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The Four Horsemen

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Everything posted by The Four Horsemen

  1. The Four Horsemen

    Eli Wallach

    Chris Please stop taking drugs. Thank you T4H
  2. The Four Horsemen

    Pope John Paul

    Well, I did say to myself "God help us all" after reading that - will that do?
  3. The Four Horsemen

    Things to do while waiting for Death ... 2004

    Remove Top seems to work quite well, but again keep those pesky other halves out of the way.........
  4. The Four Horsemen

    Dead Losses (2004)

    Now there's a first - a drive by poster reprimanding a regular for their spelling!
  5. The Four Horsemen

    Pete Mccarthy

    Is this the same Pete McCarthy who used to present the little watched series on Channel 4 "Happens Now", which I think Andy Kershaw also used to present?
  6. The Four Horsemen

    Dead Losses (2004)

    Are we going to open up the DL to non-humans then? I wonder if the Blue Peter animals are looking a bit peaky.......?
  7. The Four Horsemen

    Fred Dibnah

    Has somebody been overdosing on Daily Mail editorials again? Nice keyboard by the way, RK - it looks like the ones we used to have at school back in the dark ages..........
  8. The Four Horsemen

    Andy Bell

    Also possibly the easiest "Deathline" contender I would imagine......
  9. The Four Horsemen

    Herbert Lom

    It's Virgin on the ridiculous............
  10. The Four Horsemen

    Shane MacGowan

    Not the Glasgow Evening Times again.........
  11. The Four Horsemen

    Buster Bloodvessel

    I have a hunch that he was turning up to plug some article he'd written for a 2-bob local rag, rather than to keep us informed on a potential candidate. Call me cynical if you like.........
  12. The Four Horsemen

    Buster Bloodvessel

    I do hope that the Evening Times' proof readers are awake if this is the standard of spelling from the journalists
  13. The Four Horsemen

    James Brown

    It's true, and you can read more here Wasn't it prostate cancer that did for Bob Monkhouse?
  14. The Four Horsemen

    Gerald Ford

    OK, time for a quiet chat about what the Deathlist actually is, I feel.......nurse, the screens!
  15. The Four Horsemen

    Marianne Faithfull

    Thankfully it wasn't a Marathon session (one for the older readers )
  16. The Four Horsemen

    Mary Travers

    Peter, Paul and Mary? Not famous enough? Madness! She doesn't look good in that photo, but she is expected to be in full remission so here's hoping that a folk legend doesn't make next years list! I'll get my Arran sweater out in tribute.........
  17. The Four Horsemen

    More Ideas & Possibles for 2005

    He got a mention in despatches here, seems to be in good health still though.
  18. The Four Horsemen

    Bad News

    I wonder how many people did die on Millennium Eve 5 years ago? Where's Mr Stats when you need him!
  19. The Four Horsemen

    Should Typhoid Harry have the poison frog avatar ?

    I thought it was David Dickinson of Bargain Hunt fame. I have 3 cats and like them all - didn't we have a discussion a while back about how long it would take for a buried cat to decompose?
  20. The Four Horsemen

    Molly Weir

    The BBC obit states her birthday as 1910, so I think the IMDB has suffered from a typo or misinformation - I thought she was about 90 when she was in Rentaghost, mind you........
  21. The Four Horsemen

    Frank Phillips

    I can't find any reference to him having died, unlike his contemporary John Snagge who was plastered all over the obituary pages in 1996. There was also a Mr Frank Phillips who attended Thora Hirds memorial service, although he was listed as a member of the Paddington Rotary Club so I don't know if it's the same one. Maybe he is still going at 103..........
  22. The Four Horsemen

    Nick Leeson

    Apparently if "Rouge Trading" goes wrong it can leave you red faced........
  23. The Four Horsemen

    Viktor Yushchenko

    Apparently the election campaign in the Ukraine explained his appearance as the result of a bad meal of sushi.......maybe they just meant there was something fishy going on?
  24. The Four Horsemen

    More Ideas & Possibles for 2005

    I'm inclined to agree - people being famous for being ill is similar to people being famous for being old, and as we all know they are banned from the DL for that very reason.
  25. The Four Horsemen

    Jane Tomlinson Killer Ride

    Are you a rogue medical practitioner or is this made up?

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