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Everything posted by msc

  1. msc

    The Deathlist Cup 2018

    Just a shade under 35 hours left to get teams in. 17/24 in, 1 team just waiting to replace a pick, and reminds sent to the other 6.
  2. msc

    Time Added

    That'll be subs for two more teams in the Cup! Just watch February when it all dries up. Also, he said it was under control for now. Last time I trust a ref!
  3. Last World Cup, because one of the games was on after, I saw the final few minutes of the soap on mute. I turned to the wife and said "I don't recognise any of the people in Corrie these days" and she replied "Yeah, that's because that's actually Emmerdale!"
  4. At least he got his Deathlist Cup team in first before going off on one. Bad luck Sir Creep, no automatic byes to the next round for you.
  5. You sod offline to watch TV with the wife one night and miss all the fun.
  6. msc

    The Deathlist Cup 2018

    No, the deadline for this game has always been end of the month before a round. So you're in the February games, you've got till midnight on the 31st January.
  7. msc

    The Joker's Dead Pool 2018

    In fairness I was busy and I did have to sub 7 people last January, but LOL anyway.
  8. msc

    Best Historic Dl Forum Threads

    Someone might have got a sneaky unique joker on that TV personality who did the shoplifting and did for herself. Isobel Barnett?
  9. Oh go watch classic Corrie clips on YouTube!
  10. msc

    Derby Dead Pool 2018

    "List of the poster" - not another thread!
  11. Much like what they did in Glasgow in the 2015 elections and the 2016 elections and the 2017 local elections... Oh come on, that got a smile, surely... Hi charon, you must be new around here... Some level of Insanity, most people on here - goes without saying imo.
  12. msc

    Mad Mike Hoare

    Good call, imo - though one of those who would have been Deathlist a decade ago... Is he def still alive though? Thought he might have gone off the radar. Admittedly I didn't look for much evidence.
  13. One of those folk born looking 80 and thus never really aging.
  14. msc

    Ingvar Kamprad

    You win! Might be association with your promotion of Gordie Howe as a candidate a few years back?
  15. msc

    The Dead of 2018

    Insert Corpse A into Crematorium B.
  16. msc

    The Deathlist Cup 2018

    TEAMS STILL TO COME IN pedro The Dead Cow Grim Wormfarmer Spade Roverandout JoeyRuss Garn Sean Gcreptile Sir Creep
  17. msc

    Death Anniversary Thread

    14 years ago, the great Rikki Fulton died aged 79. He was very well known on this forum at the time, as you can see from this thread: Or not. Distinct lack of Scots on the forum in those days. Or Bergerac fans. Fulton was best known either for Frankie and Josie, a stage double act, or for Scotch and Wry, a long running BBC comedy sketch show, and made several appearances as permanently cheery Rev I M Jolly. Jolly introduced me as a wean to the black humour behind deadpooling with such gems as: "This year I have been to 320 funerals. Not in any official capacity, it's just a wee hobby of mine..." Outside of comedy, he had a memorable turn in cop show Bergerac, as a family entertainer who gets accused of raping a fan. And is actually guilty, but gets away with it. In 1983. Somewhat timely post-Yewtree. I wonder what they knew! Also not really of interest, my dad was one of the last people to see him alive. (Nothing sinister, dad worked in the ward Fulton died in.) He'd suffered from dementia then had a number of strokes in quick succession that zapped him, basically.
  18. msc

    Who Will Win the 2018 DDP?

    I think it's too early to call. I'll let you know in December.
  19. msc

    Shivakumara Swami

    He puts his left foot in (the hospital), his right foot out (the hospital), in out, shakes it all about...
  20. msc

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2019

    He was on one of my lesser DDP teams (ie the theme team which wound up being a normal team because too many of the theme died!) last year. I agree he seems to be on the road out. Not on any of my teams this year - not even the AltObits - because I forgot about him.
  21. msc

    Seen Any Good Films Lately?

    ^ I like how that is essentially 4 or 5 different complaints in about 40 words!
  22. msc

    The Dead of 2018

    No. It's not as exciting as others paint it. Mentioned several times on this forum and no longer a unique pick either.
  23. Well, I can at least guarantee one of 27 Deathlist forum members will win the Deathlist Cup!

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