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Everything posted by Windsor

  1. Windsor

    Margaret Thatcher

    Latest on Mrs Thatcher - opening an infirmary in her name. If you watch the video, she looks quite vacant. She seems to be being guided about by the Prince of Wales. Looks though she doesn't have a clue what is going on around her.
  2. Windsor

    Jane Goodie

    Let me give you a brief summary: They were both whores. Anyway... What can a mo-ped do that Jade can't? Reach 30.
  3. Indeed. I hear that they constantly go about naked all the time. That would be unbearable in British BB - especially with contestants like this:
  4. Windsor

    Jane Goodie

    I think it would be a fitting tribute if they made a Bollywood film of her life.
  5. Windsor

    Jane Goodie

    I was under the illusion that you had to live by Christian principles to get into heaven. Then again, those wacky Christians just make it up as they go along these days...
  6. Windsor

    Rip T-shirt Hell

    We have something in common then Banshees. Although I am open to suggestions that I may just be a cheapskate.
  7. Windsor

    Jane Goodie

    Living TV I suppose? I'd imagine the 'Most Haunted' team will be in her mansion a week after to try and connect to Jade's spirit. Wheel out all the nutters - Derek Acorah...Jeremy Edwards...Colin Fry. All the money could go to the kids... Jeremy Edwards? My mistake. John Edwards.
  8. Windsor

    Jane Goodie

    Living TV I suppose? I'd imagine the 'Most Haunted' team will be in her mansion a week after to try and connect to Jade's spirit. Wheel out all the nutters - Derek Acorah...Jeremy Edwards...Colin Fry. All the money could go to the kids...
  9. Windsor

    Jane Goodie

    My reasoning for Burnley had nothing to do with locality. They also like dying young.
  10. Windsor

    Jane Goodie

    My favourite tribute up to now (heard it in Sky news): "she was the new People's Princess... an Essex Princess." We need a vomiting emoticon please, BTW. I'm prepared to go as far as to proclaim her the Cuntess of Burnley...
  11. Windsor

    Jane Goodie

    The first victim of Jade Goody's death. There is simply nothing to write about any more.
  12. Windsor

    The Dead Of 2009

    Marie Moore of Sinn Fein has died aged 72.
  13. Windsor

    Ronnie Biggs

    Gordon Brown didn't kill a train driver in the process though.
  14. Windsor

    Jane Goodie

    Welcome to DL, time. Or should that be welcome to the membership? These people who have given you some laughs - were you laughing with them, or were you laughing at Banshees Scream?
  15. Today was a significant anniversary for me, although did forget until about 3 minutes ago. On the 22nd March 2008 I had my last drink of fizzy juice. Yes, one year ago today I gave up my Lucozade and Cola addiction. The only difference between then and now is that I'm slightly less fat, and my teeth can expect a longer life expectancy. (Yes, I marked it on last years calendar (which I still have), so what?)
  16. Windsor

    Jane Goodie

    What does Jade Goody have in common with her mother's day breakfast? Both were cold by 9 o'clock.
  17. Windsor

    Jane Goodie

    I didn't think it was possible to lower the tone in this thread. I've just been proved wrong. (The Kids won't need a foster home. Tweed, Bazier and the mother will be fighting for the kids. Who ever gets the kids, gets the money).
  18. Windsor

    Room 101

    Thats why you love me. I denounce your capabilities quite publicly.
  19. Windsor

    Jane Goodie

    Congratulations VT. I'm jealous of your prize. When I heard of Goody's death I felt like going to Church. I don't want to run the risk of spending eternity in hell with Jade Goody. It is also reported that the Prime Miniser is deeply saddened to hear of her death. He had her down for the 25th.
  20. Windsor

    Jane Goodie

    1) She sucked off some guy on national television. 2) She got her 'kebab' out on national television. 3) She has practically sold the rights to her baptism, wedding, death and funeral. 4) She uses her kids to keep her in the front pages. 5) She uses her kids to rake in more cash. So I think a recovery may well be on the cards.
  21. Windsor

    Where Will The Next School Massacre Be?

    Does a nursery shooting in France count? Link.
  22. Windsor

    Jane Goodie

    If she does, only the truly thick will not twig that's its a set up... I think if that happened, Jack Tweed would feel the most cheated.
  23. Happy Birthday to the boss.
  24. Windsor

    Jane Goodie

    Make your own Jade Goody memorabilia - draw a face on a boiled egg.

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