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Posts posted by philheybrookbay

  1. Christmas Tree Lights.


    Yes tried them before putting them on the damn tree- worked fine. Put them on the tree, decorated tree, turned on Christmas Lights. Fused the whole house into total darkness.


    Said lights burnt hole in the lounge carpet.


    Then now means trip to bloody hardware shop tomorrow. Oh the deep joy of it all.

  2. The boss had a new pet project which he forced on us, making a multi-storey car park pay on exit. He spent thousands on state of the art machines and barriers.


    Therefore imagine the mirth when the whole set up literally broke down at 530 this evening just as 60 cars were queuing to get out of said car park.


    Bosses new exit barrier was (at my last look) being attacked by a lady in her late 50's and finally being bent to one side.








    We all just left. You can't do enough for a good boss can you? :D:P

  3. http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio2/shows/simon-ma...d-flower-heist/


    To confirm it was me.


    I lived in Glossop in Derbyshire for 4 years in total.


    I worked in the Parking Unit in Rotherham- using the Woodhead Pass every day. At the time earning £11k per year. Most of which went on rent and petrol.


    The graveyard was at the top of Dinting- just as you drop into Glossop.


    My friends at football still call me Harpo.


    I will burn in hell for the above in 2004.


    PS My Mother in Law still doesn't know it was me, despite knowing my nickname and listening to this live. She's getting Esso finest for Christmas.

  4. I think Zsa Zsa will see the changing of the year.


    I'm going for Niemeyer.


    I see Thatcher has 13%. That must be wishful thinking.


    That's 13% more than the Conversatives will have after Wednesdays budget cuts


    Any hoo its so random this year- so its Eric Sykes for me

  5. Got a joke today which both funny does appear rather apt now?


    "What with Miners and Scoucers celebrating in the news today anyone would think Maggie had died"













    Wearing coat and leaving the building.....

  6. Very sad news.


    I've always been sort of proud that I shared the same birthday as Norman (4th February).


    Now all I'm stuck with is Dan Quayle, Alice Cooper and Kelly Marie Sodan, Miss Kentucky Teen USA (1996)


    God speed Sir Norman.

  7. I'm glad to hear that despite the fact I don't even live in the same country as you, I have the ability to get under your skin. I am also glad that despite the fact I don't even know who the hell you are, I am of some significance to you. B/c quite frankly, if you were to die, I wouldn't give a crap b/c you are not worth my spit.


    IF by any chance Michael Douglas DOES die this year....could he possibly be the most significant death of 2010?!?!?!?


    Wow...just goes to show how slow this year has been for celebrity deaths if that's the case.


    OF course, it's very wild speculation. Obviously, somebody much more famous than Michael could die this year, and there's a very good chance Michael could survive his stage 4 throat cancer, but I just find it particularly interesting if by years' end, if Douglas does die, he's actually a strong contender for most significant celebrity death of this year.


    I really don't understand this notion or obsession with most significant death. Surely it is relative. For example, if Michael Douglas were to die, it would personally have no effect on my life. If the lowly character of BCAlum2000 were to die however, that would be more significant to my life because he would no longer be around to do my tits in by constantly going on about the 'most significant' death of the year.



    I'm with Windsor- if BCAlum dies this year it'll be the most significant death since I joined Deathlist Forum





    Guess the obit will be in http://www.aluminiumtoday.com/ :banghead:




    Getting my coat now. :dead:


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