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Everything posted by Windsor

  1. Windsor

    Room 101

    The tiresome clamber of Scottish people (usually nationalists) to be seen to support whoever England face in the football. Yet they are still proud of our own shitshow of a football team just because they graced us all by qualifying for a competition that isn't the World Cup...
  2. Windsor

    Late Euro championships 2020

    Scotland must be the only ‘country’ in competitive football to treat a draw as though it was a win...
  3. They do appear to be a bunch of misfits and has-beens who have had brushes with controversy. And Neil Fucking Oliver. To be fair, he has a legitimate gripe against the Scottish Nationalists who didn't like his version of history because it didn't fit their agenda.
  4. Windsor

    Deathless Days

    Perhaps a case of if it doesn’t kill you, it makes you stronger.
  5. Windsor

    COVID 19 - Second Wave

    Oh, fuck off. There are worse things than being paid to stay at home.
  6. Windsor

    Political Frailty

    Incorrect. Joe Clark, who was Prime Minster of Canada between 4th June 1979 and 3rd March 1980, is still alive. What do you have to say about that?
  7. Windsor

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    Its called a tribute and mark of respect, idiot features.
  8. Windsor

    COVID 19 - Second Wave

    Its a witch hunt. Perhaps the biggest in the history of the internet.
  9. Windsor

    FIFA World Cup Players

    I’ve had two bouts of hiccups today and I too had the Pfizer vaccine about 3 weeks ago. Is Pfizer to blame? Only time will tell...
  10. Windsor

    FIFA World Cup Players

    Why start a thread if he has stabilised? Was it his COVID jab or something?
  11. Windsor

    The grand Old Duke of Kent

    The Duke of Kent accompanied the Queen to the Trooping of the Colour today. Not easy to see his face with that bearskin on but there are clearly mobility issues, not uncommon in your average 85 year old. Granted it couldve been the combined weight of the uniform that we’re making things difficult. Interestingly the cameras knew to cut away when both he and the Queen attempted the couple of steps up to the platform...
  12. Windsor

    Queen Elizabeth II

  13. Windsor

    Queen Elizabeth II

    She still looks considerably younger than 95.
  14. We all have to die of something...
  15. Windsor

    Queen Elizabeth II

    Who told you that?
  16. Windsor

    COVID 19 - Second Wave

    Its not exactly rocket science. If you spend billions upon billions of pounds on lockdowns and your rationale for doing so is saving life, you're not going to abandon the lock downs at the last minute if the data suggests its the wrong time to open up. Also and more importantly, I don't think it counts as a prediction when this kind of thing was being openly and widely spoken about when the prediction was made. Its like me predicting lunch just after breakfast...
  17. Windsor

    Queen Elizabeth II

    Queen 'axed' by Oxford college. If they are offended by colonialism they had better start dismantling the University brick by brick, college by college. If they need help I'd easily swing by with a bulldozer. I might even given them some warning to give them time to get out...
  18. Windsor

    COVID 19 - Second Wave

    Na. I've always been like this. Superior genes you see. So perhaps the jab only kills off the surplus population?
  19. Windsor

    COVID 19 - Second Wave

    I've had my first jab. I had no side effects. I'm still alive. Fuck you!
  20. Windsor

    Prince Philip Duke Of Edinburgh

    No it wouldn't. His birthday was the 10th June.
  21. Being accused of fruitcakery by an actual fruitcake. Bless.
  22. Its almost like they had confidence to abandon their royal ways when the first sprog dropped but with the second they came to realise they're fuck all without a title.
  23. How original. They are still cunts. Cunts who will probably bring up their kids to embrace their cunty ways. First kid's name has no relation to Royalty whatsoever. Second kid is named after the Queen and the Saint Diana. I bet they didn't give Archie any royal names because he's black, the racist bastards!

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