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Charlotte's Controller

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Everything posted by Charlotte's Controller

  1. Charlotte's Controller

    The 8th death of 2017

    Hugh Hefner again this month, it might turn into a subscription
  2. Charlotte's Controller

    The 7th death of 2017

    I voted Hugh Hefner. It will be the end of another era.
  3. Charlotte's Controller

    Errol Christie

    August 4th for me
  4. Charlotte's Controller

    The 6th death of 2017

    I voted Tony Booth
  5. Charlotte's Controller

    John Noakes

    So sad, he was a hero of mine when I was growing up, he lived without the use of a safety net.
  6. Charlotte's Controller

    So .. What Do You Watch On TV?

    IZombie on netflix strangely addictive
  7. Charlotte's Controller

    Knights of the Realm

    If you wish you can pick your team, choose your own rules and I will apply them to all teams entered. A bit like the premiership teams playing in the League, FA Cup and League Cup in one season. That is more of a data challenge for which the original rules can be loosened but I will remain arbitrator for bias the rules. All entries to abide by original or revised rules, non applicable selections to the rules will be allocated the minimum scoring points level for an obit.
  8. Charlotte's Controller

    Knights of the Realm

    Due to popular demand and lack of entries so far, the final category is now armed forces and scientists. Knights who have subsequently become peers also count.
  9. Charlotte's Controller

    Knights of the Realm

    And finishing point 25 in order First to die at no 1 25 points Joker scores in reverse but double please designate your selection as P,E,B,S,F to confirm classification as some will undoubtedly be both. Good luck, a pdf certificate to the winner.
  10. Charlotte's Controller

    Knights of the Realm

    So Easter has gone and a Bank Holiday is approaching, teams to be in by Wednsday 6am GMT after the May Day bank holiday. DM me with your teams.
  11. Charlotte's Controller

    Knights of the Realm

    Ok comments noted, at least it stirred up a bit of interest non brits allowed.
  12. Charlotte's Controller

    Knights of the Realm

    Too many people have been given titles with little merit, the foreign ones have many designations and people have collected them a bit like olympic pins.
  13. Charlotte's Controller

    Knights of the Realm

    Excellent. I've been doing a bit of research I think it will be limited to British. Final rules to be posted after Easter, until then a chance to do some research.
  14. Charlotte's Controller

    Where Will The Next School Massacre Be?

    I voted USA, It should have been limited to States of America, stupid, suicidal, corrupt, homophobic, intolerant and Texas.
  15. Charlotte's Controller

    Knights of the Realm

    I was going to see what interest there was and then give it a months research time, I am a busy man.
  16. Charlotte's Controller

    Knights of the Realm

    I'm new to this but I would like to see a mix of political, entertainers, business, sports and forces represented. Jokers allowed, as many of them will be, a decent time for research and an order based result points scoring system 25 points down 25 to 1, joker double points. 25 persons (Knights and Dames) so as to be politically correct, five from each of the categories. This is a starting point any suggestions welcome.
  17. Charlotte's Controller

    Donald J Trump

    In my opinion I think he needs to think before he speaks, he is a leader of a democracy not a dictator (although he does no seem to appreciate this currently) the levels of stress that he is currently creating will hit him eventually. You can not be a leader of a major power and lead direct policy by misspelt comments on twitter. He will be judged.
  18. Charlotte's Controller

    The 3Rd Death Of 2017

    I picked Valerie Harper, there seems to be a pattern forming
  19. Charlotte's Controller

    Death And The Scrabble Deficit

    With my real name I have exceeded my scrabble surplus with a factor of 150%. But there again with only two names, not long or posh, the sixties had no internet or fifteen minute "celebrities" to generate such long names. We would not have heard of the deaths of half of the people that we do now, especially those of the old Eastern Bloc nations as we relied on newsprint.
  20. Charlotte's Controller

    Death And The Scrabble Deficit

    Rob Knox (1989-2008) 20 points. Child actor
  21. Charlotte's Controller

    Death And The Scrabble Deficit

    Johnny Wahlqvist a swedish power lifter scrabble value 46 age 43 scraped through with the v.
  22. Charlotte's Controller

    Death And The Scrabble Deficit

    Dmytro Grabovskyy, 31, Ukrainian bicycle racer, heart attack with a scrabble score of 38 an ex junior world champion. The only thing that I would add to this thread is that Scrabble tiles in different countries have different distributions and values.
  23. Charlotte's Controller

    Sir John Hurt

    My father in law said who is John Hurt what was he in, so I know what he looked like. His partner said wasn't he was the one in Elephant Man to which I said I think he was wearing makeup in that one.
  24. Charlotte's Controller

    The 1St Death Of 2017

    I voted MTM. One year I will have the time to put together a list properly.
  25. Charlotte's Controller

    The 13Th Death Of 2016

    None of the above, there has been too much this week. George Michael day at work tomorrow.

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