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Charlotte's Controller

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Everything posted by Charlotte's Controller

  1. Charlotte's Controller

    Coronavirus death toll 2020

    So we see from New Zealand who have managed to use an isolate and trace process that it is possible to eliminate the virus from a population where you have control over the movement of people. In Europe which has a denser population and a mobile much larger initial infected population to seed the virus spread, the issues with isolation movement and social distancing have been more difficult to control. Unless you have an immunity or do not suffer badly from the virus you are still potentially at risk of death. Until we get an immunisation this will remain the case as the virus is still being carried in society and the risk from social mixing will continue. None of the governments are coping with PPE as the scale of demand could not have been foreseen or funded from any rational program, supply chains can't be created instantly and lead times are a fact of life. PPE and the raw materials produce it to a standard does not grow on trees or wait on shelves to be picked in all available sizes. What is currently required PPE, testing kits and medics are in short supply often coming from outside of the uk. The current aim is to manage these resources to reduce the level of infection and deaths. There will be shortages, deaths many of which would have happened anyway and critical reviews of the approaches taken (too late and of little use except for future planning). We are hopefully not going to reach Spanish Flu levels. All of the leaders have had to make difficult choices, all will have critics, the question is could you have done any better in real time without hindsight?
  2. Charlotte's Controller

    What are you doing to kill the boredom.

    I don't get out much, have my alcohol delivered and am not the most sociable of people and so hopefully yes. I am currently taking virtual rides around a lake in Switzerland on my cycle trainer and trying not to cough that much. I have had a "professional cough" for almost 20 years now.
  3. Charlotte's Controller

    What are you doing to kill the boredom.

    Tomorrow I’m starting to tidy out our front room, this has been a dumping ground for when we have had tidy up sessions, I am looking forward to trying out some old music stuff, I know that I have a 200 disc CD player some speakers from uni and a valve amp that I am wanting to test, I also have an old IMac with a disc that needs archiving and a musical keyboard that will take up some time. This furlough and lockdown is turning into retirement practice.
  4. Charlotte's Controller

    Notable Coronavirus Victims

    Had a haircut the day that I was sent to work at home, not been out since, five weeks ago. Need to do a bit of trimming but I will survive.
  5. Charlotte's Controller

    Who will win the 2020 US Presidential Election?

    A message to Trump, keep taking your medication. ignore what the doctor ordered.
  6. Charlotte's Controller

    Who will win the 2020 US Presidential Election?

    Restored, I always thought that the majority were not up to making decisions of this type, not understanding the issues, implications or complexities involved.
  7. Charlotte's Controller

    Who will win the 2020 US Presidential Election?

    Forget about the sexual issues, I think that the Americans need someone who thinks before they speaks. Failing that they will get what they vote for and that is what makes the US what it is. In the same way that the UK voting for Brexit restored my belief in the UK population.
  8. Charlotte's Controller

    What are you doing to kill the boredom.

    I am sick of people whining about isolation and lack of social interaction. How weak are we as a nation, we have phones computers TVs, just contemplate what it would have been like forty years ago. The people who complaining are viewing with hindsight perfect information (maybe) and probably a lack of appreciation of the demands instantly made. A supply chain cannot instantly be produced to produce PPE without surplies, training, equipment and distribution. It is easy for consumers to complain, suppliers and the current developing supporting infrastructure are doing their best to meet the needs. Political comment needs go out of the window things just need to get done, for the good of the nation. So three weeks before the lockdown I was sent to work at home for being vulnerable and at risk. I have got back to student sleeping patterns and am catching up on personal wellbeing. To be honest I'm not that sociable, don't suffer idiots and am direct to the point of being blunt in communication, it is surprising how this much this cuts down on email traffic. I see this prolonged furlough as retirement training, we have an opportunity to evaluate continuing costs and future options, it is generally something the older of us will not have taken the time to do as yet. Just a thought. Bouddica, I am pleased to hear that you have passed through the experience, I suffer from sarcoidosis and would admit to having had a professional level cough for twelve years, my system is used to dealing with crap but I am in isolation and want to stay in that state until some form of solution is found.
  9. Charlotte's Controller

    Captain Tom Moore

    So it started out as a personal unrelated goal. It got highjacked and the NHS benefits, I can't see a problem. 20million will benefit a fair few and he has become a focus for contributions. I think that some form of recognition is due because he has continued with his effort and continued to provide a successful focus coping with worldwide media. Lack of funding is in a large part down to the Footsie 100 companies who transfer funds offshore to avoid tax, the equity funds which leech funds form our businesses and the Amazons and Apples of this world. If they all paid their fair share of tax globally the world would be a better place. There should be no tax havens and some simpler turnover based sales taxes. The banks also need to be controlled as they seem control governments. As Pinky and The Brain would say, "Tomorrow we take over the world!".
  10. Charlotte's Controller

    Coronavirus death toll 2020

    Just been on twitter and found this glossary of corona virus terms, my favourite and a use of it, Have you had Miley Cyrus. Rhyming slang. https://t.co/fZwcg79ZRZ?amp=1
  11. Charlotte's Controller

    Coronavirus death toll 2020

    The truth will be heard, we will see the increased levels of reported death and can attribute the increases to Covid 19 and complications on a like for like basis, globally the numbers are currently being under reported and only time can reveal the true picture. Lies, damn lies and statistics. As an accountant the most difficult numbers to find are the ones that are not there. The countries that are most at risk are those with few reported cases poor healthcare and vanity based leaderships in denial. The Americas have a tough time ahead as have all densely populated areas.
  12. Charlotte's Controller

    The 9th Death of 2020

    Peter Cardigan once more
  13. Charlotte's Controller

    Coronavirus death toll 2020

    Police in Manchester shut down 600 street and house parties over the weekend, I have a proposition. Set up an isolated festival, Let the selfish attend, see how it ends up.
  14. Charlotte's Controller

    The 8th Death of 2020

    Le Pen
  15. Charlotte's Controller

    What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    Adrian Legg about as cool and talented as you can get. Just nice and chilled. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwj95v-0jdToAhUHilwKHUPNCDEQwqsBMAF6BAgUEAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DXHunj-_y_C4&usg=AOvVaw0qZN5eEZzSFRRMwhUJ-dhk
  16. Charlotte's Controller

    Coronavirus death toll 2020

    The China numbers being a bit fragile
  17. Charlotte's Controller

    What are you doing to kill the boredom.

    So I've been working from home about to get furloughed, been busy getting work stuff done. I've been thinking in two or three months when this has blown over, there will be a lot more social interaction the youth may go out to pubs, get a life and people might be and kinder to each other. In the eighties I would go to the pub, people would work hard play hard and mix, social interaction used to be physical not digital. We need to return to some old fashioned values.
  18. Charlotte's Controller

    Coronavirus death toll 2020

    I have been working from home now for three weeks, I have remote access to my PC and it works quite well, I miss the craic in the office, the bad coffee, the massive jar of swizzles on reception the netflix chats and the trips to M&S at lunchtime for my four times a week curry. We do have a daily conference call update. We have also started to talk to the neighbours a bit more who have been helping with our self isolating, this weekend I am going to set up my turbo trainer to get some exercise. I am though starting to climb up the wall, It does not help that my wife is a junior school teacher. I'm pleased that the self employed are being taken care of to some extent, those who have under declared income in the past can not expect to claim that they have had a non taxable money tree in the back garden for a number of years. Being self employed you take a risk and should have a level of short term funding, the aid appears to be fair the comments re the future taxes also seem fair from an equitable point of view. I don't expect to get a deal of thanks for this post but the government seem to be doing a reasonable job in a hard situation. Only the long term results will show in retrospect how well they did, as one commentator said the worst thing that someone can do is nothing. With no history the plan is hard, opposition might criticise but they could not even put forward a plan, leader or credible manifesto. Boris may not be the best, but he makes Trump look like a buffoon and his deputies are impressive under pressure.
  19. Charlotte's Controller

    Coronavirus death toll 2020

    You are hired
  20. Charlotte's Controller

    Coronavirus death toll 2020

  21. Charlotte's Controller

    Coronavirus death toll 2020

    The problem is the obvious is different to different people, there are those who take the headlines and those that read behind them, I take it that you are the latter which is a good thing. Listening to the commentaries there are too many who are not this wise.
  22. Charlotte's Controller

    Coronavirus death toll 2020

    The figures that count are deaths they are final, tests of people with mild forms of the virus who are going to recover should not really register they are part of the herd. If all of the testing was carried out on a universally consistent basis then the quoted numbers would be equivalent however they never will be. Therefore comparisons will always be difficult governments will always try to manipulate numbers.
  23. Charlotte's Controller

    Coronavirus death toll 2020

    He might be a manager but has no authority, this is a symptom of many organisations with layers of infrastructure, the question to ask for an empathetic evaluation is what could they or would they do with the power that they have been given, often they have constraints put upon them that can't be passed down the line. Perfect information is not always present. Or he is a twat.
  24. Charlotte's Controller

    Coronavirus death toll 2020

    I hope that it does not get this bad but I fear that it will.
  25. So being a bit numerate I decided to update my Iphone signature a while ago. You Retweeted 24 Sep 2014 More So I have just updated my iPhone signature "sent from my iPhone X, where X is better than ?" Any past ones or future with a measurable timespan?

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