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Posts posted by philheybrookbay

  1. 21 hours ago, Windsor said:

    Anyone getting fed up of the Grenfell families yet? Or is it too soon. It’s going to be another Hillsborough circus if they don’t get convictions. Yet the man with the dodgy fridge gets off Scot free because he’s not establishment enough for them.


    The other thing pissing me off this week is the fact I’m not allowed to believe that criticism of the Duchess of Sussex isn’t racist. As a white male I’m not entitled to make that opinion because it’s white privilege innit?


    Im just going to start reading the Daily Mail and be done with it... 

    Bit like Laurence Fox on Question Time last night? 

  2. Like someone before I do remember Violet Carson dying and the tributes at the time. 


    Watched Challenger vaperised like most kids on BBC Newsround with Roger Finn.


    The first big one was the Liberace and I remember it being talk of the playground and betting on the day he'd go. It died on my 13th birthday but I lost the bet I waged. 



  3. On 17/12/2018 at 05:32, philheybrookbay said:

    As someone who can pinpoint that start of the collapse of my own civil partnership at 4 months ( and we’d been together 5 years beforehand and then staggered on for a long mostly bitter 6 years) the counter claim that things don’t fall apart that quickly simply isn’t true. All it takes is one massive row , a lack of backing down and bingo you’re in trouble.


    And if you loose the faith of the in-laws which happened in my case towards the end, forget it. You may as well run up the white flag and give up. 


    It’s all looking depressingly familiar tbh.



    Well shes lost the faith of her in laws of that there can be little doubt now. 


    So they go to Canada. How long before something happens and they have to come back- look at our Number 1 pick, that's going to be a massive state event. Do they come back and show a united front (unlikely) or will just he come back? 


    Theres some rumour going about Prince William and an affair - could that be a deflection?

  4. 9 hours ago, Clorox Bleachman said:




    Of all that's holy, that was BAD. So bad, it was actually hilarious. I've never heard so many stifled laughs as coughs in a cinema ever. I looked at best mate after 15 mins and said "did you lace that ciggie before we came". Its like you've taken something which normally is illegal, but you've not certain if you've taken something stronger.


    The CGI is patchy at best at worst unbelievable. You'll need to suspend the fact the last time you saw Jason Durelo was half naked on a bed singing "it's too hot to sleep", as now you'll remember him for licking milk off a bar



    Why are they all horny? Every scene is sexual.


    The director (a loose term!) clearly told Jennifer Hudson to "act up lovie" to the point over acting. And as for Judi Dench and Ian Mckellen?? Ian Mckellen drinking milk from bowl and hissing is now engraved on my brain. And not in a good way. Judi Dench in a cat basket  


    If you want a laugh go and see Cats. Best £7 entertainment in years!

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  5. 7 hours ago, philheybrookbay said:

    Yup Prince Philip top 3 with Olivia and Kirk I think

    Well I got that right.


    Its solid this list. I do think Jill Gascogne is a mighty miss along with Jimmy Greaves, but otherwise I do like it. 


    They've gone for numbers this year with a much older list than I can remember. Could the record go? I think we'll miss it but a solid 15 is on the way imho.

  6. There's clearly something not right about Madonna. Be it illness or her rampant narcissism. Actually, that could be her killer blow,  the fact shes not the person she thinks she was. Even my other half whose a massive fan thinks shes loosing the plot - Madame X is a clearly a cover up for something. 

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  7. 12 hours ago, JD'eath said:

    Have been watching Robin's nest on DVD, as it turns out and, sadly, Richard O'Sullivan might be a better bet for next year's list!

    You chased the wrong ambulance.....:D

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