0] The post speaks about the poster in the third person 21.[0] The post contains one or more direct contradictions. 22.[0] The post contains one or more statements that are widely agreed on to be false. 23.[0] The post tries to rebut a statement that was not made in a previous post in the topic. 24.[0] The post contains one or more email addresses. 25.[0] The post contains one or more threats of physical violence. Warnings are considered threats DLRI= 28 Poor.
  8. time

    Pope Benedict XVI

    The Pope has been knocked over... By a woman who jumped barriers at the Christmas Eve Mass.
  9. Not to worry, he gets to where he wants by Eurostar... Well I hope there's no more snow then
  10. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    The Great Dane, Victor Borge December 23, 2000
  11. time

    The Dead Of 2009

    Sir Bob Phillis, media bigwig, has died at age 64, after suffering from bone-marrow cancer.
  12. time

    Deathlist 2011

    Scrub Mick Cocks (ooer missus, sounds painful).
  13. time

    The Dead Of 2009

    Kim Peek, the inspiration for the movie 'Rainman' has died of a heart attack, aged 58.
  14. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    'The Master', Sir Jack Hobbs died this day in 1963
  15. time

    Death By Jazz

    Ronnie Scott's co-founder Pete King has reached the end of his sax life at 80.
  16. time

    Brittany Murphy

    I'd heard of her, but wouldn't have been able to name any of her films or pick her out of a line-up. 8-mile was on TV a couple of weeks back, so I must have seen her!
  17. time

    Tony Hart

    An obituary, courtesy The Guardian.
  18. time

    Quiz Time

    A roof-top synagogue? You are correct, from which I surmise that a. You were a participant in said quiz; OR b. You have an obsessive knowledge of listed buildings in the Brighton and Hove area; OR c. You googled it.
  19. time

    The Dead Of 2009

    Russia's most famous body builder and TV/Radio host Vladimir Turchinsky has died following a 'blood rejuvenation' procedure. If we learn nothing else this year we've learnt 1) Don't get a bum lift in Argentina. 2) Don't get your blood rejuvenated in Russia.
  20. time

    Quiz Time

    Lets look at it analytically: Grandma is already dead and buried, so doesn't figure in the equation (though it might be worth considering other relatives). Hold the quiz at a venue that has its own backup electricity supply, then the local road contractors can do what they want. Make sure your participants are more intelligent than the last lot - not to prevent complaints, but so that they understand that quiz questions have to be a little bit challenging otherwise there's no bloody point in having the quiz. As for not being able to pronounce some of the names, point out that Anne Robinson also has this problem and shes on national television and getting paid loadsamoney to do it, whereas you are doing it out the goodness of your heart. I've been running a weekly quiz for a couple of months now and have found that you can't please everyone anyone. Perhaps my finest moment was my second quiz; after most people did reasonably well on the first, I though I'd make it a little harder. I'd made up my mind at the start that I'd always include one question with a local connection, so in the second quiz I included the following: What Grade II listed construction can be found on the roof of 26 Brunswick Terrace? Surprisingly, no-one knew. I did get a lot of complaints about that one!
  21. Brilliant name for a police chief!
  22. time

    Somewhere Over The Rainbow

    A brief report of gay porn star Dustin Michaels' demise. I did like the very un-pc comment left by someone. Fuller report, with video link.
  23. time

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Walt Disney... though he did until this day in 1966.
  24. time

    The Dead Of 2009

    The Washington Post "has confirmed the death of actor Gene Barry", December 9, age 90.
  25. time

    Most Significant Death Of Each Month

    This depends a lot on how you define 'most significant'. How significant was Ricardo Montalban's death to me? Completely insignificant in fact. How significant worldwide? Probably not a lot more significant than it was to me. Its also too parochial to narrow down; perhaps the only death this year that has had any worldwide significance is Michael Jackson, though maybe Ted Kennedy could be in with a shout.

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