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Everything posted by Windsor

  1. Windsor

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    The monarchy could be economically viable if the British Government allowed the monarchy to be funded by Crown Estates. These Estates earn over £100m per annum which is more than enough to fund the monarchy. If the monarchy did fund itself with the Crown Estates, they would have an extra £40m per year to treat themselves with. Prince Chrles is a proponent of the above plan.
  2. Windsor

    Margaret Thatcher

    Does the monarchy have some use after all?
  3. Windsor

    The Dead Of 2009

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/manchester/7877711.stm Welcome back Lady Die!
  4. Windsor

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    The fact that abolition of the monarchy is not on the political agenda shows the lack of interest the people have in ending the institution. There are no violent protests against the institution, and opinion polls show that - at least in this current reign - the monarchy has the backing of the people. One day they will be subject to a democratic vote. But that day can only come when the people of this nation put it on the agenda. So long as the present Queen reigns, the monarchy in Britain will be secure. Her successors don't have that luxury. I suppose there is always the problem as to what will replace the monarch. A President yes - but what kind of President? One that serves exactly the same purpose as a monarch, or one that holds political power? Given that these people will be popularly elected, they will have the legitimacy to govern and interfere in politics. That is the problem that continues to haunt Australia.
  5. Windsor

    Room Lovely, Look You.

    So resourceful for an old lady, aren't you? .. But it's understandable. The reaction that I'm getting is everyones way of saying "I'm fat and my brain ain't well" and I don't want hear it anymore ... I won't waste my time then. At least I only gave my introduction. Do me next, do me next!! (Theres an offer you can't refuse)
  6. Windsor

    Room Lovely, Look You.

    Well, I'll have to disagree with that statement as without the health of ones mind the body shall suffer. So, yes, I do understand the mind. Reality from the standpoint of a human being is dictated upon how they perceive life. With this vision of life, they pursue a desire or something. All of the mental disordors are usually chemical imbalances in the brain or something which relates to self confidence. Experience is an influence. Anyway, I figure this post was a gamble as some of these people here might not "get it". Shut yer hole. You are about as enlightened as a can of beans. You are an arrogant sh*t.
  7. Windsor

    Jane Goodie

    No. Shes a bitch.
  8. Windsor

    A Joke

    Deathlisters of a nervous disposition beware! For years the Buchan area has been terrorised by the 'Beast of Buchan', and finally this creature has been captured, and photographed for the first time! Brace yourself now...behold - the Beast of Buchan!
  9. Windsor

    The Weather

    I thought noone was allowed to talk to the bus driver. Only if you bring them sandwiches.
  10. Windsor

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    Not entirely true. Franco left Juan Carlos as the heir to his regime. He fully expected his regime to continue under the dictatorship of the King. The King had different ideas, and democracy came from the King's preference of it. Rather than being harmful to democracy, monarchy in Spain actually established it. It simply wouldn't have happened without the influence of Juan Carlos. It was he who prevented the first democratic parliament from being disturbed by the military. (That is my understanding anyway).
  11. Windsor

    The Weather

    Some of my friends are saying that the journey time from Aberdeen to Fraserburgh this evening was 5 hours. I opted to stay at home today.
  12. Windsor

    The Dead Of 2009

    Bashir Ahmed, a Scottish SNP MSP, has died aged 68. He was the first...asian...Indian...MSP to enter the Scottish Parliament. Unfortunately he was a regional list MSP, so no bye-election.
  13. Windsor

    Nelson Mandela

    I think it has more to do with the fact that he still has the army at his disposal. He has been clever enough to look after the people who matter in maintaining power. The second point is that Mugabe is Zimbabwe's leader. If you look at post-colonial political history, the prominent rebels who helped win independence tend to rule with legitimacy due to their activities in freeing that nation. Mugabe still holds legitimacy in some circles due to his past. There is a term to describe such figures, but I've forgotten what it is. Thus, I would argue that Zimbabwe is stuck with Mugabe until such time as: 1: He loses support of his army (most likely to be cause by economic factors). 2: He dies or decides to retire. 3: Foreign military intervention. I can't see powersharing working. (As usual, you know all about my political predictions of the past, so brace yourself for Zimbabwean democracy flourishing under a power-sharing deal).
  14. Windsor

    Death Anniversary Thread

    Is this where we pick up where we left off on the Cromwell argument? Incidently, Charles died on his neice, Queen Anne's, birthday.
  15. Windsor

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    I find that there are two problems with republicans. 1: They take monarchy too seriously. 2: They take themselves to seriously.
  16. Windsor

    The Dead Of 2009

    The top story in the Fraserburgh Hearld this week: Marconi Road to be renanmed despite protests. By 'protests' they mean a couple readers wrote to the paper moaning about it. The secondary story was about a local man under the headline 'Is this Britain's unluckiest man?'. He was nearly killed last week when a slate slid from a roof and went through his car sun-roof whilst he was in the vehicle. He said it was his 9th brush with death. In the past Mr. Watt has gone through a main electricity cable with a spade whilst gardening, almost shot himself in the head, was almost swept away by a river, and on one occassion ran himself over with his own car. Was quite amusing. The joys of the Fraserburgh Herald... Damn, I was hoping the headline was going to be 'Local Baglady Freezes to Death Whilst Sucking Off A Tramp'. Haha. I'll keep you informed anything of that nature should appear. BTW - the story has been taken on by the regional paper - Link. The Fraserburgh Herald yesterday, the Press and Journal today, tomorrow - who knows?...
  17. Windsor

    Room 101

    Salmond. Give it a year or two, and they may be singing a different song.
  18. Windsor

    From Cleric To Relic

    I take it he has never met Michael Jackson?
  19. 57 years ago today, Princess Elizabeth became Queen Elizabeth. Only three more years ti the diamond jubilee - if we can afford it...
  20. Windsor

    The Dead Of 2009

    The top story in the Fraserburgh Hearld this week: Marconi Road to be renanmed despite protests. By 'protests' they mean a couple readers wrote to the paper moaning about it. The secondary story was about a local man under the headline 'Is this Britain's unluckiest man?'. He was nearly killed last week when a slate slid from a roof and went through his car sun-roof whilst he was in the vehicle. He said it was his 9th brush with death. In the past Mr. Watt has gone through a main electricity cable with a spade whilst gardening, almost shot himself in the head, was almost swept away by a river, and on one occassion ran himself over with his own car. Was quite amusing. The joys of the Fraserburgh Herald...
  21. Windsor

    BB King

    There is always hope. Lets not forget James Brown...
  22. Windsor

    Jane Goodie

    That would possibly be the funniest thing of 2009.
  23. Windsor

    The Weather

    Very snowy up this way as well today. Took me over 2 and a half hours to travel 42 miles today. Usually takes 1hr 15m (by bus). We don't have pansy Londoners driving our busses.
  24. Windsor

    Nazi of SS

    Painful enough?
  25. Windsor

    Jane Goodie

    Oh well. Looks like she wasn't putting it on after all... Jade Goody for 2010.

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