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Charlotte's Controller

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Everything posted by Charlotte's Controller

  1. Charlotte's Controller

    Political Discussions And Ranting Thread

    So I have just read the excuse that the testing results were compromised by an excel spreadsheet that was not up to date. The managers in control of this do not deserve to be employed, they probably delegate the responsibility to consultants who are not responsible, take the cash and ar e not accountable for the results. Read our engagement letter. Sorry I didn't do that you paid me for it was not properly specified (large accountants counting thousands (not material) to do a job) so as far as we are concerned we don't give a shit. Poor planning, poor specification, poor implementation, poor results. People having studied PPE and responsibility avoidance running the show.
  2. Charlotte's Controller

    Donald J Trump

    Will he take a drug test prior to the next debate?
  3. Charlotte's Controller

    Donald J Trump

    To be fair you could put his current euphoria on the steroids.
  4. Charlotte's Controller

    William H Gates

    It is education for what people have achieved. Some of the picks have been made from the more enlightened. Not following the headliners bur the people who have been major influencers many os them before the digital age.
  5. Charlotte's Controller

    Donald J Trump

    He says he has been to school on the corona virus, shame he didn't learn anything.
  6. Charlotte's Controller

    Who will win the 2020 US Presidential Election?

    From what he has said in the past and his previous lies, he is extremely leveraged (probably offshore), the assets will not all be owed by him he is reigned by his manner of his hairstyle vain and lacking in substance.
  7. Charlotte's Controller

    Coronavirus death toll 2020

    I'm on a doubly grim day, my birthday, HR didn't send me a balloon and the one million deaths passed. My comments on students being party loving super transmitters stand, why were the grades uprated and how selfish are they proving to be. Also the people who did not isolate the ONS said only 18% did. As a society this is what causes the problems people who don't follow the rules just listen to the news in the morning with people trying to bypass the rules these people are the issue "it should not apply to me".
  8. Charlotte's Controller

    enjoying deaths

    I think that this thread should be deleted, it has the wrong sentiment. The thread celebrates lives of people who have made a contribution to society good or bad and creates awareness and discussion.
  9. Charlotte's Controller

    COVID 19 - Second Wave

    OK so the young may have a much reduced chance of dying but there is still a significant risk of long term damage from the virus. I look at the Spanish graphs for infections and deaths, and the deaths for their "second wave" are comparatively non existent as yet. We have the issue that here in the UK if we allow the virus to spread freely the NHS will be unable to cope with the terminally ill as well as all of the generally sick. The partying and general ignorance of the risks being exhibited by population is reckless. Imagine a worst case scenario, everybody gets the virus at the same time. A proportion will need ventilation, statistically there are not enough ventilators There are not enough medics or resources to cope. The NHS will be swamped and people will suffer. This can be avoided. We have a group of society who say "We are OK we are not part of the 1 or 2% at risk but look no further than this, it is no worse than a flu." They are concerned only for themselves and see the risk as low. Such a mentality seems to be present in large areas of the US and their overall mortality numbers have suffered. People ignoring quarantine and social distancing will only lead to an escalation of the spread of the virus and it's consequences. As a side comment I wonder how many of these intelligent students who have had their A level grades raised have been partying.
  10. Charlotte's Controller

    The 15th Death of 2020

    Leon Spinks for me
  11. Charlotte's Controller

    Guilty Pleasures.

    Currently working from home, the best start to the day is a big mug of coffee (strong from the machine) and toasted brioche. After that custard creams as the day progresses . Plus Miley Ray Cyrus
  12. Charlotte's Controller

    Six people, six months

    1. Norbert Stiles x 2. Leon Spinks x 3. Alex Trebek x 4 James Whale 5. Pierre Cardin x 6 Prince Philip
  13. Charlotte's Controller

    The Big Book of DeathList's Great mistakes

    I still think a shadow team composed of rejects from the main list which would be an interesting addition and reinforce the wisdom of the committee. We could have a subsidiary page what happened to the rejects the 25 plus. Some of them have died with no recognition.
  14. Charlotte's Controller

    A Joke

    And in other news, ACDC have been upgraded to ABBA.
  15. Charlotte's Controller

    Simon Cowell

    This is what happens when you try to ride a big boys bike with no stabilisers. Apparently a 1.6 KW electric bike, the most you can have in the UK is 250W.
  16. Charlotte's Controller

    The Big Book of DeathList's Great mistakes

    But as a measure of the Committee, how interesting would a shadow list be of candidates who had previously been rejected from the main list.
  17. Charlotte's Controller

    Musings on Life Expectancy

    Ditto, Probably die from Corona, gin and wine before then. Being without fitness and mobility is the worst.
  18. Charlotte's Controller

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    He is moving well if not better than me, some 40 odd years younger, absolute star, comedian, piss taker, top bloke. Born to it, performed, legend and long may it continue. Probably deserves almost as much respect as his missus.
  19. Charlotte's Controller

    Coronavirus death toll 2020

    It is one of the few degrees of measure that we have, I am in complete agreement that it is the infection rate that needs to be reduced and it is down to the general public to act responsibly in order to achieve this.
  20. Charlotte's Controller

    Coronavirus death toll 2020

    We as the country, the commentators as the government. Today's number 12, is more in line with the European numbers and expectations given the much reduced level of infections. Well compared to the Americas where there is no responsible leadersh.ip
  21. Charlotte's Controller

    Sickest game in the world (parts 1&2)

    When the Trumptonesque (Dom, Dom, Boris and Crew) leadership said we were. The seven day UK moving average of deaths has been in the seventies to one hundred range whilst our European neighbours had been reporting single digits. With hindsight their evaluation was based on transmission rates and not on deaths and correctly so.
  22. Charlotte's Controller

    Sickest game in the world (parts 1&2)

    I have been wondering for a while why the Italian, Spanish and French numbers have been comparatively low compared to ours seeing as we were doing so well. Something was obviously not right but I believe this is not the only factor.
  23. Charlotte's Controller

    Coronavirus death toll 2020

    So it would appear that we have been counting the Covid 19 deaths incorrectly, if you have tested positively in the past then died subsequently from another illness this has been counted as a Covid death. There are some abysmally poor statisticians and administrators not to have questioned this before. When you compare the numbers of deaths for France and Spain currently being seen, often single digits, with ours 100 plus you have to question the quality of the data if we are doing so well.
  24. Charlotte's Controller

    Coronavirus death toll 2020

    There is a rumour that Spitting Image is to make a return with appropriate social distancing and no spitting or coughing. The Boris Johnson puppet is to be a blubbering indecisive ventriloquist's dummy operated rectally by Dominic Cummings. Apparently rehearsals have already begun but without the voice actors or puppets.
  25. Charlotte's Controller

    Coronavirus death toll 2020

    Changing the subject, Dominic Cummings was not a threat to the UK population through Coronovirus transmission unless he was to wipe out his own family and the Sage team (and even then probably not that big a threat). The media need to get a grip and focus on what is important, grammar, numeracy , intelligent analysis, and a proper review of the facts.

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