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Posts posted by philheybrookbay

  1. Just watched that video. As some who has chronic depression, and have been to be the point of overdose 3 times- it looks like classic depressive actions in that interview. The forced smile, the gripping of the chair halfway, the almost manic look at points. It's all hindsight of course.

  2. here is alink to the sad news http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-15320895 death of a legend..the nation will be in mourning :o


    Your nation might be in mourning, mine isn't. Another 2 bit actress who couldn't be arsed to actually get off her arse and do some proper acting but stuck with a nice little earner, apologies to all you Corrie fans but I hate it and other soap operas with a passion :rip: .


    In my eyes a tad harsh. She started working at the age of 8, and according to comments I've read was forced onto the stage with physical violence used by her Mother to keep her there. Given she retired in the 1960's and then came out of retirement for the part of Betty Turpin she stayed until today.


    Lets not forget, she stayed in the same job for 41 years. If she'd started at 18, that would make her 59 years old. And lets face it, if you have the dream job, you'd stay for 40+ plus years.



    Now fellow forum members, whilst I'm a newbie compared to most and I'm certainly not a troll, I find the above rather curious.


    I'm not concerned with googling a certain Gilbert Gottfried, but googling "how to kill a troll" wasn't the best initial idea. So I took the idea of moving on to "ways to kill a troll". Then it dawned on me.





    Interestingly the next part of Notaguest which is clearly warped is his CAPS LOCK key.. no need to shout dear.


    The phone rings and the lady of the house answers,




    "Mrs. Sanders, please."




    "Mrs. Sanders, this is Doctor Jones at Saint Agnes Laboratory.


    When your husband's doctor sent his biopsy to the lab last week, a biopsy from another Mr. Sanders arrived as well...


    We are now uncertain which one belongs to your husband.


    Frankly, either way the results are not too good."


    "What do you mean?" Mrs. Sanders asks nervously.


    "Well, one of the specimens tested positive for Alzheimer's and the other one tested positive for HIV.


    We can't tell which is which."


    "That's dreadful! Can you do the test again?" questioned Mrs.Sanders.



    "Normally we can, but MEDICARE will only pay for these expensive tests once."


    "Well, what am I supposed to do now?"


    "The MEDICARE Helpdesk recommend that you drop your husband off somewhere in the middle of town.


    If he finds his way home, don't sleep with him.”

  5. Not much DL action this time around, in a drugs/death-free but riveting Tour de France. Chapeaux from 'arry to Cadel Evans, Andy Schleck, Tommy Voeckler, Thor Hushovd, Mark Cavendish, Boss Hog, Pierre Rolland, Sammy Sanchez and Fabio Sabatini.



    One of the best Tours ever IMO...


    Totally agree, it could have gone to any of the top 8 finishers at one point.

  6. He actually fell of a horse on a recent recording of Celebrity Coach Trip Series 2..........


    The fact that the Chuckle brothers won the 1st series of Celebrity Coach Trip won't be lost on Mr Barrymore.


    Mind you isn't a pier a structure that sticks out unnaturally over water. Shame Mr Lubbock didn't ask for pier.

  7. Margaret Thatcher is dead- sort of -the scottish comedienne and actress Janet Brown who was famous for impersonating her has died aged 87


    close but no cigar


    You'd think that Mrs T could do some respect here won't you? I mean Janet Brown who copied your every move for some 12 years has died, can't you start Mrs T and try and copy Janet Brown at this point. By dying.... :huh:

  8. Sad news in Plymouth this morning


    Tom Daley the 17 year old diver has lost his father to brain cancer. Rob Daley was only 40.






    Sadly for him he will not be able to witness his son compete at the 2012 Olympics.


    On the other hand, he's probably been spared having that conversation with Tom... ;)


    Oh trust me, we're just awaiting his arrival in the Swallow (the main gay pub in Plymouth) :huh:

  9. Much respect regards the above.



    Plymouth's gay scene is mourning one of ours today- Claire Banks- someone who I've known for some 14 years passed away at 1115am this morning from cancer. I make no excuse to admit that I openly cried when my partner rang me at work, and I had to gently return to the restroom from being on beat (thankfully I was with a female colleague). Claire is the first of our group to pass over. When I say group, I mean about 10 of us who started "Monday club", who would go out and drink and to hell with the results- I think I lost more Tuesdays thanks to Claire with hangovers!! I'll include my message from her facebook page.


    Claire "Banksy" Banks, what can I say? We've laughed, we've cried, we've laughed tons more! We've mocked, been mocked, bitched, sank more alcohol than should have been humanly possible. And you fought, by god did you fight. We'll miss you my darling- god speed to the local in the sky. Where the Fosters is cold and music is loud. Lots of love Claire Bear, Phil and Darren xxxxxxx


    Just a sense of shock around tonight.

    • Like 1

  10. A sad day in world of Parking in Plymouth today. We mourn the loss our colleague Alan, who for more years than I care to remember mended all the on and off street pay and display machines. Al retired only 17 months ago aged 58, and died from Cancer having fought the battle since he retired. He was 59.


    In a mark of respect his call sign of Charlie Papa 25 will not be used by his colleagues for a short period.


    A real rough diamond and ex Navy Boxer he will be sorely missed.


    God speed Al.

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  11. A Manx 2 plane has crashed in Cork - RIP to those poor people that have lost their lives - sincere condolences to family and friends


    It looks like most passengers have died or are in a critical condition



    Are any of them celebrities?




    Nice news piece on BBC with a RTE presenter at the scene. Bit like the Eurovision without the music.


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