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The Four Horsemen

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Everything posted by The Four Horsemen

  1. The Four Horsemen

    Gail Platt's dead husband charged with rape

    You can stick your buggery up your arse!
  2. The Four Horsemen

    Lord Howe

    Remember though, no man is an island.......
  3. The Four Horsemen


    It's worse than that - he's actually Welsh!
  4. The Four Horsemen


    Hmm, this thread is even more pointless than the usual so I've arbitrarily decided to close it. I've left it in existence though so that people can wonder about the futility of it all...........
  5. The Four Horsemen

    Estelle Getty

    I quote Rue McClanahan: Perhaps it's Alzheimers? 87
  6. The Four Horsemen

    Awful Anagrams

    Must be all the blood flowing to the head.............
  7. The Four Horsemen


    The boat featured quite heavily on Bullseye - it was either a boat or a caravan every week, and the people who won it invariably couldn't drive or lived in Birmingham so were 2 hours away from the nearest sea!
  8. The Four Horsemen


    Combining two of my favourite themes, I'd like to recommend "Silence of the Heart" by David Frith - a fascinating study of cricket suicides with a foreward by Mike Brearley, no less!
  9. The Four Horsemen


    The best prize they ever had on 3-2-1 was a St Bernard puppy - I think the people who could have won it lived in a flat...........
  10. The Four Horsemen


    A set of dining furniture, a crate of champagne, a new British Leyland metro or a holiday to Singapore..........
  11. The Four Horsemen


    I don't have time to read books on the subject, being so caught up and enthralled with Influx by J C Jones - a thoroughly entertaining read, I recommend it highly......
  12. The Four Horsemen

    Long John Baldry

    Nice one son Nice one Teddy Let's have another one?
  13. The Four Horsemen


    I'm more like the one on the right of the photo..........
  14. The Four Horsemen

    how did you come here

    And you fell for the "Mods don't get paid" line that GR told you? Mug!
  15. The Four Horsemen

    Who's up next to die this year?

    Pull the other one.............
  16. The Four Horsemen

    Who's up next to die this year?

    They all came to a sticky end............
  17. The Four Horsemen

    Crew Of USS Enterprise

    I couldn't quite work out if that was a rant, an insult or a compliment on the grounds that it wasn't really English............
  18. The Four Horsemen

    Charlton Heston

    Can't they just take him out back and shoot him - I'm sure that's how he'd like to go
  19. The Four Horsemen

    Johnnie Walker - how's he doing?

    Now now, Sir Terry keeps me entertained on my way to work every morning - more than can be said for my work once I get there!
  20. The Four Horsemen

    James Doohan

    Well this is very disappointing - no ranters of any description telling us how sick we are and how James Doohan was in fact a god who sprang fully formed from the loins of Jesus etc etc., despite the fact the cyberspace is full of Trekkie nutters? What on earth has Emlyn Hughes got that James Doohan hasn't, that's what I want to know!
  21. The Four Horsemen

    William Gladstone Stewart

    William G Stewart was also the producer of the fine 70's sitcom "Bless This House" starring the late lamented Sid James et al - where would we be without quality jokes centring on an artistic son, a daughter wearing short skirts and comedy references to "Bristols"..........sigh, the golden age of TV...........
  22. The Four Horsemen

    Near Misses for 2005

    Would she be related to her?
  23. The Four Horsemen

    how did you come here

    Rather strangely, looking for information on Kenneth Kendall brought me to these shores (and I've never looked back!). That was a fair while ago too.......
  24. The Four Horsemen

    Harry Potter

    Reading Harry Potter takes a lot less intellect than I possess, and even then I wouldn't lower myself
  25. The Four Horsemen

    Harry Potter

    Somebody had the new Potter book at my cricket match today - but still no idea who dies in it or what happens. I hadn't heard of Influx by JC Jones but it sounds a must read - I'll go and check it out immediately. You would have thought that such a good book would have been touted around forums by it's author, but clearly not in this case!

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