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Everything posted by msc

  1. msc

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool II

    Thanks for the clarification!
  2. msc

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool II

    Does Question 1 include Chancellors, Taoiseachs and so on (ie all state leaders of all 28 countries), or just countries with a specific PM or President?
  3. msc

    Hannah Hauxwell

    I apologise for sounding like a broken record here, and I'm really not having a go at anyone (especially not the DDP organisers), but two ITV obits and a BBC one not being Qualifying obits makes the DDP more of a mockery than any B-team or dodgy pick, imo of course. I didn't get the push to get the local pages removed in 2015, it didn't remove the dodgy picks, they will always move to AN Other QO because journalists love playing at deadpools. It zapped a bunch of the fascinating Other Lives types instead.
  4. Nearly had one of the presumably youngest posters in Deathlist forum history there. Came back through from the kitchen to find the wean casually typing gibberish into the reply box on the Gazza thread. Alas, deleted it before it got posted and any smart sod went "most intelligent post from msc in a while there".
  5. msc

    The Deathlist Cup 2018

    The Masterlist is completed, I'll check the Wiki Deaths in 2018 page to spot any necessary subs before midnight. 113 names on the 2017 First Round Masterlist, 132 in 2018 as it stands! Incidentally, how many of those 113 are still with us? 66!
  6. msc


    ^ I didn't realise he played in the English league either.
  7. msc


    Oh, Webo? I don't remember him being in the Premier League?
  8. msc

    The Deathlist Cup 2018

    Bingo! Just rushing out the door so will add you to the masterlist when I get back in. No byes for anyone in the First Round! Good luck.
  9. msc


    van Hooijdonk surely is one?
  10. msc

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

    Ah, 100% support then. And yes, 2-3 year stretches seems the best. Although, as TMIB is a Doctor Who fan, perhaps he was cursed, being the 4th game runner. (The 4th Doctor Who, Tom Baker, wound up in the role far longer than anyone else and it would have driven him mad if he weren't already Tom Baker and thus nuttier than squirrel shit...)
  11. msc

    The Dead of 2018

    A favourite of DDTs, if memory serves.
  12. msc

    Rotten Dead Pool

    It's because Ali got too busy.
  13. msc

    The Deathlist Cup 2018

    He has been, but he did get his team in before he went off on a rant. That's the sort of forward thinking we approve. Anyhow, with Sir Creep's side in, only one team left to come in, and no, Joey, I'm not naming who it is.
  14. msc

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

    I like it, and support it, providing it's not more hassle and effort to do it this way of course.
  15. msc

    The Deathlist Cup 2018

    22/24 teams in!
  16. msc

    Windy City Deadpool 2017-18

    Wasnae me this time, honest!
  17. msc

    Radio 4

    ^ It's good to have Cat back. Honestly, 2017 was a scary year, I had to do my own research at times.
  18. msc

    Radio 4

    Multiple myeloma to be more specific, which is more sort of a blood cancer.
  19. msc

    Political Frailty

    I bet it was badgers that done it.
  20. msc

    Last Word

    Aha! That explains why when I saw that a few minutes ago, my first thought was "Didn't he die a few weeks ago?"
  21. msc

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

    The stats suggested he was in trouble, but I decided to go on gut feeling. Anyhow, you live and learn (unless you are Mr Alcock, of course).
  22. You might if Sir Creep doesn't get a team in! One other person currently faces a bye if their opponent doesn't send a team in, and of course, there's 2 matches where neither has a team in yet.
  23. msc

    Alt Obituaries Deadpool

    Alcock a hit for me and drol, at the very least. One of those "just add someone because 50 names is a lot" people here.
  24. msc

    The Deathlist Cup 2018

    Don't worry, he's only 8 DDP points. So much for my vote of confidence in his health, that's practically the kiss of death round here! Yep to the above but you have time to send me them.
  25. msc

    Deathrace 2018

    I humbly apologise for being unexpectedly too good/lucky at the game this year for those hits to count.

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