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Bald rick

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Everything posted by Bald rick

  1. Bald rick

    Live 8

    Like I said, if you could show us some PROOF that the tsunami on Boxing Day last year was caused by Bush, I'd be very interested. Conspiracy theories don't count. I'm sure that you can affect things by vibrating them at their resonant frequency, but did it happen here - I think not.
  2. Bald rick

    Mr Malcolm Glazer

    Rather than being a new topic, shouldn't this be here ?
  3. Bald rick

    Bush's Chance

    I would rather you continued NOT to finger it too.
  4. Bald rick

    Formula 1 & Other Motor Racing

    Sounds like a Craig David song... Did he chill on Sunday too?
  5. Bald rick

    Bush's Chance

    And, it would appear (from the new signature): Notapotato- Tomtato.
  6. Bald rick

    Live 8

    He has been accused of many things, but this is the first time I have seen him accused of causing a massive under-sea earthquake. I would be delighted if you could give us some proof that this was in fact the case. It would make earthquake detection a whole lot easier.
  7. Bald rick

    Shelby Foote Dies

    Whoever it was can't have done a very good job - that's only a thousand words per volume. Shouldn't take too long to plough through that little lot - it can't be more than about 8 or 10 pages. And it took him 20 years to write it! That's less than 1 word every 2 days. Pah, some scholar he was.
  8. Bald rick

    Bush's Chance

    And not enough syllables to be a haiku either...
  9. Bald rick

    Bush's Chance

    You're confusing us with people who care...
  10. Bald rick

    Bush's Chance

    If I could pick a nit here, Bush was elected last year, 3 years AFTER the events of 11th September 2001. The fact that he comes across as a poorly educated monkey is possibly a reflection of the level of bluntness in the American toolbox, but let's face it, we would have probably hated whoever you elected, as he would still have been a right-wing nutcase with no perception of the world beyond the good old US of A, whose foreign policy would consist of: any time there is a problem, throw a few bombs at it and hope it'll go away. And the Americans still can't work out why so many Islamic nations regard them as the great Satan.
  11. Bald rick

    Charles Haughey

    Stag Beetle? Death's Head Hawk Moth? Mammoth Vampirical Blister Beetle of Guatemala?
  12. Bald rick

    PW Botha

  13. Bald rick

    "Sir" Clive Woodentop

    I thought Henson was Welsh... (Gavin, not Jim)
  14. Bald rick

    Richard Whiteley

    Another one who didn't spot the thread called 'Irate Visitors Rage here if you must'. Muppet.
  15. Bald rick

    William Gladstone Stewart

    So, let me get this straight: one presenter of a long-running channel 4 weekday afternoon game show pops his clogs, so automatically a presenter of another long-running channel 4 weekday afternoon game show deserves a spot on the List. Could you explain how the one death might cause the other? Or are you saying that hosting Countdown in Whiteley's absence means that WGS is tainted by what will become known as the 'Countdown curse'. So are those other people who were lined up to stand in during the recent illness of RW also hot tips for the 2006 List? I'm a little dubious, to say the least.
  16. Bald rick

    who is next

    Is your morale drooping? Mine isn't. The anticipation caused by the long wait until the next 'chosen one' drops off their perch heightens the excitement when it finally happens. I would far rather see some of the aforementioned names ritually humiliated than dead - lots more opportunities to crow over them. Then, when they do finally join the choir invisible, nobody will care, as they won't remember them. Fingers crossed...
  17. Bald rick

    Near Misses for 2005

    Or should that be cached?
  18. Bald rick

    There's no justice, just me

    Phrenology - every time I see the word it reminds me of Terry Pratchett's Retrophrenologist. Customers would choose what attributes they wanted, and the retrophrenologist would make lumps on their head in the right places using a selection of hammers. This could be a suitable method of meting out justice.
  19. Hmm. An honest fellow and Bob Mugabe both predicting the assassination of David Beckham, within a few hours of each other. Could they be one and the same - surely even Mr Mugabe wouldn't refer to himself as 'an honest fellow'. Maybe Zimbabwe's glorious leader has a new associate in the Barcelona underworld, targetting Madrid's dimmest midfielder. Time will tell...
  20. Bald rick


    Waggledance or Hobgoblin, also Youngs did (do?) a marvellous chocolate stout to which I am rather partial. For summery drinks, (I know, a bit off-topic, but that seems to be the way of some of these threads) home-made Pimms (much more of a kick than the bought stuff) or a young Sauvignon Blanc. Maybe a nice cold Budvar or Grolsch would hit the spot too.
  21. Bald rick

    Michael Jackson

  22. Bald rick

    Kurt Waldheim

    Someone's going for the record for the shortest illiterate drive-by rant...
  23. Bald rick

    Corin Redgrave

    It's bound to happen to EVERYONE eventually.
  24. Bald rick

    Near Misses for 2005

    Thank you for your kind words Mr Notspud. I had thought (even if it wasn't me who was on the receiving end) that castration would be a touch severe. As has been mentioned, there are members (no pun intended) who are more deserving of such a fate than me. Especially since, as you say, my post was in the right place anyway - all that was lacking was the timing - about ten hours too late. Hey ho, we live and learn. Still intact!

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