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Everything posted by Windsor

  1. Windsor

    Tammy Faye Messner

    The pictures are online. She looks like a skeleton - not unlike the avatar of an old school member called janeo.
  2. Windsor

    Room 101

    Yes - it has the right to remain silent until the doctors come. If you ban abortion, there will be an increase in unwanted children. Surely that can't be a good thing. If you are familiar with Jeremy Kyle et al., how many of those knobs blame their problems on a bad childhood? Perhaps this link is too simplistic but perhaps you can see my point? A ban on abortion will probably also see an increase in children being institutionalised or placed in care. That is not an ideal solution. People do not have abortions for fun or as a pastime. They have them when they need them. When they have no place in their life for a child. That is why abortion should not be banned. Besides - I'm more pissed off at the fact that the Church is poking its nose into politics again. If their God is that great, let him strike with divine intervention...
  3. Windsor

    Tammy Faye Messner

    She's milking this... What channel is Entertainment Tonight on?
  4. Windsor

    Room 101

    Cardinal Keith O’Brien. Who the hell does he think he is? He is holding democracy at ransom over the issue of abortion. I would remind him that abortion is a choice. He and his Catholic mate can keep their kids. However, the rest of us who are no-doubt bound for hell anyway should be able to abort our unwanted children. Unfortunately Alex Salmond has given him the time of day. If I'm not mistaken, the National Socialists of 1933 also made deals with the Catholic Church... Besides, O'Brien is only doing it for the children - if you know what I mean. (This is not sectarian. I'm an atheist)
  5. Windsor


    I've decided that Fraserburgh is not that bad a place now. I'm only saying this because it turns out that the man who founded the town, Sir Alexander Fraser, is my 13xgreat grandfather. With a change to the law and a few hundred/thousand deaths, I could be the 22nd Lord Saltoun of Abernethy. I think I'll stick to the day job...
  6. Having bought her papers, I can safely say that we have not much in common: "After Royalty came Deeside was ruined. The rich came and built huge palaces to try to outshine Easter Balmoral. Some of the ha' houses were very grand. In our fisher dress a group of us stoof by the roadside near Crathie. The Queen came by; she looked so sour you could have hung a jug on her mouth. The carriage stopped and Prince Albert came down and spoke to us. He was very pleasant. The Prince of Wales was a bonnie loon then; nobody would have thought he would turn out the foul bawdy man he did". (D. Fraser, ed., The Christian Watt Papers, (Edinburgh 2004), p43) Shouldn't have expected any better. Her grandmother (my great great great great great grandmother) was Helen Lascelles, a Jacobite sympathiser. I should probably put this in the books thread given that I don't go there often...
  7. Windsor

    Queen Elizabeth II

    A man has been arrested for carrying an axe within yards of where the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh were set to stage a walk-about. Could have been messy - just like great granpa Charles I...
  8. Congratulations to Bou and Mr. Bou on their new arrival. Might I'd advise you against getting a nanny. Someone I worked with left last week to start nannying to some couple (the sort of couple who have a brand new second car that never leaves the garage). Anyway, this work 'friend' is supposed to be qualified with whatever qualifications they need. Before she left, the cook made a joke about sleepless nights at the teething stage to which my now ex-work friend asked,"Do they always cry when they're teething"?
  9. Watt street? Christian Watt Drive. In the new parts of town.
  10. Turns out I am a relative of Christian Watt. You've probably never heard of her - she is of local fame. Her claim to fame amounts to the fact that she wrote memoirs. Her other claims to fame amount to having a page on wikipedia, and having a street names after her. Having now said that, let the defacing begin...
  11. Windsor

    The Wheel Of Deathlist

    In all fairness, this thread is like the retarded child of a "who'll be next" thread and a "u guys suk, we coulda had more hits" thread. Ah yes, I forgot our new rules. Thou shall not have fun on the forum. (Unless you are into football or massive lists of nobodies with terminal illness). This forum is now as fun as pea picking. By the way - you guys suck, we could have had more hits.
  12. Windsor

    Derby Dead Pool 2007

    Oh, that's you! Welcome to the top of the pile! Oh right - so your still saying that your entry into a celebrity deadpool is a success? Well, so far its not too bad. 3rd out of about 420 competitors is I think a fair position at this point. Quite. My emphasis was on the word celebrity. Of course, I'm no better with my Grove choice. Then again, you chose her as well. Along with a historian whose obit probably marked her first appearance in a national newspaper, and two second class Iraqis who had an execution secured back in 2006. Hardly worth applauding your record but then I'm probably just jealous...
  13. Windsor

    Derby Dead Pool 2007

    Oh, that's you! Welcome to the top of the pile! Oh right - so your still saying that your entry into a celebrity deadpool is a success?
  14. Windsor

    The Dead - 2007

    Yes, and your parents should have used a condom.
  15. Windsor

    The Dead - 2007

    So provoking. Your such an annoying little C-word. No wonder why the Mods ply you with warnings. You don't know how to behave yourself Windsor. That comment was third degree. Do everyone a favor and with respect, go loathing with Elspeth and talk about the queens dress. You do know that she has more than one dress? Anyway, I do still have one role on DL - one which I have neglected for a while. Do you know that when you go into DL chat I get lots of PMs from members asking me to come in and get rid of you? For the record, I do know how to behave myself - I just choose not to. Given that you are rude to most of the female members, I don't think you are in any position to tell me how to behave. Indeed, your such a creep they now have a female only forum where they can chat a safe distance from you.
  16. Windsor

    The Dead - 2007

    Is that the framework for your DL autobiography?
  17. Windsor

    The Dead - 2007

    Fair enough then.
  18. Windsor

    The Dead - 2007

    Why is it that dave got into trouble for posting useless deaths but everyone else is allowed?
  19. Windsor

    I Destroy the Royal Family

    They're related to the current royal family via Henry VIII's sister Margaret, who was the great grandmother of James I. Portraits of her show that she also had red hair. The link between the Tudors and the current House would be Margaret's great great granddaughter, Elizabeth Stuart. She married Fredrick V, Elector of the Palatinate, and thus the German link was established. It is through her that the Hanoverian succession got it's claim. She doesn't look ginger in this picture although her mother, Anne of Denmark, was (Unless she was wearing a wig, like Elizabeth I).
  20. Windsor

    I Destroy the Royal Family

    What's your point? As far as I can remember I have not been overly friendly to most moderators. Nor have they been overly friendly with me. Indeed, I plain dislike most of them. Were it not for one or two people whom I have come to know, I probably wouldn't bother coming back. Being a moderator does not help or hinder you when sending PMs. Thus this so called 'promotion' means absolutely nothing to me bar extra headache. Besides, I'm quite happy being the bumhole of the pack. By the way, those of you who would pick away at this post with some smart Alec comment - go right ahead. Your opinion probably means nothing to me.
  21. Windsor

    I Destroy the Royal Family

    Oh? Will you really? Who died and made you the boss? Count your lucky stars. Entropy nearly got the job. What is your point, exactly? Give her 'the job'. If 'the job' in question was that moderator position, the fact that you lot almost gave it to Entropy is an insult to Lady G, not me.
  22. Windsor

    I Destroy the Royal Family

    Oh? Will you really? Who died and made you the boss?
  23. Windsor

    I Destroy the Royal Family

    Blimey Windsor! Where do you go to university? Beechwood? I'm not sitting English (although perhaps I should (primary level)). Why not give me a warning for it?
  24. Windsor

    I Destroy the Royal Family

    Oh, you surely haven't fallen for that idiotic rumour, have you? When was the last(before Harry) royal ginga Entropy? Is Harry's hair hue hereditary? The Spencers had the ginger gene. Or so Diana's brother said. And Henry VIII and Elizabeth I were both gingers. I guess Harry is ginger because Diana had a bit of ginger in her.... Although a past King and Queen, how are they related to our current Royal family who are actually Germans? They're only the Windsors because of World War One. The German's only got the throne because one of they married a Scotswoman (and the whole Protestant thing).
  25. Windsor

    I Destroy the Royal Family

    Oh, you surely haven't fallen for that idiotic rumour, have you? When was the last(before Harry) royal ginga Entropy? Is Harry's hair hue hereditary? The Spencers had the ginger gene. Or so Diana's brother said.

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