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Charlotte's Controller

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Everything posted by Charlotte's Controller

  1. Charlotte's Controller

    Political Discussions And Ranting Thread

    Those are mere twitter speech bubbles, I am stating proper full blown f**k up, no issue with being pissed or telling the difference between cider or beer but being absent for a week with no correspondence is surely a HR matter for gross misconduct. Boris was a liar, Truss a liability, has anyone checked the light fittings at Downing Street in case anything is hanging there that shouldn’t be.
  2. Charlotte's Controller

    Political Discussions And Ranting Thread

    Boris will surely lose his title of worst prime minister in history. Where is Liz Truss? On holiday? Rishi’s comments on her financial plans have aged well. I remain of the opinion that the general public are inherently stupid and can only cope with a few concepts. Do you want more cash, yes, do you care about the consequences, no I’ve got more cash.
  3. Charlotte's Controller

    Liz Truss

    The issue is it is not being replenished, as Rishi said there will be inflation, and there is no promise of growth’, she does not have the experience and is clueless. It may be a short journey before realisation that the proverbial shit has hit the fan. Her Peter Principal cabinet is leading the way, clueless Smog and Kwarteng on some happy juice are not the professional government that is required.
  4. Charlotte's Controller

    Liz Truss

    She reminds me of one of the original lottery winners, Spend Spend Spend, clueless of the consequences and no responsibility. Unfortunately she has the stature of a puppet and acts like one, no memory no plans pulled by other peoples strings. Destined to lose the election recycling the old note “All of the money has gone”
  5. Charlotte's Controller

    Donald J Trump

    Time for a call to the boardroom. After some legal consideration you are all fired!
  6. Charlotte's Controller

    The 9th death of 2022

    Went with the majority, Liz Truss, sorry Angela Lansbury. Truss is killing the economy rather than herself.
  7. Charlotte's Controller

    Liz Truss

    We await to see what other things that she will get done. She says that is her tagline, I am considering of making a list so that she has a positive list of achievements to quote when she is no longer PM. Like Boris with Brexit, the Vaccine and Ukraine support. Perhaps this is why Patel and Dorries have resigned because their contributions have not been positive and they do not wish to be judged. I hope that her political stature improves so that she does not become an embarrassment on the international stage.
  8. Charlotte's Controller

    Crazy Eight Deadpool 2022

    Perhaps he is just present, and given his title once he had all of the entries would be able to pick the appropriate eighth death. Time alone could tell.
  9. Charlotte's Controller

    Queen Elizabeth II

    Let us hope the Queen has no probing questions for Liz Truss. Not good to be absent for a meeting or to be tarred with the same brush as her predecessor. The queen will be looking for some answers to her increasing power costs. Responses like I don’t have the detail for that, my (Peter Priciple) cabinet has it under control and we are restoring standards will not cut the mustard.
  10. Charlotte's Controller

    Cost of living crisis

    i don’t read that garbage, I currently read the New York Times but the truth is that many normal people are affected by the lack of support and leadership from the current Peter Principle Government. Currently considering putting a futon in the kitchen for the winter. I
  11. Charlotte's Controller

    Cost of living crisis

    So I now know what the government means by levelling up. Inflation, fuel poverty rising interest rates. Everyone is f**ked. I have had to buy a microwave and turn off my Aga. My wife’s cat Susie has objected
  12. Charlotte's Controller

    The Next Tory Leader

    All of the Peter Principle Cabinet have a reputation of doing nothing until they have to at which point it will need a public enquiry before anything happens. Current policy is lead by radical think tanks who have specific objectives not necessarily for the benefit of the country.
  13. Charlotte's Controller

    The Next Tory Leader

    As with all good ideas the best come late to the party. Keep the price cap at the current level, Tory idea, the major players will suffer a bit the minor underfunded ones who have lacked proper funding taken profits offshore, been funded by venture capitalists, worked purely on a margin basis will fall by the wayside. Water companies fined and taxed, dividend distribution should be banned in the sector until issues sorted and value obtained. Transport Shapps tied to a railway line to resume services. Currently retired pre pension living off savings thinking the conservatives are trying to change this country into the shit hole that is America. All we need is guns, actually we would probably use them. Not a good idea.
  14. Charlotte's Controller

    Comedians & Comedy Writers

    I must admit I enjoyed the women’s euros but am not looking forward to the return of the mens game with bitchiness, bad hairdos, diving, dissent and overpaid players. Try convincing me that ManU players are professional and give value but they are a bunch of non funny comedians.You can bet the majority of football supporters look at the pictures in the Sun, Mirror or Mail and voted for Brexit, football not generally supported by the intelligentsia. Discuss, but not with me IDGAF.
  15. Charlotte's Controller

    Petrol Heads To Petrol Deads

    An out of form Tiger Woods tried and missed in is Bentley a few years back.
  16. Charlotte's Controller

    Last classic actress standing

    I went for Barbara Eden. Would be interesting to see how many die before the year end to compare against the main list given the responses of late on the longevity of this year’s candidates.
  17. Charlotte's Controller

    The Next Tory Leader

    What hope is there for a prime minister who is constantly misinterpreted and struggles to remember detail. To stand and state with authority that something is true and possible was something that Boris did until his demise with a certain credibility. The current candidates are starting to show cracks already, Labour need a credible plan.
  18. Charlotte's Controller

    The Next Tory Leader

    I’m beginning to come to the opinion that most politicians don’t do too much or possess much of the the intelligence required to construct required options to account for. change. They are the typical manager who will ask for a number of options and then take ownership of the one that they like. The issues come with these people when they have delusions of competence, the mere wearing of a hard hat does not make you a construction expert or wearing fatigues make you a military commander. What true leaders do is take responsibility and drive through change where required making people accountable and reviewing progress.Boris was at best standoffish, brexit has not been done to a satisfactory conclusion and many agencies seem to have no current effective leadership.
  19. Charlotte's Controller

    The Next Tory Leader

    So I think that I have this sussed. The parties who are voting are probably in the following groups as a majority. Brexit voting, Tax hating, Older. White Selfish Immigrant averse. Incompetence intolerant, if I personally are not adversely affected I don’t care. lacking alternatives. looks like a win for the lies and blond bombshell that is Truss.
  20. Charlotte's Controller

    The Next Tory Leader

    Truss u-turn shows the amount of thinking that went into her recent proclamations. What did her massive intellect think was going to happen, levelling up my arse. Another example of throwaway policies that have no hope of becoming reality. It looks we are heading for another Peter Principle Government. To be honest the electorate need to take a good deal of the blame for electing these lying idiots into power initially.
  21. Charlotte's Controller

    The Next Tory Leader

    Dories really sticking the knife in, where is the HR department in this government. Sorry this government doesn’t have one I forgot, not a direct quote from Liz Truss but could well have been.
  22. Charlotte's Controller

    The Next Tory Leader

    Youngsters do not have the restrictions imposed by society at this stage and can be brutally honest. I am a bit on the autistic scale and have a similar issue with saying what I mean on a rapid response basis. I have respect for those who command it but do not suffer fool’s gladly. Truss presents herself as a frightened rabbit facing the headlights of impending annihilation, whether by the current vote or subsequent general election. I do not consider myself to be wrong.
  23. Charlotte's Controller

    The Next Tory Leader

    Just been doing some reading up on Liz Truss, she says that she gets things done however a cursory review of her past shows that she has achieved fuck all and can’t remember anything significant in detail that she has done. An ideal replacement for Boris. Rishi has at least provided Covid support for the majority of the population and provided a realistic approach to addressing the deficit perhaps the rich should pay a bit more but this will be his downfall. Once again the uneducated voters will lead us down the road to oblivion (Labour Rule).
  24. Charlotte's Controller

    The Next Tory Leader

    Just been reading a medical definition of a Truss, a support for a male that nowadays is out of date. Need I say more.
  25. Charlotte's Controller

    The Next Tory Leader

    At the end of this pantomime it will almost be Christmas and time for more seasonal entertainment. Truss in boots (Boris as the Mayor of London) Suella and the ugly sisters (Boris,Smog and Fabricant in drag) with Tom as the Prince, (he’s been in the army you know). Rishi, Nadim and Kemi in Aladdin. Nadine overseeing production as Culture Secretary, with scenery, costumes and furnishings by Carrie. Coverage on the government channel C4. Funding by donors, profits for distribution via the Caymen Islands. Given the level of production there is no room for Pennys.

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