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Charlotte's Controller

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Everything posted by Charlotte's Controller

  1. Charlotte's Controller


    Big Countdown and Rachel Riley fan?
  2. Charlotte's Controller

    The 5th Death of 2018

    In the interest of gender equality I go for Leah
  3. Charlotte's Controller

    The 2nd Death of 2018

    I voted for Paul Gascoigne, purely because the committee seem to be producing the list upside down as last year. If I was standing on my head I would have gone for Leah Bracknell
  4. Charlotte's Controller

    Drunk? Bored?? Psychopath???

    Hollyoaks is by far the best Northern Soap, proper car crash TV, serial killers, road accidents and other stuff to call the help lines if you have been affected by the issues. I can't stop laughing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_births,_marriages_and_deaths_in_Hollyoaks A dangerous place to live!
  5. Charlotte's Controller


    Thanks I was not aware of this thread but for going forwards it is a marker. Perhaps some kind soul will move it for me.
  6. Charlotte's Controller


    Just for the sake of statistics, remarkable how close the average deathless age is. Average Age Deaths 2016 87.66 12 2017 87.38 17 2018 87.42
  7. I'll start off with my all time favourite the BMT on Italian herb and cheese, extra olives and honey mustard mayo (alas now discontinued). I now resort to horseradish sauce purchased separately.
  8. Charlotte's Controller

    Predictions not death anyone else feeling psychic

    So I predicted iPhone X three years before it existed, or I just thought that a generic X would be better than changing my signature so often.
  9. Charlotte's Controller

    What is your favourite Subway sandwich

    Your comments will be noted,
  10. Charlotte's Controller

    Things To Do While Waiting For Death

    Cyclists need to be responsible to stay alive, those who take risks and do stupid things ask for death, those who follow the rules deserve respect. No tax no licences just follow the rules and live longer.
  11. Charlotte's Controller

    Overrated People

    Overrated to get their Jobs in the first place, running on delusions of competence.
  12. Charlotte's Controller

    Overrated People

    Robert Peston Gordon Brown
  13. Charlotte's Controller

    King Michael Of Romania

    If only !6 then a record year, 2017 an achievable target. One in the bag to start off with.
  14. Charlotte's Controller

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    Cup of tea and a slice of Battenburg, chill, what better way to celebrate.
  15. Charlotte's Controller

    Drunk? Bored?? Psychopath???

    Except for the wife of course
  16. Charlotte's Controller

    Drunk? Bored?? Psychopath???

    No family left and folk music is not my scene.
  17. Charlotte's Controller

    Drunk? Bored?? Psychopath???

    Going back to the first page, I prefer a Subway sandwich. Macdonalds make their money from fries and soda service is poor and always full of kids. Pizza is a rip off.
  18. Charlotte's Controller

    Drunk? Bored?? Psychopath???

    I'm on a Gin sampling session, my response, Yes , Soon , Possibly.
  19. Charlotte's Controller


    Facebook, Americans, all front and hype with no substance or moral policies, Halloween just marketing to sell crap (see Facebook, Americans)
  20. Charlotte's Controller


    Sad to hear about you loss Joey, We have two rescue cats and can't imagine the pain that the loss of either of them wold bring.
  21. Charlotte's Controller

    The 10th death of 2017

    Hugh Hefner, I'm having that sort of day.
  22. Charlotte's Controller

    The 9th death of 2017

    King Michael for me
  23. Charlotte's Controller

    George Bush Senior

    October 27th, I'll put him there.
  24. Charlotte's Controller

    Things To Do While Waiting For Death

    34% but there again I had some alternative facts that I considered to be correct.
  25. Charlotte's Controller

    Brian Cant

    Time flies by when you're a driver of a train. Eventually the journey stops and everyone is upset.

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