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Everything posted by Windsor

  1. Windsor

    Too Many Moderators ?

    Does the Admin team have a 1-in-1-out policy? Margere Hen went missing, Football Fan becomes Admin. Football Fan goes missing...
  2. Windsor

    Room 101

    Unfortunately I have to eat what they put on the menu. The Vegetarians have won their way and it seems to be vegetarian options everyday. That means that our choice is usully limited to either lentil soup (tasteless and bland) or vegetarian Broth (also tasteless and bland). Yesterday it was Broccoli or lentil. We were, however, treated on Monday to Chicken Soup. You be asking, why not buy something other than soup? Answer: The sandwiches are all overpriced, are soggie and generally sh*t. The only other option is to go to the bakers (on campus) and buy a pie. If I were to do the latter, I would put back on the 4 stone I lost over the summer (yes, I did type that last bit with my eyes closed). It could be said that I'm just a fussy bastard.
  3. Windsor

    The Dead Of 2008

    Did anybody know that Byron Lee had died? According to wikipedia he died on the 4th November. He was number 13 on my 2009 DDP. He obviously wasn't as famous as I thought...
  4. Windsor

    Deathlist 2011

    If Castro was dead, the new President would be keen to announce it to mark the real beginning of his regime out of his brother's shadow. I think Castro is still alive, but only just. I don't think he will die in 2009. I know he has cancer but he seems to be doing alright at the minute. He probably should be included on the list just incase, but I don't think he is a dead cert for 2009. Then again, I didn't think that Tony Snow's cancer was that serious... I'll tell you who I am considering though - Michael Jackson. By all accounts he is not a well man, and I think if he is not put on the list he could end up as one of those big names who manage to slip past us. (Even though Swayze would probably be considered more ill than Michael Jackson).
  5. Windsor

    Room 101

    Smarmy bastards who are overly possessive of their girlfriends. I'm looking at a couple as I type this. She is trying to work, whilst he is smothering her with affection. He won't stop kissing the poor girl and she is getting pretty pissed off. He was obviously punching above his belt when he got her. If he carries on, he will be waering my lentil soup.
  6. Windsor

    Room Lovely, Look You.

    Good news from Fraserburgh! Some of you may remember my rantings at the unhealthy levels of nepotism at my work. Well today, the greatest dynasty has been toppled! The head (the mother in the office) has been made redundant thus bringing an end to that families influence in the home. She finishes on Friday. She has 3 children, all 3 of whom have had jobs in the kitchen. I have seen off two of them, and am prepared to see-off the eldest one who only recently got a job with us (the applications were carefully filtered through the office to remove opposition before they reached the cook). Thus my battle with the terrible House of Stuart is coming slowly to an end! (I'll probably be next for the chop given my silly hours, but I'm not really caring - so longs as I make it past Friday).
  7. Become Britain's best paid exterminator.
  8. My late grandmother remembered seeing him being pushed in his pram as a baby. Also, according to a friend of mine, his mother lives just round the corner from me. I don't know if this is true or not. I don't even know if his mother is still alive.
  9. Windsor

    2009 DDP

    There is a very easy way to settle it. For the person to qualify for entry, they would need to have some degree of fame BEFORE they became ill due to a terminal illness. If they only became noted after, or as a result of their terminal illness, they should not be valid candidates.
  10. Bad news. According to one line in this article, I'm going to become a twisted serial killer.
  11. Windsor

    Too Many Moderators ?

    Hell's Bells. And Buckets of Blood.
  12. Windsor

    Too Many Moderators ?

    Funny that. I'd call it sad... Would you care to share you conclusions, Mr. Scream?
  13. Windsor

    Room 101

    You could take a poll now, then take another one half way through the term of our first president...
  14. Windsor

    Too Many Moderators ?

    Why? What happens at 3,001 posts?
  15. Windsor

    President (recumbent) Barack Obama

    Just another Cardinal Keith O'Brien. He tried exactly the same stunt with the abortion laws last year where he tried to force Catholic MPs to vote by the Catholic Church. Bunch of c**ts.
  16. Windsor

    President (recumbent) Barack Obama

    There may be a possible upset in Missouri. Most had called it for McCain, but it is extremely close. With the votes counted so far, McCain has 49.4% of the vote to Obama's 49.3%. About 5,000 votes difference. Unfortunately I don't know how much is yet to be counted. How exciting...
  17. Windsor

    Too Many Moderators ?

    I'd promote Banshees. I think he'd be an excellent moderator...
  18. Windsor

    President (recumbent) Barack Obama

    To Welshman, If you are going to send me insulting PMs, at least be a good sport and allow me to respond. Sending a PM like that and then blocking me from your list. Seems a bit cowardly. By the way, if that was your answer, I think it is a pretty crap argument.
  19. Windsor

    Room 101

    If I'm not mistaken, both Prince Andrew and Prince Edward (as well as Prince William) have recently been created honourary Knights of the Garter. This is a personal gift from the Queen. The medals they wear (except from Prince Philip and Andrew) are probably just Golden Jubilee medals which all members of the Royals Family with a uniform tend to get. I think that Prince Harry has two medals - the Golden Jubilee medal and the Iraq campaign medal. I am unaware if he did actually serve the minimum requirements for the medal. Prince Charles' medals are mainly comprised of Order of the Knighthood which are again gifted from his mother. He will also have the Coronation medal, the Silver Jubilee medal, and the Golden Jubilee medal. Under these conditions, you can see how easy it is for them to acquire a chest-full of medals. They will all get a new one in 2012 with teh Diamond Jubilee medal...
  20. Windsor

    John Demjanjuk

    Back in the news. Now the Germans want to prosecute him. He doesn't look too ill from the picture.
  21. Windsor

    Room Lovely, Look You.

    WTF is a tazo? More to the point wtf is Star Wars? being an arse (scientifically proven) To be fair, I was only 9 when I bought the book and collected 49 of the 50 tazos. I saw the one I needed on ebay last week for only 15p - so I bought it just to finish off the book.
  22. Windsor

    2009 DDP

    I will need the application email please.

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