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Everything posted by Twelvetrees

  1. Twelvetrees

    Ernest Gallo

    I would have to disagree that only wine experts knew about him; any self-respecting oenologist would revere Ernest Gallo in the same way that your average Michelin-starred chef would revere Ronald McDonald. Or Jamie Oliver. Mister Gallo's products have long been aimed at the 'sloshed for a fiver' market rather than the dinner table or the tasting rooms. If his wines had ever found their way into the latter, I suspect that they would have bypassed the assembled mouths and been poured straight into the spittoons. As for Mister Humphreys, a recent television interview with the writers suggested that he was not gay - merely 'flamboyant'. As flamboyant as a ten bob note in my opinion.
  2. Twelvetrees

    The Dead - 2007

    You know, I was thinking about him the other day. I'm a big fan of his...I met him once.. ..and I was thinking of him as a possibility for the list! (b.1929) Shame if he went though...he still has a lot to say on the postmodern world... How can you be sure it was him and not a simulation of him (in that the notion of Baudrillard as received through his writing predetermined the existence of the Baudrillard you met)? What do you mean by 'met', anyway? Aside from my flippancy, he was a provocative and original thinker, and for that alone, a loss. His death is now being reported by Le Monde.
  3. Twelvetrees

    The Dead - 2007

    There are reports (in French) of the death of philosopher Jean Baudrillard. Of course, this may merely be a simulacrum.
  4. Twelvetrees

    Ideas and possibilities for 2008

    Bob is still with it mentally, despite some physical frailty. He did an interview with someone I know recently and was evidently both lucid and thougthful. And besides, as one of those individuals fortunate enough to have asked him for a 'P' many years ago (if you don't know, don't ask), I'd hate to see him go before his time.
  5. Twelvetrees

    Ideas and possibilities for 2008

    I remember him saying something similar a couple of years ago. Evidently he doesn't do stairs these days, but starts every day with a glass of champagne and remains pretty sharp. An outside bet for DL - given that there are others with the brass knocker to death's door already in their feeble grip.
  6. Twelvetrees

    African Leaders - Despots and Democratic

    That'll learn me to mistakenly think that anyone is too obscure not to have been mentioned by someone else. However, at the risk of repeating anyone else's comments, Jose Eduardo dos Santos has been having medical checks in Barcelona. A history of cancer means he's worth keeping 'em peeled for. Also, I know Mugabe has a long-lost thread elsewhere, but I think it should be merged here. He's evidently thinking of doing a runner to Namibia, according to this report. I hope he never gets the chance. It will interesting to see if we start getting any pro-Mugabe ranters on the site. Thabo Mbeki excepted, of course.
  7. Twelvetrees

    African Leaders - Despots and Democratic

    There are suggestions that Levy Mwanawasa of Zambia is in a stable condition. Not worth reporting unless there's some doubt. And, if it was a routine health check, then why would he miss a scheduled appointment? Maybe worth tracking to see if any more (mis)information is forthcoming. I doubt that Major Berrington Mkoma would get a UK obit., but his involvement in the aftermath of the Dian Fossey murder may just earn him a mention somewhere. His illness is unspecified but deemed to be terminal, and the fact that he is being released from prison straight to Lusaka Hospital does not bode well. It seems that Frederick Chiluba can rid himself of political inconveniences even whilst under house arrest.
  8. Twelvetrees

    Ideas and possibilities for 2008

    The terrorists will definitely get a UK obit. I was watching Channel 4 news last night with the sound turned down (best way to enjoy it) and saw 1970's-looking film of a bunch of shot-out Mercedes and people with stringy hair. It was like watching The Day of the Jackal. Couldn't figure it out at the time, but they showed the a mug shot of Brigitte Mohnhaupt, so it must have had to do with her parole. Interesting how in one picture she looks like a deranged terrorist, in the other kinda foxy.... Of the surviving former RAF/SPK members, Monhaupt, Christian Klar, Astrid Proll (who lives and works in the UK), Irmgard Moeller and Sieglinde Hofmann would all possibly get obits., also Horst Mahler who provided legal advice to the RAF in the 70s, and is now a leading figure in the German neo-Nazi movement. Then again, they are mostly in their late fifties and early sixties, so I wouldn't hold your breath. As for the other question, I don't see that Schleyer's widow would get one.
  9. Twelvetrees

    Time Added

    Five of Ferguson's predecessors are still with us, as well: Tommy Docherty (now 78) Frank O'Farrell (79) Dave Sexton (76) Wilf McGuinness (69) and the disgraced Ron Atkinson (67), currently the director of football at Kettering Town
  10. Twelvetrees

    Ideas and possibilities for 2008

    Interesting news, DDT - I've seen Rostropovich conduct / perform many times - and no doubt about meeting the fame credentials at all. 'Slava', as he is known, is possibly the most respected classical musician around. Also worth watching out for his wife, the soprano Galina Vishnevskaya, I'd suggest.
  11. Twelvetrees

    Is Olveres A Sad Lonesome Old Man?

    I voted 'no'. His posts tend to suggest that Olveres is relatively young.
  12. Twelvetrees

    Ideas and possibilities for 2008

    According to this report, Than Shwe has been cleared of having intestinal cancer, but remains seriously ill. However, his deputy, Vice-Senior General Maung Aye, does have prostate cancer, at least according to world politics watch.
  13. Twelvetrees

    African Leaders - Despots and Democratic

    May I add Abdoulaye Wade of Senegal (80, but no major health problems reported), and Hifikepunye Pohamba of Namibia, who had a stroke in April last year? Oh, and a special mention for the young and healthy Dr Yahya AJJ Jammeh of The Gambia, who recently announced that he would personally be curing AIDS and asthma without resorting to conventional medicine.
  14. Twelvetrees

    African Leaders - Despots and Democratic

    Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo has a shared thread with Lansana Conte here. I'd suggest merging topics under the more general heading, but the name "A Tale of Two Guineas" is too good to lose. There are rumours about the health of Jose Eduardo Dos Santos of Angola, but nothing substantial. However, he is one of a dwindling number of African leaders who deserves being called a 'tyrant'.
  15. Twelvetrees

    Fidel Castro

    Clumsy penmanship is a sure sign of cephalopodic intervention. The squid needs to grip the pen very hard in order to ensure that it doesn't slip from its slimy grasp. Is there no end to their tentacled duplicity ?? Just wondering, might Chavez and Castro be agents of Great Cthulhu?
  16. Twelvetrees

    Steve Prescott

    According to St.Helens RLFC site, it's December 26, 1973.
  17. Twelvetrees

    Janez DrnovšEk

    I like this man, he may be eccentric, but he isn't going to start a war real soon. His take on foreign policy is delightfully vague and yet incredibly ambitious as revealed in a recent press conference.
  18. Twelvetrees

    Tammy Faye Messner

    And Jesus came upon the moneylenders in the temple, and saw that they were doing wrong in the eyes of the Lord. And he asked them to repent, but received only laughter in reply. So Jesus spoke unto them thus My grandmother used to read me bible stories as a child, and this was always one of my favourites.
  19. Twelvetrees

    Derby Dead Pool 2007

    More subs is one way to go, but how many? I lost three from my originally submitted list in late December, so it may have to be five. Given the number of entrants this year, that may be too much of an administrative burden. There are also issues of reporting to consider. The death of Norman Mitchell-Innes was not widely reported before January 1, despite him dying on December 28. Before that, Swedish soprano Birgit Nilsson (who received numerous UK obits) did not receive death notices until the second week of January 2006, despite having died on or around Christmas Day 2005. The main problem is that the news slows down around Christmas and New Year, and some players (those with any friends left or family that recognise them) are more likely to have the occasional ten minutes away from their PC. Other possibilities could include: - Limiting people to only one team. There are people (stand up - yes you there - you know who you are) who submit more than one team. This, however, stands or falls on people's honesty. - A different start date. The second week in January might provide for less madness. Okay, so it doesn't make for a neat year-end resolution, but it may help to smooth the process a little. Just a thought. One final comment to Messrs. Kid and Baboon. Awesome job, lads. Well done.
  20. Twelvetrees

    The Dead - 2007

    Ken Cranston (20.10.17) takes the mantle, and is also England's oldest living Test captain. He is the tenth oldest living Test cricketer, according to this list.. Hate to quote myself, but Ken Cranston's short reign is over after less than a fortnight. Step up Arthur McIntyre (14.05.18).
  21. Twelvetrees

    Doth Death Absolve Us?

    Death does not absolve us, but it does tend to neutralize us. De mortuis nisi nil bonum? It's merely a way of covering over and moving on. There are many reasons why people will be seen to say positive things at such times - guilt, sympathy with family and friends, conformity to accepted norms - whatever. I am reminded of the actions of the then Mayor of Stuttgart, Manfred (son of Erwin) Rommel, in allowing the burial of three Red Army Faction (Baader-Meinhof) members in the public Waldfriedhof Cemetery in 1977. Despite massive opposition to his actions, Rommel said "There should be no enmity after death". I tend to agree with him. After all, bad-mouthing a corpse is a rather pointless activity at the best of times.
  22. Twelvetrees

    The Dead - 2007

    Ken Cranston (20.10.17) takes the mantle, and is also England's oldest living Test captain. He is the tenth oldest living Test cricketer, according to this list.. Uninteresting trivia. Unlike John 'The Dentist' Maynard, the West Indian fast bowler nicknamed for his ability to remove a batsman's teeth, Ken Cranston actually used to be a dentist.
  23. Twelvetrees

    Who Has The Best Chances To Survive Dl 2007?

    Agreed. Deathlist is the only thing keeping him alive.
  24. Twelvetrees

    Derby Dead Pool 2007

    I did. He's not got a job where the pension plan is a major concern.
  25. Twelvetrees

    Not Exactly Famous...

    One of my dark horses for 2007, (and someone I mentioned way back as a possibility) Galina Ustvolskaya is reported as having died on December 22. Not sure that this is the most reliable of sources, though. I'm sure she'll get a UK obit. when the culture writers get back from their holidays.

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