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The Four Horsemen

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Everything posted by The Four Horsemen

  1. The Four Horsemen

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2006

    Maybe it's just me, but I always find that soaps contribute to the mundanicity of real life..........
  2. The Four Horsemen

    Gail Porter

    I refer you to the Michael Jackson thread.........
  3. The Four Horsemen

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2006

    I was always a particular fan of Sherburn-in-Elmet........
  4. The Four Horsemen

    Wolves man packs it in

    On the subject of famous/non-famous, I always thought the "near misses" was for people famous enough to be included but not making the list for other reasons. Perhaps one of the even more venerated than Mods team of Admins could clear this one up?
  5. The Four Horsemen

    Dean Richards

    Surely "the only Bradford fan"?
  6. The Four Horsemen

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2006

    I don't know how to break this to you, but they aren't real people and they don't lead real lives..........
  7. The Four Horsemen

    Dean Richards

    Update on Mr Richards - doesn't sound too promising, but at least he'll be spared the embarrassment of having to wear a Spurs shirt anymore.........
  8. The Four Horsemen

    Ray Charles

    I bet you can't believe it's not butter, either..........
  9. The Four Horsemen

    I Love Josco's Little Man

    Amanda, Do you speak with an accent of any description? It's just that I'd like to get some authenticity in my own mind when reading your posts. We all know that Mr/Sir/Lord Josco comes from Yorkshire, Honez is a Welshman in Oz and HCW is a Welshman in Wales so I can read their contributions in what I like to think is a complementary accent but you are an enigma thus far. Thanks
  10. The Four Horsemen

    Sister Lucia

    Could you hold out for another 9 months so we can put you on the 2006 deathlist?
  11. The Four Horsemen

    Pope John Paul

    How do you know about such things, CR? Are you after the pink vote again?
  12. The Four Horsemen

    Pope John Paul

    It makes it easier to get wood, though....... Perhaps it's an ingrained perversion?
  13. The Four Horsemen

    Sister Lucia

    Who, the Devil??
  14. The Four Horsemen

    I Love Josco's Little Man

    Blimey, looks like you've got dodgy r,g,h and y buttons too........ Any luck with an avatar yet?
  15. The Four Horsemen

    I Love Josco's Little Man

    Infact should be two words, in fact........... I'll get my coat.
  16. The Four Horsemen

    Sir Patrick Moore

    Consider it done, Mr N Potato.
  17. The Four Horsemen

    George Kennedy

    I thought he was the boss from the Naked Gun films - what happened to the boss in the TV series of the Naked Gun? Can't remember his name off-hand.......
  18. The Four Horsemen

    Nancy Reagan

    ...or an after-life.........
  19. The Four Horsemen

    Pope John Paul

    I was just wondering how much effort it takes to fall over - surely staying upright expends more energy??
  20. The Four Horsemen

    Max Schmeling

    Surely "promoted him to be shadow home secretary immediately"?
  21. The Four Horsemen

    Grand Duchess Josephine-charlotte(luxembourg's Qm)

    Wasn't the Singing Nun Belgian too? And of course Herge and Georges Simenon are famous ex-Belgians.........
  22. The Four Horsemen

    Russ Meyer

    Lots of people died 69 years before I was born in the San Francisco earthquake of 1906........
  23. The Four Horsemen

    Max Schmeling

    This thread seems to have veered widely off topic and now seems to have become some sort of petty nationalism playground bickering and name-calling forum. If nobody has anything else of any interest or note regarding Max Schmeling (remember him? Got a mention back at the beginning of this thread) then I'm seriously minded to close it down - any complaints??
  24. The Four Horsemen

    Sister Lucia

    He must have it maid! Maid.....Marian.....work it out for yourselves..........
  25. The Four Horsemen

    I Love Josco's Little Man

    Perhaps we should rename you XXX-Terminator..........

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