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Charlotte's Controller

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Everything posted by Charlotte's Controller

  1. Charlotte's Controller

    Vladimir Putin

    At this stage I consider Putin to be a weak man, his country does not have a strong motivated infrastructure, his troops are out of control and lacking capability and support. Rumours are around that he is ill from some form of blood cancer. This year or next a victim of one of the Cs, cancer or coup.
  2. Charlotte's Controller

    So .. What Do You Watch On TV?

    Of it’s type it is ok, short so a day’s binge watch.
  3. Charlotte's Controller

    So .. What Do You Watch On TV?

    Just started to watch The Pentaverate on Netflix, a Mike Myers vehicle that looks as though it might be quite amusing.
  4. Charlotte's Controller

    David Crosby

    As Neil Young said, a man needs a maid.
  5. Charlotte's Controller


    Reminds me of a Miley Cyrus video from a different era, perhaps the inspiration.
  6. Charlotte's Controller

    Covid 19 ------- Third wave?

    It does, the original poll was 10 million, or a fan of Priti Patel?
  7. Charlotte's Controller

    Covid 19 ------- Third wave?

    The WHO Covid report is now out. The count estimated at almost 15 million. Based on excess deaths and analysis, the biggest deviation from officially stated figures belongs to India. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-61327778 On a brighter note the ten million mark has now been passed so Paul Bearer can now claim victory in the original poll.
  8. Charlotte's Controller

    By -Election Bingo 2019-2024

    Parish resignation a precursor to being offered a position in the House of Lords, for services to?
  9. Charlotte's Controller

    Covid 19 ------- Third wave?

    Safer statistically with vaccine than without.
  10. Charlotte's Controller

    Covid 19 ------- Third wave?

    As Mrs Controller said to me last week, that Derek Draper has probably had it worst, Kate Garraway has really suffered. My reply was that one hundred or so thousand would beg to differ. When I was young and the MMR jab had not been properly run out you went to catch these young to protect yourself in later life. Unfortunately with Covid it takes out a proportion of some of the softer targets. The non mask wearing, I’ve had it once brigade, do not want the vaccine and have no consideration for the more vulnerable, this is where the rate of American deaths escaped from that of the UK. I note that India are trying to suppress a WHO report into the level of global deaths (NYT) putting the total number of unrecorded Covid deaths at higher levels but not stating the actual numbers by country as yet.
  11. It seems to me that for all of the rights that Americans have there are a few areas where they backfire. The right to bear arms, in a decent society this should not be necessary. Not everyone is equal. Religious pro life factions. Religious anti vaxers, god will save us. Political anti vaxers, stupidity will save us. Darwinism seems to take a step forward.
  12. Charlotte's Controller

    The 5th death of 2022

    I voted Mrs Carter, after Mrs potato head, Mrs peanut head
  13. Charlotte's Controller

    The 4th death of 2022

    Mr Carter
  14. Charlotte's Controller

    World Cup 2022 (Qatar)

    I didn’t realise that Scotland played football. I thought that they were more sensible than that.
  15. Charlotte's Controller

    Covid 19 ------- Third wave?

    I would agree, it should become the level of risk that flu has become. These things will always get us in the end the big C has to be the next target.
  16. Charlotte's Controller

    Covid 19 ------- Third wave?

    Having shielded for two years and been careful I have finally tested positive for Covid. No doubt where it originated, Mrs Controller and her friends from school. I think that the variant I have is equivalent to a mild cold without the runny nose. This would bring the Covid to manageable levels for people who are vaccinated.
  17. Charlotte's Controller

    Quiz Time

    I’m a SWAMP, FLICK, BURNT, HOVED type, not too much left after this especially today.
  18. Charlotte's Controller

    Quiz Time

    I’ve heard a rumour that the Queen has been using a lighter Samurai sword of late. Beheading for treason and stupidity to become fashionable again post Brexit to celebrate the Jubilee.
  19. Charlotte's Controller

    Cricket Thread. Only Mad Dogs And Englishmen

    Marsh and Warne were always good to watch, their status as legendary as Botham, Thompson and Lillie.
  20. Charlotte's Controller

    Ask A Deathlister

    Buying the old stock in bulk whilst still effectively cheap, I would agree that the new tech has become more affordable, currently in process of replacing halogen downlighters with led. The payback period is now shorter with increased prices. My wife’s electric car is now in the country an eight month wait from order, Government are replacing high petrol costs with high electric costs. Energy companies work on a margin basis and need to be taxed more.
  21. Charlotte's Controller

    Ask A Deathlister

    The way to go is for a trade supplier and buy in bulk for future use, much cheaper even if you are maintaining out of date fittings and don’t want to change. To be honest with fuel costs now it is worth getting rid and upgrading.
  22. Charlotte's Controller

    Queen Elizabeth II

    This is the “Only Fools and Horses” limited edition. Purfick.
  23. Charlotte's Controller

    So .. What Do You Watch On TV?

    And start saving for your power bills.
  24. In other news from America proving that males can’t multitask. http://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/local/detroit-city/2016/01/26/detroit-motorist-porn-movie-crashes-dies/79370556/
  25. Charlotte's Controller

    Political Discussions And Ranting Thread

    I think that a much better form of funding for the country would be to eliminate the tax allowable status of charges from tax havens and making loan receipts in the country taxable on granting or effective receipt for recognition. Not many of the big companies pay enough tax. This goes especially for the likes of Amazon, Apple etc who accumulate large funds but then remit little tax.

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