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Everything posted by Windsor

  1. All eyes on Tempus Fugit as he approaches 2000 sometime next week. I wonder what delightful status he will gain.....
  2. Windsor

    Michael Barrymore

    Tell me, am I the only one that wanted George Galloway to win CBBIV. I was considering putting my name forward for BBVII but I don't think I could last the two weeks without talking to you guys.
  3. Windsor

    Pete Doherty

    Excellent. (Monty Burns style).
  4. I also noticed the DWB has joined the other Twunts.
  5. I was refering to modern day Jacobites who make up their own timeline of monarchs. Just because you believe something, it doesn't make it true. For example, was there a King Henry I/IX 1788-1807? No there wasn't but the Jacobites record him as an actual monarch. As for the original Jacobites (James, James and Charlie) they used the Scots lying to them to regain power. I have heard the fraise 'Lions led by donkeys', well I'm afraid with Jacobitism it was it was the same thing but without any real principles. Jacobitism was a sham and the Scots were used to keep it alive. [More posts moved -- MH]
  6. Mods, may you merge please - I'm interested in where our little debate will go next. [Topics merged -- MH]
  7. Who said I was against the Scots? I suggest we get the whole Jacobite thing in to proportion here. It was not a wholely Scottish issue. Indeed, its success depended more upon French foreign policy than it did Scottish interest. There was also the Catholic links aswell. Uprising in 1708, 1715 and 1745 are no coincidence. Sorry for any offence caused but it is my opinion. Indeed, perhaps it did have something to do with my post quota but who cares about that.
  8. Ah yes the Jacobites. Led by the Stuarts - or is that Stewarts - to try and gain Scottish Independence outside Union. Answer me this, if they were content on restoring an independent Scotland, why did they cross the border into England. Whoud it not have been a better idea to get the whole of Scotland and then defend the retaken land with the French Troops they were waiting on? The Jacobite cause was nothing but an ex-Royal House trying to stir up Nationalism to get them back on the Throne of England. To do this they made promises that they had no intensions of keeping. The Scots were used by the Stuarts. Mark my words, had the '45 been successful there would still be a Union and the Court would still have been based in England.
  9. Windsor

    Richard O'Sullivan

    Tell Dickie'O to go to the Sun like 'KEEF'. Make him look like a good guy and help us get rid of those outraged ranters.
  10. It's five past twelve - Burns night was yesterday.
  11. I managed to escape the whole Burns thing this year actually. Last year I was still working in the Old Folks home kitchen (which incidently also made it into the Sun newspaper) so that was quite chaotic. We had a Welsh Cook and she sort of burned herself with exploding haggis. That was fairly amusing. On the down side, I had to clean up the remains of the 20 exploded haggises.
  12. Windsor

    Death Of My Country

    Just keeping with tradition.....
  13. Windsor

    DL in "The Sun"

    What page are we on - I don't want to have to read the whole paper. And are we in the Scottish Sun or only the Sun south of my border...
  14. Windsor

    Princess Diana

    Well I'm guessing Paris 1997.
  15. Windsor

    DL in "The Sun"

    I suggest we reach a compromise with Keef. We will promise to put him on the 2007 list if he does us the favour of dying.
  16. Windsor

    Death Of My Country

    Tell me Canadian Paul, I'm I right in thinking that a Conservative victory overthere secures the Monarchy for a while longer?
  17. Windsor

    Most Obsessive Deathlisters

    And he shares many of my opinions on Monarchy.
  18. Windsor

    Princess Diana

    You don't suppose that listing your occupation as "male prostitute" had anything to do with it? If you're serious about trying to rejoin, you're going about it in a mighty eccentric way. What? Thanks to my frined down in Edinburgh for that. I thought I could trick you with a different IP address from a different area. I don't believe it. Mods (and to a greater extent Admins) have powers beyond the norm. You might find out one day I am an Admin, just not here.
  19. Windsor

    Princess Diana

    You don't suppose that listing your occupation as "male prostitute" had anything to do with it? If you're serious about trying to rejoin, you're going about it in a mighty eccentric way. What? Thanks to my frined down in Edinburgh for that. I thought I could trick you with a different IP address from a different area. I don't believe it.
  20. Windsor

    Most Obsessive Deathlisters

    Does this make me a deathlist revolutionary?
  21. Windsor

    Name Shame?

    If you type 'Windsor the Troll' in google, I'm the number one hit. Ironically it quotes me as saying, "You do realise this is boosting my ego."
  22. No, she was very plain and regarded as rather ugly by many. (I'm going away this time....)

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