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The Four Horsemen

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Everything posted by The Four Horsemen

  1. The Four Horsemen

    Near Misses for 2005

    And while on a musical theme: Folk Folks Off Saw him at Cambridge - music was a load of cack, but I suppose I won't be allowed to say that now he's dead........
  2. The Four Horsemen

    Pete Doherty

    Not wishing to play Devils Advocate, but in light of correspondance above Amanda does seem to be a superior class of drive-by. Articulate, willing to respond and not resorting to gratuitous personal abuse (compared to some - see Emlyn Hughes, Richard O'Sullivan, Alex Higgins et al). And willing to argue a corner. I still feel that she hasn't grasped the basic concept or raison d'etre of the DL but credit where credit's due, it makes a refreshing change to have an almost mature discussion with a passing ranter. Now, if only we could get her to register.......... I saw the pictures in the Mirror (while I was buying my Guardian, before you ask), and he doesn't look at all well - do you get bonus points for a death under the age of 60?
  3. The Four Horsemen

    Pope John Paul

    So was Jesus when he was born, apparently..........
  4. The Four Horsemen

    Pete Doherty

    We'd probably be very upset that he'd died as we hadn't picked him for this years list........
  5. The Four Horsemen

    Sir Patrick Moore

    Loses something when played on a computer without a soundcard, I feel.........
  6. The Four Horsemen

    Billy Graham

    Farm animals make better sausages? If a farm animal slaps handcuffs on you then it's time to stop taking hallucinogenics?
  7. The Four Horsemen

    Is This Death Penalty Movie Worth Watching?

    Surely if people use their positions as celebrities, politicians etc to raise awareness of issues that matter to them then it is a good thing? Providing the issue isn't blatantly unpleasant, if it's for the good of the world/other people etc then where is the harm? If 99 people are annoyed but 1 person is motivated to do something then I would consider it worth it?
  8. The Four Horsemen

    Billy Graham

    Are we talking pigs as in farm animals or pigs as in police officers?
  9. The Four Horsemen

    Jerry Lewis

    April must be one worried woman then........
  10. The Four Horsemen

    Is This Death Penalty Movie Worth Watching?

    I seem to recall that the last time the Tories wheeled out any "celebrities" they managed to scrape together Jim Davidson, Ed "Stewpot" Stewart and Esther McVey - give me Tim and Susan any day of the week!
  11. The Four Horsemen

    Sharon Osbourne

    OK, deep breath, here goes...... That's possibly the most sensible suggestion I've heard for quite some time. Phew, there, said it!
  12. The Four Horsemen

    Pope John Paul

    I was really alluding to either the Pope playing dominoes, or the fact that there are now 2 Popes - "mine" and "yours". I could be doing them a disservice and they were making a modern urban commentary of the great Papal Schism when there were 2 popes (1 in Rome, 1 in Avignon should anyone care) but I have my doubts.........
  13. The Four Horsemen

    Pope John Paul

    Are you aware that this makes no sense? I recommend a mug of horlicks and a nice lie down.............
  14. The Four Horsemen

    Ideas and Possibilities for 2006

    Just had to remove that hyperlink - there'll be no advertising round these parts (not even for books!). And I doubt you will kill any of us - we have wives and girlfriends to do that instead
  15. The Four Horsemen

    Robbie Coltrane

    You can tell the difference between Scotsmen and other Men by looking under their kilts? I'm worried!
  16. The Four Horsemen

    Basil D'oliveira

    I think Teddy may have stumbled on the Deathline if he does go - "Basil Given Brush Off"...........
  17. The Four Horsemen

    Near Misses for 2005

    Was in Bread, now he's toast?
  18. The Four Horsemen

    Andy Griffith Characters

    Did you have that Derek Griffiths site bookmarked by any chance? A strange thing to just "happen" across if you ask me Never heard of Andy Griffith either, who is he and what does he do?
  19. The Four Horsemen

    Nfl's Reggie White Dies

    Gay people didn't like Reggie White because of his Defensive End, but were impressed by his Tackle (although they had to get past his Guard first)..........
  20. The Four Horsemen

    Nfl's Reggie White Dies

    If there is a God how do you explain Celebrity Big Brother, Birmingham, Shane Ritchie or the M25?
  21. The Four Horsemen

    Nfl's Reggie White Dies

    Is now an appropriate time to point out that God doesn't actuallly exist and his [Reggie's] quotes and raison d'etre are ultimately pointless? Start your ranting motors now, and stand well back.........
  22. The Four Horsemen

    Non-celeb death but interesting

    I'm hoping that his middle name is "Sugar" - but clearly not "Heart".........
  23. The Four Horsemen

    Nfl's Reggie White Dies

    I wonder if any of these posters watched Jerry Springer-The Opera on Saturday evening.........
  24. The Four Horsemen

    Derby Dead Pool 2006

    Was the Prime Minister of Luxembourg a cast member of 'Allo 'Allo?? Preposterous fake foreign accent Obviously I wouldn't remember it first time round, being not far removed from a 6 year old..............
  25. The Four Horsemen

    Derby Dead Pool 2006

    Thank God for that, I'm sure we were all worried for a moment that you might not make it..........

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