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Posts posted by philheybrookbay

  1. Whilst not dead but clearly one to watch from this years UK Big Brother would be the cross dressing diva Tomasz. He’s grossly overweight , is on a oxygen machine to sleep at night and has that palid sweaty look of a walking heart attack victim.



  2. Oh brilliant. Andrew Marr has mentioned the words General Election........


    Now it’s 83% Labour supporters want a second referendum. In London perhaps but not here.


    This is Millennials at work. The generation that got prizes for coming last in sports day and praised for failing. Now look where we are. Didn’t like the result let’s have another vote until we get what we want.


    Lets have the election to confuse the matter completely with less than 6 months to go. You couldn’t make it up



    • Like 1

  3. 11 hours ago, charon said:

    They might not want it, but it'll be the case.



    What a lot of folk don't 'get' is a hard brexit will see the tumbling domino effect.


    Plenty of other countries wavering, so the UK wid be in the best place as it unzips.


    Then the UK unzips.








    Lets face it, it’s Germany/France worst nightmare to see the EU other member states leave. So let’s make it nigh on bloody impossible to put others (Greece/Italy/Hungry) off even thinking about leaving. 


    Of of course it doesn’t help we’ve got this mess of a Government at Westminster at the moment. Little cohesion equals chaos.


    Let’s just go for No deal now. As much as the EU says we need them, the reverse is true.  


    Like all divorces it’ll be rough for a year or so after, but then? 

    • Like 1

  4. Sigh. If there’s not a chance of a deal just admit it TM.


    Get on with it. There comes a point in any divorce that you take step back, stop fighting and just divorce. Unless you want to be fighting over the fish knives your ex Aunt in law gave as a wedding present (daft but you get the idea how fucking annoying this is getting).


    Call their bluff if you’ve that guts.

  5. On 22/08/2018 at 15:44, Thatcher said:

    Nikki Grahame has been looking very frail and thin recently, and an appearance on BBOTS apparently worried fans. I read that she has recently had surgery for a stomach ulcer which was caused because of the previous years of anorexia, but honestly it doesn't look like she's fully recovered from anorexia to begin with. 

    She On was the launch of Big Brothers Bit on the Side with about 50 Ex housemates on Friday.


    She looked ok along with the others.


    I, on other hand, need therapy for recognising most of them from the previous 18 years ;) 

    • Haha 1

  6. If you listen to Dead Ringers on Radio 4 then they have ‘Govey’ as the favourite. 


    The biggest problem is that the two party system (let’s be fair here it really is) is totally funked. I can see the Tories/Labour exploding in the coming years with a new centre Party coming to the fore. And it won’t be the Liberals either. Just as long that idiot Blair isn’t involved I’d be happy. 


    Either way this has been some Tories greatest wish since the 80s. Now watch the mess continue.


    Will TM be PM next April? Not a cats chance. 

    • Like 1

  7. Equally if you look at the track of Florence, no Hurricane which formed where she did has ever hit the US- they’ve all curved and going into the North Atlantic. So in a sense it’s very unlucky to be heading towards the Carolinas.


    Isaac looks to be going towards the Leeward Islands as a Cat 1/2 with some models dissipate Isaac by Jamaica (but could go into GOM) as a reformed storm.


    Helene is ironically heading towards the UK and could be our first storm of the Autumn next Tuesday. Again however she could head towards Portugal.


    The thing to bear in mind is that this is peak Hurricane time in the Atlantic so 3 storms isn’t that unusual. Sadly personally I think the City of Wilmington will catch Florence but the mandatory evacuations are firmly in place so it’ll be only a few who’ll stay hopefully 

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  8. Just a quick update, she’s off the ventilator  but still on oxygen and on the lung ward for now but I know there’s going to be a lot of tests done on her heart this week. However she’s awake, alert and talking away yesterday and again today. 


    Ive barely slept since Thursday so it’s all a bit hazy now, so very large Baileys and an early night will help. Also the support of friends and family and colleagues have been amazing, so now we appear over the worst and critical stage I can hopefully chill and relax tonight. 

    • Like 14

  9. My Mum has had a pulmonary oedema following on from a heart attack which I learned about at work this morning at 10am . Spent most of the day in resus in A and E. She’s on a ventilator now.


    My Dad and I are broken tonight. Just shattered. I pray my mobile doesn’t go off in the night as they (god nurses are fucking angels) said go home. Yesterday was their 49th wedding anniversary. Nothing looked wrong.


    life turns in the blink of an eye. 

    • Sad 13

  10. Now that was not just an interview- that was a grilling. An hour and a quarter of pure hell. Gave it my very best shot but I know that that last question I mucked up on, my mind froze totally in the correct answers. 3 people on the panel , one of which was a very high up manager. 


    All very process based questions, basically explaining a process from start to finish- literally every bit going. 


    Will know outcome by Friday. My gut however says No. I don’t think I prepared enough. But I’m in a job I generally love so it’s not critical. 


    And this his bottle of red wine is going down brilliantly tbh.

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