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Everything posted by CaptainChorizo

  1. CaptainChorizo

    Elizabethan Deadpool

    Pampero Firpo
  2. CaptainChorizo

    The Hartlepool Deadlypool

    I figured he probably would be a spring or summer hit so anywhere in a middle spot would be a safe way to go.
  3. CaptainChorizo

    The Hartlepool Deadlypool

    Don't think my team is posted publicly yet 1.Mario Soares-dead 2.Errol Christie 3.King Michael I of Romania 4.Sara Coward-dead 5.John Wetton-dead 6.Steve Hewlett 7.Gord Downie 8.Leah Bracknell 9.Rose Marie 10.Roy Clark subs Just Fontaine Ian St. John
  4. CaptainChorizo


    After watching Bruno's interview from last year on the WWE Network I feel confident in saying he just might outlive everyone on this list despite being the oldest. Bruno was already a top star in his 20's and was able to keep a lighter schedule and not have to deal with the physical wear and tear of his peers.
  5. CaptainChorizo


    Had no idea when I picked him how famous he was in the UK, just he was famous enough to obit. Him being in the drop 40 was an added bonus.
  6. CaptainChorizo

    The Deathlist Cup

    Hopefully my team doesn't try and get fancy,just need them to run out the clock.
  7. CaptainChorizo


    Vader Tweeted this then deleted it later "As I enter my final days, proud of the Father Son Brother Football player Pro WrestlerThe Super Heavy Big Man Goat Im Grateful for the Time"
  8. CaptainChorizo

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Wim Ruska who won 2 Gold Medals in Judo for Holland at the 72 Olympics died 2 years ago at age 74 He is still the only person to win 2 Gold Medals in Judo at the same Olympics
  9. CaptainChorizo

    Murder, She Wrote

    I thought this was a thread about Maxine www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fx7p7TEi6M
  10. CaptainChorizo

    Lara Roxx

    What awful parents to give their kid the name Ben with that surname. Must have endured a lot of bullying when he was young.
  11. CaptainChorizo

    Non-British Royals

    Prince Leonard of Hutt River The 91 year old is abdicating his throne to youngest son Graeme
  12. CaptainChorizo

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    But that'll cut off a lot of people. Not just FFBI types... Yes, a lot more nobodies. Most of the" famous" for being for being ill" types usually come as a package deal btwn The Mirror,Daily Mail and Express. Getting rid of Daily Mail might stop person "famous in the Us decades ago" aka an Irwin Corey or a geriatric Hall Of Fame Hockey player from netting an occasional obit or a trainwreck Us reality star someone takes a punt on. It would have no actual effect on the top of table teams vulturing with cancer mum hits.
  13. CaptainChorizo

    Derby Dead Pool 2017

    Even if someone was only known to people familiar with a certain field if they were famous before their illness then they aren't vault candidates. The tricky thing would be siblings and parents of famous people. Like the McGiffin sister or last years Vanessa Hudgen's dad is a clear case of got a mention because of relative but what happens when someone of marginal notability dies and they are related to someone superfamous. For example Angelina Jolie's brother has bare bones imdb credits but I have seen people scrape daily mail obits with similiar credits and also some people not mentioned on wikipedia or imdb of their death for years with similiar credits.
  14. CaptainChorizo

    Businesspeople, Investors, CEO's

    87 +Pancreatic Cancer=Slim chance of seeing Jan 1,though he probably only would qualify for something like Deathrace as I don't see him as someone who would get national obit writeups.
  15. CaptainChorizo

    Reality TV

    Lisa Donahue Winner of Season 3 of Big Brother Usa has stage 2 Cervical and Ovarian Cancer
  16. CaptainChorizo

    Elizabethan Deadpool

  17. CaptainChorizo

    FIFA World Cup Players

    Daily Mail for those with him on DDP http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/ap/article-4201330/Former-New-Zealand-captain-Steve-Sumner-dies-61.html Though I am sure he will get more US/UK obit's when they do Wed updates
  18. CaptainChorizo

    The 3Rd Death Of 2017

    Going with Ian St. John because I dropped him from my DDP Team
  19. CaptainChorizo

    Elizabethan Deadpool

    Dan Spivey
  20. CaptainChorizo

    Joost Van Der Westhuizen

    Cmon Joost,just hang on for 11 more months
  21. CaptainChorizo

    Foreign Personalities, From Stage, Screen, Politics And Life

    List brought forward. Mademoiselle Riva zapped. Roger Hanin died on 11 February 2015. http://www.closermag.fr/article/roger-hanin-un-homme-ruine-meurtri-par-les-affaires-de-famille-466190 Tried to find some new acquaintances to balance out the losses we've had: Bibi Ferreira 1922 Brazilian Elderly Lise Bourdin 1925 French Elderly Arlette Poirier 1926 French Elderly Monique van Vooren 1927 Belgian Elderly Silvia Legrand 1927 Argentinian Elderly (Had no idea Mirtha had an actress twin sister) Genevieve Page 1927 French Elderly Marthe Mercadier 1928 French Elderly/Alzheimer's Line Renaud 1928 French Elderly Etchika Choureau 1929 French Elderly Jean-Louis Trintignant 1930 French Elderly Antonella Lualdi 1931 Lebanese Elderly Anouk Ferjac 1932 French Elderly Also Marisa Pavan-1932 Italian Elderly Nino Castelnuovo-1936 Italian Elderly Lando Buzzanca-1935 Italian Elderly Aldo Puglisi-1935 Italian Elderly Hector Alterio-1929 Argentinian Elderly First 2 100% would get QO 3rd probably 70-80% chance Only the last name 2 chances would be iffy
  22. CaptainChorizo

    Biggest Misses By The Committee 2017

    I'd say Wetton so far is the only headscratch miss. Can see why maybe they didn't think Soares met the fame level or that putting people over 105 like Hollingworth,Youguang was not bueno. And in regards to Sarstedst,Snowden and Hurt there was no news that indicated they were dead certs.
  23. CaptainChorizo

    David Rockefeller

    I think this is actually the worst pick of the year and rivals Fergie Fredriksen for possible worst DL pick of all time It doesn't appear he is famous or notable for anything besides his last name and being a Billionare(via inheritance). At least Hollingworth and Zhou Youguang though not famous had things they were notable for.
  24. CaptainChorizo

    The Deathlist Cup

    Biggest miss for me is Jay Clark as I decided to pick against him thinking he would only be worth 1 point,but he had no takers.
  25. CaptainChorizo

    The Deathlist Cup

    Despite the straight forward nature of the scoring in this game it should be interesting to see what kind of different tactics everyone uses.

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