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Star Crossed

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Everything posted by Star Crossed

  1. Star Crossed

    The Weather

    You're young and American, Banshees, so I'll forgive you for not understanding the concept of anarchy. Suffice to say, this is not Baghdad; there are rules. If every thread was used as some f*****g teenager's chatspace, this would cease to be a forum. It would, in fact, become a series of chat pages, full of shitheads like you making pointless f*****g comments. The site has a dedicated chat facility, if anyone wants to go and use it. I'd be happy to discuss the weather, the turrwets, the tdonkleys or whatever else with you pricks there, but not in the Patrick Moore thread. Am I the only f*****g person here who can understand English? A laughable suggestion. Edit to add: Cheers Notapotato for the 10% warning! At least you're doing part of your job, eh? I don't know why the Admins keep you on as a Mod; all you seem to do is encourage the annoying, off-topic fuckwits like Banshees/Windsor et al; seems to me your efforts are mainly contradictory to the general role of a Moderator. It's almost as if you dislike the site so much that you're trying to destroy it from within...
  2. Star Crossed

    The Weather

    Very funny indeed. And while we're distinctly on-topic, I just thought I'd add that "Slide, upon ice, Patrick Moore!" is an anagram of "Uno, a moon cricketer, slipped!" Yeah, f**k it, let's just all have a good old whoring session in the Paddy Moore thread. "Look mummy, it's snowing outside!" "Well don't just stand there, go and post in the Patrick Moore thread to see if you can get a rise out of Star Crossed." Words fail me. Actually no, no they don't. Nor have they, or will they. Words fail you, if you're in here and off-topic, trying to be the new Windsor or mpfc, or summat. Next time a Mod prunes this thread, can they include mpfc's off-topic weather-related rubbish as well, please? In fact, delete all posts up to my last one, and just keep doing that every month or so. Or, better yet, make me the Moderator just for this one thread so I can show you all how to run a thread properly. Windsor and his merry band of irritating chucklecunts'll soon get bored wasting their sensitive fingertip-skin when I delete them to within an inch of their pathetic little posting-lives. "The more you complain, the more they'll post-whore, just to wind you up." That's one argument, yes. The argument of some spineless f*****g cretin who thinks that the answer to the world's problems is just to let everyone do anything they want. That's not a solution, that's just anarchy. I think we've all learned our lesson from the Niemeyer squid ranter; anarchy leads to anagrams, as the latest annoying splinter in our collective consciousness, Redmega, has proven so contrivedly above.
  3. Star Crossed

    The Weather

    You should have gone ... pissing ... I didn't know ... next time! Alright, people... what exactly the f*ck is this? Discussions about the weather? In the Patrick Moore thread? Is this National Wind Up Star Crossed Day? Is Jeremy Beadle about to ring my doorbell, clipboard in hand, dressed as some heavily-bearded council employee, here to complain about my new conservatory? GET OUT OF THE PATRICK MOORE THREAD IF YOU ARE OFF-TOPIC Godot, you should know better. Cowboy Ronnie, you certainly should. Redmega, don't f*ck with the one decent thread left on DL. This goes for the rest of you as well. If you're off-topic in here, you're out of your element. Talk about the weather somewhere else if you must (try the Extra-Curricular forum) but you'll get clowned out in the showers by Chris Lintott and his mates if you keep clogging-up this thread. Have a nice day.
  4. Star Crossed

    Frankie Laine

    Frankie Laine... that name kind of rings a bell. Didn't he hold a world record for dancing, or something? Edit: this was originally posted in the duplicate Frankie Laine thread, where it made sense.
  5. Star Crossed

    Frankie Laine

    I also wish to dispute that claim. You may as well tell me that he moonwalked to the moon and back. In the early 1990s at a weekend rave in Utrecht, Netherlands, I once danced for about 22 hours straight. Well, I say "straight"... actually I was off my tits on about 10 pills and a handful of speed. I don't even think it's medically possible for someone to go 145 days without sleep, let alone dancing constantly. Unless Frankie & Ruthie were on some serious, cattle-strength uppers. Edit to add this from amusingfacts.com:
  6. Many Happy Returns to puzlman. This chap shows the posting restraint of someone who, hated by the screws, often has his internet privileges revoked. Still, at least he has his puzzles
  7. Star Crossed


    Phwooaaar! I adore Gina McKee. Hardly anyone knows who she is, but she's probably my favourite British actress. I agree SC but she is pretty well known. She played whatshername in the Forsyth Saga alongside whatshisname who was in Band of Brothers. She was pretty good also in Our Friends from the North with Daniel Craig, now James Bond. She certainly has something but she rarely shifts from the dour and sultry look. I couldn't imagine her in a comic role. [pedant]Here's some of her in a comedy show, Brass Eye, courtesy of YouTube.[/pedant] ; she plays Libby Schuss and enters the clip at 0:50 or so, although you don't really get a [obsessive=3]decent look at Handrejka's lookalike's sexy boat-race until the 2:18 mark. At 4:31, she's absolutely smokin'[/obsessive].Thinking back, she did her dour & sultry look in this too. Yay! Her voice is just divine too; if I ever have to be given really bad news, either Mrs SC or Gina should give it to me. Preferably both p.s. I once knew a cat, whom was the spitting image of one his siblings.
  8. Star Crossed

    Mikhail Gorbachev

    He's fit as a fiddle, even taking the time and energy to run a thread of his very own. Check out the photo gallery (click on the picture of him) at this link. In either photo, it would be difficult for him to look more hammered.
  9. Star Crossed


    Phwooaaar! I adore Gina McKee. Hardly anyone knows who she is, but she's probably my favourite British actress. Not only is she a total fox but she can actually act, which makes a change. I feel compelled to watch her whenever she's on telly, despite the fact that most of her work is done alongside the multitude of halfwits, imbeciles and talentless wannabes who frequent our screens these days. I have been looky-likened to many things over the years; mainly members of the order Rodentia, thanks to my commandingly distinguished probosis and subtle overbite.
  10. Star Crossed

    Sir Patrick Moore

    The February episode of The Sky At Night just aired here; a Mars Exploration special. Sir Patrick looks to be in fine fettle, cracking out a cheeky grin (and even a hint of a wink) as he concluded the episode with his aspiration to announce the discovery of life on the red planet on The Sky At Night sometime in the future.
  11. Star Crossed

    Bird Flu

    Bernard Matthews unhappy at slow pace of entropy in UK turkey flocks; says, "H5N1 should speed it up. I luuurve the soight of distressed, dying and dead poultry. It makes my cock crow."
  12. Star Crossed

    Eastenders Actor In Hospital

    "i" before "e", except after "c".
  13. Star Crossed

    World War I Veteran(s)

    Excellent post, Dave. Off-topic, but worthy of posting again, lest anyone didn't read it the first time. Preaching to the converted on this site, probably, but it's well written and well worth reading. Please read the full page and send the link to 10 friends, unless you want TLC to come round give you a damned good shoeing. US/UK coalition wages courageous war against the Flintstones.
  14. Star Crossed

    Caption Competitions

    Make piss, not war. [pedantic]btw, the title of the jpeg is incorrect. It's not an American soldier, Shuffler. Looks like an Israeli to me.[/pedantic]
  15. Good work, Cap'n... Many Happy Returns, TWDNKM! I can't remember why, but TWDNKM seems to command a good deal of respect on the forums. Might go and read his posts now to find out why. Edit (after reading his back-catalogue) to add: It's because he seems a thoroughly bloody nice bloke. And he's got the balls to post using his real name and photo, apparently. I tip my hat, sir...
  16. Star Crossed

    Caption Competitions

    "This one's for picking my nose... and this one's for George Bush."
  17. Star Crossed

    Paul Hunter

    Thank F**k there's internet connectivity in the afterlife! Knowing that there'll still be access to Wikipedia and Popbitch makes me less squeamish about suicide. Bet it's überbroadband too, like 500Mbps for free, no monthly download limit either. And all the porn you can handle; proper porn, not just some shitty free softcore galleries followed by a request for your credit card details when you click on the free hardcore mpegs. And no spam. Or popups. Or spellchecker. Tell us, Paul, can it really be true?
  18. Star Crossed

    Animal Antics

    are animlas allowed cos Wellhard off Eastenders must be knocking on a bit by now I think you'll find that most deadpools, including this one, don't allow animlas as potential candidates. or animals Was that irony? Or are you just really, really slow?
  19. Star Crossed

    Animal Antics

    are animlas allowed cos Wellhard off Eastenders must be knocking on a bit by now I think you'll find that most deadpools, including this one, don't allow animlas as potential candidates.
  20. Star Crossed


    Hip-Hop afficionados Mao, Skinny, Hitler, Bush, Yeltsin and Stefani unite to support this thread. They don't think the thread should be deleted, lest Snoop Dogg, Skinnyman or one of their peers get "capped" sometime; they're just shameless self-publicists who'll go to any lengths to get their photo on DeathList.
  21. Star Crossed

    Steve Prescott

    'Fraid not, but I do know that he received his M.D. from Baylor College of Medicine in 1973 and he started whittling in 1982. At around the same time, he started drawing fantasy cartoons. Recently, he's been working as Art Editor at CFOEurope.com
  22. Star Crossed

    Sir Patrick Moore

    No confusion necessary. It seems NAP deleted about 10-12 posts, mostly the rampant off-topic idle chit-chat by his pet posters, Windsor, Banshees and CP, which took up a full page of this thread last night. I think he also deleted some of mine and Godot's Lebowski stylings, which came after the full page of kiddy sh*t. Which is fair enough, I asked for it to be deleted, as it was only the remnants of our off-topic rant-based rantings. So then NAP comes back with some vicious schoolteacher jibe. Must have been scratching his nutsack head all morning thinking that one up. lol Windsor, "no such thing as intelligent comedy"; did you get that sh*t off the back of a Weetabix packet, or was it the pop-psychology-phrase-a-day toilet paper you got for Christmas? Watch Lebowski sometime and get yourself an education. Then watch The Usual Suspects. Then go beddy-byes. Would a proper Moderator do some pruning, get this f*cking thread back on topic, pretty please with F*****g sugar and a glacé cherry on top, or does this become the new Dickie O' thread? It's up to you.
  23. Star Crossed

    Sir Patrick Moore

    Yeah man, it really tied the thread together... Unfortunately, Godot, only you and I seem to understand how hilariously funny and clever (albeit off-topic) our Lebowski-based exchanges have been. [rant]I didn't want to post again but, at the risk of being obtuse, I must say it's a shame that NAP seems to have lowered himself by taking exceptionally public exception, once more, to my attempts at relevance to both your film references and the actual subject matter, which is odd given the kids' trivial attempts at ironic whoring further up this page. So please, NAP, do your job of Moderating this thread which, quite frankly, I could do better; delete away, and chuck in a warning for me as well if it gets that monkey off your back... at least you'll be championing some of the membership's interests, eh? Then revert to suffering in impotent silence, or complicity as it seems, as the kids continue to spam your forums with utter drivel, until the next time common sense prevails and someone like me tries to get things back on track before being flamed for trying to show a little respect to the letter, and spirit, of the thread.[/rant] This is not 'nam. This is the Patrick Moore thread. There are (unwritten) rules. Any news on Sir Patrick? Not news as such, but I have just read his 1972 book "Can You Speak Venusian?"; a cracking read, extremely witty.
  24. Star Crossed

    DeathList "Dead" Chat!

    It now shows that I'm in, but I'm not. I tried to get in, but it still just comes up blank with the message "load: class Client not found". Hmmm...

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