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msc last won the day on June 18

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About msc

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    Mostly Harmless
  • Birthday July 6

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    Breathing, mostly.

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  1. msc

    Celine Dion

    https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Coste This chap, who's now a qo cert. (Hey we were all thinking it.)
  2. msc

    Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex

    Even I think this thread is shit.
  3. msc

    Ideas and possibilities for 2025

    I've cut the list, but what this post tells me is how insane it is so many are still lingering! Also, 8 years of lewy body dementia for Yoko? She's a 2024 or 2025 death at the latest, then.
  4. msc

    Dead Pop Stars

    That's a shame, Jack Russells only live about 16 years tops too.
  5. msc


    He got out of jail in 2018 because a judge's report said he had ALS and was in bad shape. However, I stopped picking him in deadpools because if he did have ALS in his condition, he ought to be dead by now.
  6. msc

    Miriam Margolyes

    She's 83. Five or six years would take her to ninety or there abouts which would be good going for someone who admits they never took great care of their health.
  7. msc

    Kamala Harris

    In one of his last public statements, John McCain predicted denocrat control of Arizona in a decade. Martha McSally managed to lose both senate seats within 24 months instead.
  8. msc

    Ideas and possibilities for 2025

    Valli, Smokey, Mathis, Boone and bloody Englebert all DLy. If they don't make it it'lll be because they die before, not because they'd never get picked. Paolo Conte more niche in the UK, I know him due to the Austin Powers soundtrack back in the day (!) though. Also, I've assumed for years Drol actually hates him, as a famous old Italian he never mentions.
  9. Christ, fucking off Rover is like fucking off Michael Palin while he's on weed. No offence, Rover!
  10. msc

    Didn't Wake Up This Morning...

    John Mayall dead, news was via mrs msc herself but has since been broken by his official Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/JohnMayall/posts/1023647912453710?
  11. msc

    Joe Biden

    Theresa May, if we can overlook her blinkered lack of pragmatism and authoritarian streak for a second, did liberalise laws to protect domestic abuse victims, renters rights, and brought in the energy cap we all know now as an attempt to block bigger bills. Even being Theresa May she still had more good points than Boris Johnson or David Cameron, despite all her numerous flaws and being the architect of our crap Brexit deal. But then America wise if we were to list the US Presidents who had been genuinely good people it might be a small list. Quincy Adams, Ulysses Grant, Abe Lincoln, Jimmy Carter for example and then you'd have people pointing out their flaws because they were human. Depends on the individual circumstances. Biden would have been a better candidate in 2016 than Hilary but in 2024 Kamala Harris is probably a better candidate than Joe Biden. Meanwhile going back a bit, Hilary Clinton would have been a far better candidate than John Kerry but chose to sit that election out for a better option that never arose.
  12. msc

    Scavenger Hunt Bingo Deadpool VI

    I'm having similar oh dear god at the Ivors, not helped by their website bring SHIT, and me being rather unwell just now, but if someone could point to a big list of the eligible names for that category (like we have for the others) it would be most appreciated.
  13. My guess. The guy from Pennsylvania or the astronaut with the wife who got shot. Basically, rust belt or popular guy who speaks on key issues. Both from key swing states.
  14. Even taking into account your post directly above this, it is important to add that: The question asked was: Currently there is a two child limit on the number of children parents can claim child‑related welfare benefits for. Do you think this limit should be kept, or should it be abolished? Which already frames the question in a way that makes the 80% of Reform/Tory voters agreeing not so much a surprise. Remember Sir Humphrey and the conscription polling massaging. However in general, governments have a tendency to do things even when they poll unpopular, because they are the right thing to do. For example, even nowadays, pollsters can find majority support for the death penalty in the UK by phrasing the question in a certain way or leaning on the "wont someone think of the children?" routine. Likewise, in 1983, polling found that around 60% of the public thought homosexuality was wrong. Didn't stop Labour legalising it in the sixties (and yes, it took until the 80s for this to trickle to certain parts of the UK).
  15. msc

    Dance Music/Club DJs/Electronica

    Ian Levine in a huge argument with someone? I'm shocked.

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