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The Four Horsemen

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Everything posted by The Four Horsemen

  1. The Four Horsemen

    DeathList database

    What happens if both parents are married, just not to each other?
  2. The Four Horsemen

    DeathList database

    Is it too late to ask what you two are prattling on about? Yes
  3. The Four Horsemen

    Make yourself known

    Apparently it's all the fault of British terrorists now - probably the only ones who can understand the tube anyway..... And I was very glad I stopped commuting to Kings Cross in April and found a safe job in a quiet corner of Hertfordshire............
  4. The Four Horsemen

    Jack Wild

    I hear Heather O'Rourke isn't doing to well these days........
  5. The Four Horsemen

    Long past the sell-by date

    I'm worried that he knew I was 30 - is he stalking DL members?
  6. The Four Horsemen

    Pete Doherty

    I don't think I've ever been called a flipping coot before now............
  7. The Four Horsemen

    DeathList database

    I think Barbara is a good name for you from now on, but I guess my views hold little weight in that regard...............
  8. The Four Horsemen

    Damn, won't anyone die?

    Is there something about Goldilocks you aren't telling us, Mr Teddy??
  9. The Four Horsemen

    Canadian schoolgirl killer Karla Homolka

    My general point was that it doesn't matter if you electrocute, inject and hang a murderer just to make sure - it still doesn't miraculously bring the victims back from the dead. The majority of the time the relatives of the victims talk about "closure" (dreadful Americanism!) and "making them suffer" but later on (months, years) they are still as angry, unforgiving etc and the execution hasn't actually helped them a great deal - the victim is still very dead, it's just now there is one more body than before. I recommend Nick Broomfields documentary on Aileen Wuornos(?) to anybody who is interested in the death penalty. As one of my old teachers used to say, if you agree with the death penalty then you should be willing to be the one to carry it out.
  10. The Four Horsemen

    Awful Anagrams

    You certainly are: Arcane lie you try
  11. The Four Horsemen

    Al Gore

    I just wonder where he gets that perception from - it's not like any of it could possibly be accurate - must be a wishy washy pinky commie liberal - string 'im up, it's the only language he understands!
  12. The Four Horsemen

    Damn, won't anyone die?

    Not Everyone Likes Salso On Nachos? Naughty Egyptians Love Shitting On Nuns?
  13. The Four Horsemen

    Canadian schoolgirl killer Karla Homolka

    And this would have helped how, exactly?
  14. The Four Horsemen

    Old Folkies Home

    Nope, died years ago. Anyway, some folkies are important enough to be recognised - Martin Carthy and Maddy Prior are both MBEs I think (might be OBEs or CBEs - can't rightly recall). Earl Scruggs is still going I think, must be 90something by now. And some of the Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem........
  15. The Four Horsemen

    Why Are We Here?

    I thought any fairies in Texas got lynched?
  16. The Four Horsemen

    Elisabeth Murdoch

    Is a Hampster one of those small pets that originated from Hampstead Heath?
  17. The Four Horsemen

    Who Will Be The First Rolling Stone To Die?

    I don't think any of us have done any Rolling Stones fans - we're all a bit too young.........
  18. The Four Horsemen

    Old Folkies Home

    Try John Kirkpatrick accordion and see what happens in Google. Most of the other famous morris dancers are dead, but the Bampton and Adderbury morris troupes are probably the best know collections of morris dancers. Is that my credibility disappearing into the distance I can see??
  19. The Four Horsemen

    Who are the immortals?

    Beats me............
  20. The Four Horsemen

    Why Are We Here?

    Rather alarmingly, I find myself in total agreement with somebody and can't even correct them on their spelling or grammar! Top marks for content and presentation, Ms Janeo...........
  21. The Four Horsemen

    Britain's Olympic bid

    Blimey, a psychic - could be a valuable contributor to next years list!
  22. The Four Horsemen

    Old Folkies Home

    I dispute that - the most famous living Morris dancer is probably John Kirkpatrick, something of a hero in certain circles (of which I'm proud to be in!).
  23. The Four Horsemen

    Live Chat

    It could work if you made everyone register first and log in every time, and also gave the mods (for example) the power to eject and ban pointless ranters and remove offensive/inane/banal messages. Anyone sense a poll coming up shortly??
  24. The Four Horsemen

    Mr Stats:

    As an aside to the original theme of this thread, what has happened to Rude Kid? Doesn't seem to have been around for quite some time...........
  25. The Four Horsemen

    Gaylord Nelson is dead

    I hope you've been following Big Brother, Josco - I would have thought Derek was right up your boulevard!

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